path: root/src/js/world-staff.js
blob: 2181881a06b1ac7c3092b965a44deb07406e74ec (plain)
  1. //Load common code that includes config, then load the app logic for this page.
  2. requirejs(['./slippymap'], function(_foo) {
  3. requirejs.config({
  4. baseUrl: '../../js/lib',
  5. });
  6. requirejs(['app/mapfactory'], function(mkmap) {
  7. L.Icon.Default.imagePath = '../../img/leaflet/';
  8. var map = mkmap('content');
  9. requirejs([
  10. 'app/places',
  11. 'json!data/staff.json',
  12. 'app/position'
  13. ], function(places, data, hook) {
  14. map.addLayer(places(data));
  15. hook(map);
  16. });
  17. });
  18. });