path: root/wcald
diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <>2011-10-06 13:35:32 +0200
committerJonas Smedegaard <>2011-10-06 13:35:32 +0200
commit9ec00e457a192cdaeddd753617c5b1a8126001ec (patch)
treed4e491a5763ab084ac976081307c9021a54cb43a /wcald
parentac255291751e2d635992b5a0ebc4b5f203a888b0 (diff)
Drop a bunch of obsolete scripts.
Diffstat (limited to 'wcald')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3688 deletions
diff --git a/wcald b/wcald
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d7b8d2..0000000
--- a/wcald
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3688 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Wcal 2.0 copyright by Joël Savignon <>.
-# Released under GNU General Public License (GPL).
-# TAB size 4
-require 5.004;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Date::Manip;
-use Socket;
-use strict;
-no strict 'refs';
-# These you can edit
-$::CONF_FILE = '/etc/wcal.conf';
-$::MSG_FILE = '/etc/wcal.msg';
-$::DIRECTORY = '/var/www/VIRTUAL/';
-$::DB_DIR = '/var/wcal'; # settable in wcal.conf in 1.x versions
-$::REFRESH_DELAY = 900; # view refreshed every 900 seconds = 15 minutes
-$::PATH_BASENAME = 'wcal'; # last component of the wcal directory name
-# Values below affect the proportions of the frames
-$::FIRST_HOUR = 8;
-$::LAST_HOUR = 23;
-$::FIRST_DAY = 'monday';
-# Colors
-$::THCOLOR = '#E2E3FC';
-$::TDCOLOR = '#D9F4F4';
-$::BG_TDCOLOR = '#F2F3FC';
-$::ERROR_COLOR = '#e06060';
-@::EVENT_COLS = ('#D9F4F4','#FFFFAA','#AAFFFF','#FFAAFF','#FFAAAA','#AAAAFF','#AAFFAA','#80FFE0','#E080E0','#C0DCC0','#C0C0C0','#FF0080','#A4C8F0','#FF8000','#FF80C0','#8080C0','#FFFFFF');
-# No need to touch these
-$::MAX_DURATION = 21; # maximum duration of an event in days
-$::CURRENT_DB_VERSION = 2; # Wcal 1.00 had version 1 databases
-$::HTTP_HEADER = "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
-# internationalization
-sub __
- my $str = shift;
- return $::msgs->{$str}->{$::REMOTE_LANG} || $str;
-# fusion
-sub strcal
- if ($::query->{'cal'})
- {
- return "&cal=".join("&cal=",split(/\n/,$::query->{'cal'}));
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-sub lncal
- my $year = shift;
- my $week = shift;
- if ($::query->{'cal'})
- {
- my $str = $::BASE_URL.'/fusion.cgi?t=links&cal='.join("&cal=",split(/\n/,$::query->{'cal'}));
- if ($year && $week)
- {
- $str .= '&year='.$year.'&week='.$week;
- }
- return "<a onClick='\"$str\", \"links\", \"toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=250,height=200,resizable=yes\"); return false' href=\"$str\" target=\"_top\">$::LONG_NAME</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- return $::LONG_NAME;
- }
-# Query string decoder, ripped from CGI_Lite
-sub decode_url_encoded_data ($) {
- my ($reference_data) = @_;
- my ($code, $self);
- $code = <<'End_of_URL_Decode';
- my (@key_value_pairs, $delimiter, $key_value, $key, $value);
- @key_value_pairs = ();
- return unless ($$reference_data);
- $delimiter = '&';
- $$reference_data =~ tr/+/ /;
- @key_value_pairs = split (/$delimiter/, $$reference_data);
- foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs) {
- ($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value, 2);
- $key =~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/chr (hex ($1))/eg;
- $value =~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/chr (hex ($1))/eg;
-# print Socket "'$key':'$value'\n";
- if ($self->{$key})
- {
- $self->{$key} .= "\n$value";
- }
- else
- {
- $self->{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- eval ($code);
- return $self;
-# And encoder, ripped too
-sub url_encode
- my $string = shift;
- my $str1 = '([\x00-\x20"#%;<>?{}|\\\\^~`\[\]\x7F-\xFF])';
- $string =~ s/$str1/
- sprintf ('%%%x', ord ($1))/eg;
- return $string;
-sub strip_space ($) {
- my ($s) = @_;
- $s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- return $s;
-sub wday_to_dmwday ($) {
- my ($wday) = @_;
- if ($::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday') {
- return ($wday + 1);
- } else {
- if ($wday == 0) {
- return 7;
- } else {
- return $wday;
- }
- }
-sub dmwday_to_wday ($) {
- my ($dmwday) = @_;
- return ($::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ?
