path: root/config-HOST
blob: 26edb54069d2d2a96b91631f7548d2ded84d90b1 (plain)
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. mountpoint="/mnt/usbstick"
  3. # This may change each time you switch USB stick on the host
  4. usbdev_host="/dev/sda"
  5. # These usually do not change
  6. usbdev_target="/dev/sda"
  7. usbdev_grub="hd0"
  8. # Ordered list of all APT sources (if different from DEFAULT)
  9. #aptsources="base security jones"
  10. aptsources="base security"
  11. # URI of base APT repository (if different from DEFAULT)
  12. # TODO: Check if cdebootstrap (like debootstrap) can somehow use file:/ URI
  13. aptsource_base_host="file:/pub/mirrors/debian/"
  14. # cdebootstrap seem to only support http URI (unlike chroot'et aptitude)
  15. aptsource_base_cdebootstrap=""
  16. # Default list of components (if not just "main")
  17. #aptsource_base_components="main contrib non-free"
  18. # URI and components of additional APT sources (if different from DEFAULT)
  19. #aptsource_security_host="file:/pub/mirrors/debian-security/"
  20. #aptsource_jones_host=""
  21. #aptsource_jones_components="kernels misc"
  22. # Device name (or NFS share) to mount to "/pub"
  23. pubdev_host=""
  24. # Device type for "/pub"
  25. pubfs="nfs"