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  11. <td height="400" valign="middle" bgcolor="#333333">
  12. <p class="no1"><font color="#99FF33"><strong>XpositionREVERSE</strong></font>
  13. is a digital chamber performance about position and identity on and with
  14. the Internet.<br>
  15. A performance presented live simultaneous in Aarhus and Gothenburg - and
  16. in the same time is streamed and broadcasted on the Internet.<br>
  17. <br>
  18. <font color="#99FF33"><strong>XpositionREVERSE</strong></font> is a surrealistic
  19. and humorous montage of new written text, dance, video, electro acoustic
  20. music and streamed bits.<br>
  21. A modern <em>Gesamtkunstwerk</em>, placing itself somewhere between installation
  22. and the intimate chamber play.<br>
  23. Inspired by cabaret, sitcoms and cosy evenings on the couch.<br>
  24. <br>
  25. <font color="#99FF33"><strong>XpositionREVERSE</strong></font> is a complex
  26. creation about being outside and excluded contra to be inside and included.
  27. About being in the centre of the events contra being in the periphery.<br>
  28. <br>
  29. The performance is about the modern man's need to be &#8221;on&#8221;
  30. and wish for &#8221;15 minutes of fame&#8221;. But do we only exist if
  31. we are seen, filmed and are placed in the focus point of the media lens?
  32. What defines centre and where is it placed? And what will happen, if focus
  33. is moved and periphery and centre is swapping place?<br>
  34. <br>
  35. <br>
  36. <strong><br>
  37. To be another place. Another position. Xposition.<br>
  38. To expose oneself. Exposure. Exposition. </strong></p>
  39. <p class="no1"><strong>Download pressinfo <a href="Pressemeddelelse2_XposR_06.doc" target="_blank">here</a><br>
  40. Download pressphoto <a href="xpositionrev.jpg" target="_blank">here</a><br>
  41. <br>
  42. </strong></p></td>
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