- $dmwday - 1 :
- $dmwday % 7);
-sub get_now () {
- if (! defined $::now_cache) {
- my (@n);
- @n = &UnixDate (&ParseDate ('now'), $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L", "%m", "%d", $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U", "%w");
- $::now_cache = {
- 'year' => $n[0] + 0,
- 'month' => $n[1] + 0,
- 'day' => $n[2] + 0,
- 'week' => $n[3] + 0,
- 'wday' => dmwday_to_wday ($n[4]) };
- }
- return $::now_cache;
-sub get_next_year_week ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d", $year, $week);
- if (! defined $::nyw_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($y, $w);
- ($y, $w) = &UnixDate (&DateCalc ("$::FIRST_DAY week $week in $year", "+ 7 days"), $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L", $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U");
- $::nyw_cache{$cacheid} = [$y + 0, $w + 0];
- }
- return @{$::nyw_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_prev_year_week ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d", $year, $week);
- if (! defined $::pyw_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($y, $w);
- ($y, $w) = &UnixDate (&DateCalc ("$::FIRST_DAY week $week in $year", "- 7 days"), $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L", $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U");
- $::pyw_cache{$cacheid} = [$y + 0, $w + 0];
- }
- return @{$::pyw_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_month_day_by_firstday_year_week ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d", $year, $week);
- if (! defined $::md_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = &UnixDate (&ParseDate ("$::FIRST_DAY week $week in $year"), "%m", "%d");
- $::md_cache{$cacheid} = [$month + 0, $day + 0];
- }
- return @{$::md_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($$$) {
- my ($wday, $year, $week) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d%1d", $year, $week, $wday);
- if (! defined $::md2_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = &UnixDate (&ParseDate ($::weekdays2[$wday] . " week $week in $year"), "%m", "%d");
- $::md2_cache{$cacheid} = [$month + 0, $day + 0];
- }
- return @{$::md2_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_year_week_by_firstday_year_week_minus_days ($$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $days) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d%10d", $year, $week, $days);
- if (! defined $::yw_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($ryear, $rweek);
- ($ryear, $rweek) = &UnixDate (&DateCalc ("$::FIRST_DAY week $week in $year", "- $days days"), $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L", $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U");
- $::yw_cache{$cacheid} = [$ryear + 0, $rweek + 0];
- }
- return @{$::yw_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub week_wday_by_year_month_day ($$$) {
- my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d%2d", $year, $month, $day);
- if (! defined $::ww_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($week, $wday);
- ($week, $wday) = &UnixDate (&ParseDate ("$month/$day/$year"), $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U", "%w");
- $::ww_cache{$cacheid} = [$week + 0, dmwday_to_wday ($wday)];
- }
- return @{$::ww_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_start_end_by_year_week_wday_duration ($$$$) {
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d%2d%03d", $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- if (! defined $::se_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($startmonth, $startday, $endyear, $endweek, $endwday, $endmonth, $endday);
- ($startmonth, $startday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($startwday, $startyear, $startweek);
- ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday) =
- &UnixDate (&DateCalc (&ParseDate (sprintf ("%04d-W%02d-%1d", $startyear, $startweek, wday_to_dmwday ($startwday))),
- "+ " . ($duration - 1) . " days"),
- $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L", $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U", "%w");
- $endwday = dmwday_to_wday ($endwday);
- ($endmonth, $endday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($endwday, $endyear, $endweek);
- $::se_cache{$cacheid} =
- [
- $startmonth + 0, $startday + 0,
- $endyear + 0, $endweek + 0, dmwday_to_wday ($endwday),
- $endmonth + 0, $endday + 0
- ];
- }
- return @{$::se_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days ($$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $days) = @_;
- my ($cacheid);
- $cacheid = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d%10d", $year, $week, $wday, $days);
- if (! defined $::yww_cache{$cacheid}) {
- my ($nyear, $nweek, $nwday);
- ($nyear, $nweek, $nwday) =
- &UnixDate (&DateCalc (sprintf ("%04d-W%02d-%1d", $year, $week, wday_to_dmwday ($wday)),
- "+ $days days"),
- $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%G": "%L",
- $::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday' ? "%W" : "%U",
- "%w");
