path: root/config-dgih
blob: 5daa6489257d5bb9d42641e83f7595cced229efd (plain)
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Name and (if wanted) default IP address of system
  3. hostname="vagabonden"
  4. domainname=""
  5. #hostdefaultip=""
  6. suite="sarge"
  7. baseworkdir="/home/VAGABONDEN"
  8. # Hosts used for several services like syslog and network filesystems
  9. diskhost="lager"
  10. loghost="log"
  11. dns_server=""
  12. targettemp="$baseworkdir/tmproot"
  13. targettemp_fat="$baseworkdir/tmpfatroot"
  14. targettemp_isofs="$baseworkdir/tmpisoroot"
  15. targetoffline="$baseworkdir/flashybrid-off"
  16. # Set to one or more (space-delimited, max 4) of these:
  17. # SYSLINUX
  18. # ISOLINUX (not yet implemented)
  19. # GRUB (installs, but fails to load 2nd stage - please help! )
  20. # LILO (not yet implemented)
  21. # First one will be used by default (hit "a" at MBR promt to select)
  22. # FIXME: fdisk code unfinished: leave it as "SYSLINUX GRUB" for now!
  23. #bootloaders="SYSLINUX GRUB"
  24. bootloaders="GRUB"
  25. # Uncomment one or more of these
  26. # (DFSBUILD, MKINITRD_CD and MKINITRD_NETBOOT not yet implemented)
  27. FLASHYBRID="yes"
  28. #DFSBUILD="yes"
  29. #MKINITRD_CD="yes"
  31. # Set this empty to avoid dhcp client altogether
  32. DHCPCLIENT="dhcp3"
  33. #DHCPCLIENT="udhcpc"
  34. # Set to one of the following:
  35. # ext2 (recommended!)
  36. # ext3
  37. # isofs (not yet supported)
  38. ROOTFS="ext2"
  39. # Set to prioritized list of filesystems you want used on the stick
  40. # (USB sticks have limited write count: avoid journalling filesystems)
  41. # (SYSLINUX use only 8.3 filenames, so msdos might be better than vfat)
  42. selectable_filesystems="ext2 vfat"
  43. # If enabled, this will get get attached to /disk (needed by FLASHYBRID)
  44. diskdev_host="${diskhost:+$diskhost:$baseworkdir/flashybrid-off}"
  45. diskdev_target="$diskdev_host"
  46. diskfs="nfs"
  47. # Ordered list of all APT sources (if different from DEFAULT and HOST)
  48. #aptsources="base security jones"
  49. # URI and components of base APT repository as seen on target (if different from host setup)
  50. # (remember to enable nfs if using "file:/pub/...")
  51. aptsource_base_target=""
  52. #aptsource_base_target="file:/pub/mirrors/debian/"
  53. aptsource_security_target=""
  54. # Device name (or NFS share) to mount to "/pub" (if different from HOST)
  55. pubdev_target="$diskhost:/pub"
  56. # Define this to redirect all log output to another host
  57. loghost="$loghost"
  58. # Packages to install beyond the bare minimum
  59. aptitude_install="initrd-tools"
  60. aptitude_kernel_install="kernel-image-2.4-386"
  61. aptitude_install_custom="mc less ssh syslog-ng"
  62. #This one needs to be installed separately from daemons
  63. #aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom file-rc"
  64. # Boot helper apps
  65. aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom memtest86+ udev usbutils resolvconf module-init-tools"
  66. # Admin helper apps (e.g. for reading gzip'ed files through mc)
  67. aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom mime-support file"
  68. # You probably won't need this (needed for framebuffer-based infoscreen)
  69. #aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install ppmtofb netpbm python"
  70. # You probably won't need this (needed for X11-based infoscreen)
  71. # (libxmuu1 is for locally added "xset" binary taken from xbase-clients)
  72. aptitude_install_custom="$aptitude_install_custom xfonts-base xserver-xfree86 libxmuu1 launchtool unclutter qiv"
  73. diskstore="$flashybrid_diskstore /usr/X11R6/man"
  74. # Kernel modules to load at boot time
  75. modules_load="via-rhine"
  76. # Uncomment this to ease tracing configuration tweaks
  77. trace="yes"