- $::yww_cache{$cacheid} = [$nyear + 0, $nweek + 0, dmwday_to_wday ($nwday)];
- }
- return @{$::yww_cache{$cacheid}};
-sub fit_in_week ($$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday);
- ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday) =
- get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days
- ($year, $week, $wday, $duration-1);
- if ($endyear != $year or $endweek != $week) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-sub fit_in_month ($$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($month, $day);
- my ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday);
- my ($endmonth, $endday);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday) =
- get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days
- ($year, $week, $wday, $duration-1);
- ($endmonth, $endday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($endwday, $endyear, $endweek);
- if ($endyear != $year or $endmonth != $month) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-sub clipboard_set ($$) {
- my ($key, $data_ref) = @_;
- $::clipboard{$key} = $data_ref;
- return;
-sub clipboard_get ($) {
- my ($key) = @_;
- if (defined $::clipboard{$key}) {
- return $::clipboard{$key};
- } else {
- return '';
- }
-sub format_hour ($) {
- my ($hour) = @_;
- if ($::CLOCK eq '24-hour') {
- return ($hour + 0);
- } else {
- my ($newhour);
- $newhour = $hour;
- $newhour = 24 if $hour == 0;
- $newhour -= 12 if $hour > 12;
- return ($newhour + 0) . ($hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
- }
-sub format_hour_padded ($) {
- my ($hour) = @_;
- if ($::CLOCK eq '24-hour') {
- return sprintf ("%02d", $hour);
- } else {
- my ($newhour);
- $newhour = $hour;
- $newhour = 24 if $hour == 0;
- $newhour -= 12 if $hour > 12;
- return sprintf ("%02d", $newhour) . ($hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
- }
-sub format_time ($$) {
- my ($hour, $min) = @_;
- if ($::CLOCK eq '24-hour') {
- return ($hour + 0) . ":" . sprintf ("%02d", $min);
- } else {
- my ($newhour);
- $newhour = $hour;
- $newhour = 24 if $hour == 0;
- $newhour -= 12 if $hour > 12;
- return ($newhour + 0) . ":" . sprintf ("%02d", $min) . ($hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
- }
-sub format_time_padded ($$) {
- my ($hour, $min) = @_;
- if ($::CLOCK eq '24-hour') {
- return sprintf ("%02d", $hour) . ":" . sprintf ("%02d", $min);
- } else {
- my ($newhour);
- $newhour = $hour;
- $newhour = 24 if $hour == 0;
- $newhour -= 12 if $hour > 12;
- return sprintf ("%02d", $newhour) . ":" . sprintf ("%02d", $min) . ($hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
- }
-sub format_alarm_type {
- my ($type, $single) = @_;
- if ($type == 1)
- {
- if ($single)
- {
- return __("minute");
- }
- else
- {
- return __("minutes");
- }
- }
- elsif ($type == 2)
- {
- if ($single)
- {
- return __("heure");
- }
- else
- {
- return __("heures");
- }
- }
- elsif ($type == 3)
- {
- if ($single)
- {
- return __("jour");
- }
- else
- {
- return __("jours");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-sub img_alarm {
- my ($val, $type, $chk) = @_;
- if ($val)
- {
- my $img = ($chk ? "alarm2" : "alarm");
- return ' <IMG SRC="'. $::IMG_URL . '/' . $img . '.gif" ALT="'.__("Alarme")." : ".$val." ".format_alarm_type($type, ($val == 1)).'">';
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-sub img_note {
- my ($data) = @_;
- if ($data)
- {
- $data =~ s/<BR>/ /mg;
- return ' <IMG SRC="' . $::IMG_URL . '/note.gif" ALT="'.__("Note")." : ".$data.'">';
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-sub txt_alarm {
- my ($val, $type, $chk) = @_;
- if ($val)
- {
- my $col = ($chk ? "#00AA00" : "#FF0000");
- return '<BR><FONT COLOR="'.$col.'">'.__("Alarme")." : ".$val." ".format_alarm_type($type, ($val == 1)).'</FONT>';
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-sub has_html ($) {
- my ($text) = @_;
- return $text =~ /[<>&]/;
-sub newline_to_html ($) {
- my ($text) = @_;
- $text =~ s/\015\012/<BR>/sg;
- return $text;
-sub html_to_newline ($) {
- my ($text) = @_;
- $text =~ s/<BR>/\015\012/sg;
- return $text;
-sub events_version ($) {
- my ($events) = @_;
- my ($version);
- $version = $events->[0];
- if (ref $version) {
- $version = 1;
- }
- return $version;
-sub convert_events_from_v1_to_v2 ($$$) {
- my ($events, $year, $week) = @_;
- my ($dayid, $eventhour, $eventid);
- for $dayid (0 .. $#$events) {
- for $eventhour (keys %{$events->[$dayid]}) {
- for $eventid (0 .. $#{$events->[$dayid]->{$eventhour}}) {
- my (@old_event, %new_event);
- @old_event = @{$events->[$dayid]->{$eventhour}->[$eventid]};
- %new_event = (
- 'id' => $old_event[0],
- 'min' => $old_event[1],
- 'lengthmin' => $old_event[2],
- 'title' => $old_event[3],
- 'data' => $old_event[4],
- 'rt' => $old_event[5],
- 'startyear' => $year,
- 'startweek' => $week,
- 'startwday' => $dayid,
- 'duration' => 1
- );
- $events->[$dayid]->{$eventhour}->[$eventid] = \%new_event;
- }
- }
- }
- # insert version number into beginning of the array
- unshift (@$events, $::CURRENT_DB_VERSION);
- return;
-sub read_events ($;$$) {
- my ($rt, $year, $week) = @_;
- my ($filename, $now);
- my @filenames;
- my $id;
- my ($refs, $ref, $old_slash);
- if ($main::DATA_ID)
- {
- if ($rt eq 'n') {
- $filename = sprintf "$::DB_DIR/w-$main::DATA_ID-%04d%02d.db", $year, $week;
- } else {
- $filename = "$::DB_DIR/r$rt-$main::DATA_ID.db";
- }
- if (open F, $filename) {
- $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $refs = eval (<F>);
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close F;
- # backwards compatibility
- if (events_version ($refs) < 2) {
- $now = get_now ();
- convert_events_from_v1_to_v2 ($refs, $year || $now->{'year'}, $week || $now->{'week'});
- }
- shift @$refs;
- }
- }
- elsif ($main::DATA_IDS)
- {
- my $cl = 0;
- foreach $id (split(/\n/,$main::DATA_IDS))
- {
- $cl++;
- if ($rt eq 'n') {
- $filename = sprintf "$::DB_DIR/w-$id-%04d%02d.db", $year, $week;
- } else {
- $filename = "$::DB_DIR/r$rt-$id.db";
- }
- if (open F, $filename) {
- $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $ref = eval (<F>);
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close F;
- # backwards compatibility
- if (events_version ($ref) < 2) {
- $now = get_now ();
- convert_events_from_v1_to_v2 ($ref, $year || $now->{'year'}, $week || $now->{'week'});
- }
- shift @$ref;
- # add cal index
- my $i;
- my $key;
- my $val;
- my $vl;
- for ($i=0; $i < ($rt eq 'm' ? 32 : 7); $i++)
- {
- while (($key, $val) = each (%{@{$ref}[$i]}))
- {
- foreach $vl (@{$val})
- {
- %{$vl}->{cal} = $cl;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$refs)
- {
- $refs = $ref;
- next;
- }
- # fusion
- for ($i=0; $i < ($rt eq 'm' ? 32 : 7); $i++)
- {
- while (($key, $val) = each (%{@{$ref}[$i]}))
- {
- if (%{@{$refs}[$i]}->{$key})
- {
- push @{%{@{$refs}[$i]}->{$key}}, @{$val};
- }
- else
- {
- @{%{@{$refs}[$i]}->{$key}} = @{$val};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($refs)
- {
- return $refs;
- } elsif ($rt eq 'n' or $rt eq 'w') {
- return [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ];
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- # let's give month 32 days to make sure
- return [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ]
- }
- # can't happen
-sub write_events ($$;$$) {
- my ($weekdata, $rt, $year, $week) = @_;
- my ($filename);
- if ($rt eq 'n') {
- if (! defined $year or ! $year or ! defined $week or ! $week) {
- return "The file type is no-repeat, but week or year not given, or zero.";
- }
- $filename = sprintf "$::DB_DIR/w-${main::DATA_ID}-%04d%02d.db", $year, $week;
- # Remove cached week file
- unlink sprintf ("$::DB_DIR/cache/w-${main::DATA_ID}-%04d%02d.html", $year, $week);
- } else {
- my (@files);
- $filename = "$::DB_DIR/r$rt-${main::DATA_ID}.db";
- # Remove all cached week files
- if (opendir (TDH, "$::DB_DIR/cache")) {
- @files = grep { /^w-${main::DATA_ID}-\d{6}\.html$/ } readdir (TDH);
- closedir TDH;
- for (@files) {
- unlink "$::DB_DIR/cache/$_";
- }
- }
-# add the version identifier
-unshift (@$weekdata, $::CURRENT_DB_VERSION);
-if (open F, ">$filename") {
- $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
- flock (F, 2);
- print F Dumper ($weekdata);
- flock (F, 8);
- close F;
- return '';
-} else {
- return "File $filename can't be opened for writing: $!";
-# and remove the version identifier again
-shift @$weekdata;
-sub read_general () {
- my ($week) = @_;
- if (-f "$::DB_DIR/general.db" and ! -r "$::DB_DIR/general.db") {
- return "No write permission for file $::DB_DIR/general.db";
- }
- if (open F, "$::DB_DIR/general.db") {
- my ($ref, $old_slash);
- $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $ref = eval (<F>);
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close F;
- if ($@) {
- return "Error in processing file $::DB_DIR/general.db: $@";
- } else {
- return $ref;
- }
- } else {
- return { 'highid' => 56 };
- }
-sub write_general ($) {
- my ($gendata) = @_;
- if (open F, ">$::DB_DIR/general.db") {
- $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
- flock (F, 2);
- print F Dumper ($gendata);
- flock (F, 8);
- close F;
- return '';
- } else {
- return "File $::DB_DIR/general.db can't be opened for writing: $!";
- }
-# Print year, month and day in chosen date format
-sub pd_year_month_day ($$$) {
- my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
- my ($t);
- $t = $::DATE_FORMAT;
- if ($t == 1) {
- return "$day.$month.$year";
- } elsif ($t == 2) {
- return "$month/$day/$year";
- } elsif ($t == 3) {
- return "$day/$month/$year";
- } elsif ($t == 4) {
- return "$year/$month/$day";
- } elsif ($t == 5) {
- return "$year-$month-$day";
- } elsif ($t == 5) {
- return sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day);
- } else {
- return "[DATE TYPE $t]";
- }
-sub pd_month_day ($$) {
- my ($month, $day) = @_;
- my ($t);
- $t = $::DATE_FORMAT;
- if ($t == 1) {
- return "$day.$month";
- } elsif ($t == 2) {
- return "$month/$day";
- } elsif ($t == 3) {
- return "$day/$month";
- } elsif ($t == 4) {
- return "$month/$day";
- } elsif ($t == 5) {
- return "$month-$day";
- } elsif ($t == 6) {
- return sprintf ("%02d%02d", $month, $day);
- } else {
- return "[DATE TYPE $t]";
- }
-sub pd_month_day_padded ($$) {
- my ($month, $day) = @_;
- my ($t);
- $t = $::DATE_FORMAT;
- if ($t == 1) {
- return sprintf "%02d.%02d", $day, $month;
- } elsif ($t == 2) {
- return sprintf "%02d/%02d", $month, $day;
- } elsif ($t == 3) {
- return sprintf "%02d/%02d", $day, $month;
- } elsif ($t == 4) {
- return sprintf "%02d/%02d", $month, $day;
- } elsif ($t == 5) {
- return sprintf "%02d-%02d", $month, $day;
- } elsif ($t == 6) {
- return sprintf "%02d%02d", $month, $day;
- } else {
- return "[DATE TYPE $t]";
- }
-sub pd_single_event_date ($$$$) {
- my ($rt, $year, $week, $wday) = @_;
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- if ($rt eq 'n') {
- return pd_year_month_day ($year, $month, $day);
- } elsif ($rt eq 'w') {
- return __($::weekdays[$wday]);
- } else {
- return $day . ".";
- }
-sub pd_event_date ($$$$$) {
- my ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($ret);
- $ret = '';
- $ret .= pd_single_event_date ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday);
- if ($duration > 1) {
- ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday) =
- get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days
- ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration - 1);
- $ret .= " to " . pd_single_event_date ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday);
- }
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- $ret .= " ".__("hebdomadaire");
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $ret .= " ".__("mensuelle");
- }
- return $ret;
-sub join_days (@) {
- my (@daylist) = @_;
- my (%sum_day, $day_ref, $hour, $event_ref);
- %sum_day = ();
- for $day_ref (@daylist) {
- for $hour (keys %$day_ref) {
- for $event_ref (@{$day_ref->{$hour}}) {
- push @{$sum_day{$hour}}, $event_ref;
- }
- }
- }
- return \%sum_day;
-sub build_day ($$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $day) = @_;
- my ($e_n, $e_rw, $e_rm, $sum_day_ref);
- $e_n = read_events ('n', $year, $week);
- $e_rw = read_events ('w');
- $e_rm = read_events ('m');
- $sum_day_ref = join_days ($e_n->[$wday], $e_rw->[$wday], $e_rm->[$day]);
- return $sum_day_ref;
-sub build_week ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($e_n, $e_rw, $e_rm, @sum_week, $wday);
- $e_n = read_events ('n', $year, $week);
- $e_rw = read_events ('w');
- $e_rm = read_events ('m');
- for $wday (0 .. 6) {
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $sum_week[$wday] = join_days ($e_n->[$wday], $e_rw->[$wday], $e_rm->[$day]);
- }
- return \@sum_week;
-sub build_week_list ($$) {
- my ($start_year, $start_week) = @_;
- my ($week_filename, @weeks, @ret, %weeks);
- my ($e_n, $e_rw, $e_rm, @sum_week);
- my ($cyear, $cweek, $cdate);
- my ($end_year, $end_week, $end_date);
- $e_rw = read_events ('w');
- $e_rm = read_events ('m');
- if ($main::DATA_ID)
- {
- if (! opendir (DIR, $::DB_DIR)) {
- return "can't open $::DB_DIR for reading: $!";
- }
- # gather all week filenames, 199805, 199806, 199807 ... 199851
- @weeks = map { /^w-$main::DATA_ID-(\d{4}\d{2})\.db$/ && $1 }
- grep { /^w-$main::DATA_ID-(\d{4}\d{2})\.db$/ &&
- $1 >= sprintf ("%04d%02d", $start_year, $start_week) }
- sort readdir(DIR);
- close DIR;
- }
- else
- {
- my $id;
- my @wks;
- foreach $id (split(/\n/,$main::DATA_IDS))
- {
- if (! opendir (DIR, $::DB_DIR)) {
- return "can't open $::DB_DIR for reading: $!";
- }
- # gather all week filenames, 199805, 199806, 199807 ... 199851
- @wks = map { /^w-$id-(\d{4}\d{2})\.db$/ && $1 }
- grep { /^w-$id-(\d{4}\d{2})\.db$/ &&
- $1 >= sprintf ("%04d%02d", $start_year, $start_week) }
- sort readdir(DIR);
- close DIR;
- push @weeks, @wks;
- }
- }
- # return immediately if no events
- if (scalar @weeks == 0) {
- return [];
- }
- # figure out the filename of the last week file
- $weeks[$#weeks] =~ /^(....)(..)$/;
- ($end_year, $end_week) = ($1, $2);
- $end_date = sprintf ("%04d%02d", $end_year, $end_week);
- # generate an array of filenames between first and last week filename into %weeks
- $cyear = $start_year; $cweek = $start_week;
- $cdate = sprintf "%04d%02d", $cyear, $cweek;
- do {
- $weeks{$cdate} = $weeks[0] == $cdate ? shift @weeks : 0;
- ($cyear, $cweek) = get_next_year_week ($cyear, $cweek);
- $cdate = sprintf "%04d%02d", $cyear, $cweek;
- } while ($cdate le $end_date);
- @ret = ();
- for $week_filename (sort keys %weeks) {
- my ($year, $week, @sum_week);
- $week_filename =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)/;
- ($year, $week) = ($1, $2);
- # if $weeks{$week_filename} has true value, then there are week
- # events for that week - only in that case we will use the repeat events
- if ($weeks{$week_filename}) {
- my ($e_n, $wday);
- $e_n = read_events ('n', $year, $week);
- # Combine week files and repeat files
- @sum_week = ();
- for $wday (0 .. 6) {
- my ($day, $month);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $sum_week[$wday] = join_days ($e_n->[$wday], $e_rw->[$wday], $e_rm->[$day]);
- }
- } else {
- @sum_week = ( {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ); # ignore repeat events too
- }
- push @ret, [\@sum_week, $year, $week];
- }
- return \@ret;
-sub week_cache_read ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($filename, $data, $old_slash);
- local (*CRFH);
- if (!$main::DATA_ID)
- {
- return undef;
- }
- $filename = sprintf "$::DB_DIR/cache/w-%s-%04d%02d.html", $main::DATA_ID, $year, $week;
- if (! open (CRFH, $filename)) {
- return undef;
- }
- $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $data = <CRFH>;
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close CRFH;
- return \$data;
-sub week_cache_write_open ($$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($dirname, $filename, $cfh);
- $cfh = 'this_is_a_filehandle';
- $dirname = "$::DB_DIR/cache";
- if ($main::DATA_ID)
- {
- $filename = sprintf "%s/w-%s-%04d%02d.html", $dirname, $main::DATA_ID, $year, $week;
- }
- else
- {
- $filename = sprintf "%s/w-fusion-%04d%02d.html", $dirname, $year, $week;
- }
-if (! -e $dirname) {
- if (! mkdir ($dirname, 0770)) {
- my $str1 = "can't create directory $dirname: $!";
- return \$str1;
- }
-if (! open ($cfh, ">$filename")) {
- my $str2 = "can't open file $filename for writing: $!";
- return \$str2;
-flock ($cfh, 2);
-return $cfh;
-sub header_body ($) {
- return \$::H_BODY;
-sub week_cache_write_close ($) {
- my ($fh) = @_;
- if (fileno(F))
- {
- flock (F, 8);
- }
- close $fh;
-sub week_split_events_noon ($) {
- my ($events_ref) = @_;
- my ($e1, $e2, $e3, $day, $hour);
- for (@$events_ref) {
- for $day (0 .. 6) {
- my (%hours);
- %hours = %{$events_ref->[$day]};
- $e1->[$day] = {}; $e2->[$day] = {}; $e3->[$day] = {};
- if (%hours) {
- for $hour (keys %hours) {
- if ($hour == -1)
- {
- $e3->[$day]->{$hour} = $events_ref->[$day]->{$hour};
- }
- elsif ($hour < 12)
- {
- $e1->[$day]->{$hour} = $events_ref->[$day]->{$hour};
- } else
- {
- $e2->[$day]->{$hour} = $events_ref->[$day]->{$hour};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ($e1, $e2, $e3);
-sub week_print_events ($$$$$$) {
- my ($fh, $events_ref, $use_now_wday, $year, $week, $weekdays_ref) = @_;
- my ($day_offset, $day_ref, $hour, $event_ref);
- $day_offset = 0;
- for $day_ref (@$events_ref) {
- if (%$day_ref) {
- print $fh "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\" VALIGN=top>\n";
- print $fh "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
- for $hour (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$day_ref) {
- for $event_ref (@{$day_ref->{$hour}}) {
- print $fh '<tr><td bgcolor="'.$::EVENT_COLS[$event_ref->{'cal'} || 0].'">';
- my ($id, $min, $title, $data, $lengthmin, $rt, $color, $color_end);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $id = $event_ref->{'id'};
- $min = $event_ref->{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $event_ref->{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $event_ref->{'title'};
- $data = $event_ref->{'data'};
- $rt = $event_ref->{'rt'};
- $startyear = $event_ref->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $event_ref->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $event_ref->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $event_ref->{'duration'};
- $alval = $event_ref->{'alval'} || 0;
- $altype = $event_ref->{'altype'} || 0;
- $alchk = $event_ref->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $event_ref->{'strike'} || 0;
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- } else {
- $color = '<FONT SIZE=2>';
- }
- $color_end = "</FONT>";
- my $st = strcal();
- print $fh "<A TARGET=fevent HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=event$st",
- "&id=", $id,
- "&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $day_offset,
- "&hour=", $hour,
- "&min=", $min,
- "&lengthmin=", $lengthmin,
- "&title=", url_encode ($title),
- "&data=", url_encode ($data),
- "&rt=", $rt,
- "&startyear=", $startyear,
- "&startweek=", $startweek,
- "&startwday=", $startwday,
- "&duration=", $duration,
- "&alval=", $alval,
- "&altype=", $altype,
- "&alchk=", $alchk,
- "&strike=", $strike,
- "\">$color",
- $strike ? "<strike><i>" : "",
- $hour == -1 ? "" : ("<b>",format_time ($hour, $min)," - ",format_time (int ($hour + ($min + $lengthmin)/60) % 24, ($min + $lengthmin) % 60),"</b> "),
- $title,
- $strike ? "</i></strike>" : "",
- $color_end, "</A>",
- img_note($data),
- img_alarm($alval, $altype, $alchk),
- "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- }
- print $fh "</table>\n";
- } else {
- print $fh "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=2>&nbsp;</FONT>\n";
- }
- $day_offset++;
- }
- return;
-# CGI input: year, week OR nothing, in which case current date is used
-sub show_week (;$) {
- my ($cacheonly) = @_;
- my ($week, $month, $day, $year, $first_day);
- my ($weekdata, $i, @weekdays, $cached_week_ref, $cache_fh);
- my ($now_date, $now_year, $now_week, $now_wday, $use_now_wday);
- my ($events1, $events2, $events3, $wday_name, $now_ref);
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- if (! defined $year or ! defined $week) {
- my ($ref);
- $ref = get_now ();
- ($year, $week) = ($ref->{'year'}, $ref->{'week'});
- }
- # If the week is in cache, return it
- sw_check_cache:
- $cached_week_ref = week_cache_read ($year, $week);
- if (defined $cached_week_ref) {
- $$cached_week_ref =~ s/X_USER_X/$main::USER/g;
- print Socket $$cached_week_ref;
- return;
- }
- # Find the current day to mark it in the output
- $now_ref = get_now ();
- ($now_year, $now_week, $now_wday) = ($now_ref->{'year'}, $now_ref->{'week'}, $now_ref->{'wday'});
- if ($year == $now_year and $week == $now_week) {
- $use_now_wday = $now_wday + 0;
- } else {
- $use_now_wday = -1;
- }
- if (defined $main::DATA_ID && $main::DATA_ID)
- {
- # Start writing the week into cache
- $cache_fh = week_cache_write_open ($year, $week);
- if (ref $cache_fh) {
- print Socket "<BODY>Internal error: $$cache_fh</BODY>\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- else # fusion
- {
- $cache_fh = "Socket";
- }
- # Build year/month/day information of the required week
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_firstday_year_week ($year, $week);
- $weekdays[0] = [$month, $day];
- for $i (1..6) {
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($i, $year, $week);
- $weekdays[$i] = [$month, $day];
- }
- my $st = strcal();
- print $cache_fh "<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT=\"$::REFRESH_DELAY; url=$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week$st\"></HEAD>\n";
- print $cache_fh $::H_BODY;
- # Determine previous and next year & week
- my ($prev_week, $next_week, $prev_year, $next_year);
- $prev_week = $week - 1; $next_week = $week + 1;
- $prev_year = $next_year = $year;
- if ($prev_week < 2) {
- ($prev_year, $prev_week )= get_prev_year_week ($year, $week);
- } elsif ($next_week > 50) {
- ($next_year, $next_week )= get_next_year_week ($year, $week);
- }
- # cal links for fusion
- my $stl = lncal($year, $week);
- # Output title line
- print $cache_fh "<TABLE COLS=4 BORDER=0 WIDTH=\"100%\" ALIGN=center>\n";
- print $cache_fh "<TR><TH ALIGN=center><FONT SIZE=6><B>$stl</B></FONT></TH>\n";
- print $cache_fh "<TH COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=center><A TARGET=fweek HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=week&year=$prev_year&week=$prev_week$st\"><IMG ALT=\"".__("Semaine précédente")."\" SRC=\"$::IMG_URL/left-arrow.gif\" ALIGN=middle BORDER=0></A>\n";
- print $cache_fh " <A TARGET=fweek HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=week&year=$now_year&week=$now_week$st\"><FONT SIZE=4><B>",sprintf(__("%s Semaine %s Année %s"),__($::months[$month]),$week,$year),"</B></FONT></A> \n";
- print $cache_fh "<A TARGET=fweek HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=week&year=$next_year&week=$next_week$st\"><IMG ALT=\"".__("Semaine suivante")."\" SRC=\"$::IMG_URL/right-arrow.gif\" ALIGN=middle BORDER=0></A></TH>\n";
- print $cache_fh "<TH ALIGN=center><A TARGET=fevent HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=views&year=$year&week=$week$st\">".__("Autres vues")."</A></TH>\n";
- print $cache_fh "</TR></TABLE>\n\n";
- print $cache_fh "<TABLE COLS=7 BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
- print $cache_fh "<TR>\n";
- # Print weekday names
- $i = 0;
- for $wday_name (@main::weekdays_short) {
- my ($color);
- if ($i == $use_now_wday) {
- $color = $::NOW_THCOLOR;
- } else {
- $color = $::THCOLOR;
- }
- if ($i <= 4) {
- print $cache_fh "<TH BGCOLOR=\"$color\">";
- } else {
- print $cache_fh "<TH BGCOLOR=\"$color\">";
- }
- my $st = strcal();
- print $cache_fh "<A TARGET=fday HREF=\"$::MY_URL_XUSER/?t=day&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $i, "$st\">", pd_month_day ($weekdays[$i]->[0], $weekdays[$i]->[1]), " ", __($wday_name), "</A>\n";
- $i++;
- }
- $weekdata = build_week ($year, $week);
- ($events1, $events2, $events3) = week_split_events_noon ($weekdata);
- print $cache_fh "<TR>\n";
- week_print_events ($cache_fh, $events1, $use_now_wday, $year, $week, \@weekdays);
- print $cache_fh "<TR>\n";
- week_print_events ($cache_fh, $events2, $use_now_wday, $year, $week, \@weekdays);
- print $cache_fh "<TR>\n";
- week_print_events ($cache_fh, $events3, $use_now_wday, $year, $week, \@weekdays);
- print $cache_fh "</TABLE>\n</CENTER>\n</BODY>";
- if (defined $main::DATA_ID && $main::DATA_ID)
- {
- # Now the cache should exist, so retry (someone may have removed it meanwhile, but then we just retry)
- week_cache_write_close ($cache_fh);
- goto sw_check_cache;
- }
-sub show_day () {
- my ($day, $month, $week, $year, $wday, $wday_name, $eventsdata, @hours, @thours, $day_ref, $rt);
- my ($now_ref, $now_thcolor, $is_now_day, $hour, $event_ref);
- # see if we are given the day or not - if year exists, assume yes
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- if (! defined $year) {
- my ($now_ref);
- $now_ref = get_now ();
- ($year, $month, $day, $week, $wday) =
- ($now_ref->{'year'}, $now_ref->{'month'}, $now_ref->{'day'}, $now_ref->{'week'}, $now_ref->{'wday'});
- } else {
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $wday = $::query->{'wday'};
- }
- $wday_name = $::weekdays[$wday];
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $day_ref = build_day ($year, $week, $wday, $day);
- # Build list of events on each hour
- @hours = ();
- for $hour (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$day_ref) {
- if ($hour == -1)
- {
- for $event_ref (@{$day_ref->{$hour}}) {
- push @{$hours[24]}, $event_ref;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for $event_ref (@{$day_ref->{$hour}}) {
- push @{$hours[$hour]}, $event_ref;
- }
- }
- }
- # Count how many events will be on each row
- my ($max_c, $cols, @rows);
- $max_c = 0;
- @rows = (0) x ($::LAST_HOUR + 1);
- for $hour ($::FIRST_HOUR .. $::LAST_HOUR) {
- if ($hours[$hour]) {
- for $event_ref (@{$hours[$hour]}) {
- my ($lengthmin, $min, $end_hour, $h);
- $lengthmin = $event_ref->{'lengthmin'};
- $min = $event_ref->{'min'};
- $end_hour = $hour + int (($lengthmin + $min - 1) / 60) % 24;
- for $h ($hour .. $end_hour) {
- my ($c);
- $c = ++$rows[$h];
- if ($c > $max_c) {
- $max_c = $c;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $max_c = 1 if $max_c == 0;
- $cols = $max_c + 1;
- $now_ref = get_now ();
- if ($now_ref->{'year'} == $year and $now_ref->{'month'} == $month and $now_ref->{'day'} == $day) {
- $is_now_day = 1;
- } else {
- $is_now_day = 0;
- }
- if ($is_now_day) {
- $now_thcolor = $::NOW_THCOLOR;
- } else {
- $now_thcolor = $::THCOLOR;
- }
- my $st = strcal();
- print Socket "<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT=\"$::REFRESH_DELAY; url=$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday$st\"></HEAD>\n";
- print Socket "<BASE TARGET=fevent>\n";
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"90%\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH WIDTH=10><TH COLSPAN=$max_c WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD COLSPAN=$cols BGCOLOR=\"$now_thcolor\" ALIGN=center><B>", pd_year_month_day ($year, $month, $day), " ", __("$wday_name")."</B>\n";
- if (defined $::READ_ONLY and $::READ_ONLY ne 'true' and clipboard_get ($::REMOTE_USER)) {
- print Socket "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=paste_event&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday$st\">[".__("Coller")."]</A>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TD>\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\">\n";
- if ($::READ_ONLY ne 'true') {
- print Socket "<A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=add_edit$st",
- "&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $wday, "&hour=-1\">";
- print Socket "&gt;</A>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print Socket "&gt;\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\"";
- if ($max_c > 1)
- {
- print Socket "COLSPAN=\"$max_c\"";
- }
- print Socket "><table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
- my $isev = 0;
- my $sthour;
- my $sttime;
- for $hour (0 .. $::FIRST_HOUR-1, $::LAST_HOUR+1 .. 25)
- {
- if ($hours[$hour])
- {
- $isev = 1;
- my (@events, $event_ref);
- @events = @{$hours[$hour]};
- for $event_ref (@events) {
- my ($id, $min, $title, $data, $lengthmin, $rcolor, $rcolor_end);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $id = $event_ref->{'id'};
- $min = $event_ref->{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $event_ref->{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $event_ref->{'title'};
- $data = $event_ref->{'data'};
- $rt = $event_ref->{'rt'};
- $startyear = $event_ref->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $event_ref->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $event_ref->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $event_ref->{'duration'};
- $alval = $event_ref->{'alval'} || 0;
- $altype = $event_ref->{'altype'} || 0;
- $alchk = $event_ref->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $event_ref->{'strike'} || 0;
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- $rcolor = "<FONT COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_WEEK_TEXTCOLOR\">";
- $rcolor_end = "</FONT>";
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $rcolor_end = "</FONT>";
- } else {
- $rcolor = $rcolor_end = '';
- }
- if ($hour == 24)
- {
- $sthour = -1;
- $sttime = "";
- }
- else
- {
- $sthour = $hour;
- $sttime = "<b>".format_time($hour, $min)." - ".format_time(int($hour + ($min + $lengthmin)/60) % 24, ($min + $lengthmin) % 60)."</b> ";
- }
- print Socket '<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$::EVENT_COLS[$event_ref->{'cal'} || 0].'" ROWSPAN=', int (($lengthmin + $min + 59) / 60) % 24, "><FONT SIZE=2>",
- "<P><A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=", $id,
- "&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $wday,
- "&hour=", $sthour, "&min=", $min,
- "&lengthmin=", $lengthmin,
- "&title=", url_encode ($title),
- "&data=", url_encode ($data),
- "&rt=", $rt,
- "&startyear=", $startyear,
- "&startweek=", $startweek,
- "&startwday=", $startwday,
- "&duration=", $duration,
- "&alval=", $alval,
- "&altype=", $altype,
- "&alchk=", $alchk,
- "&strike=", $strike,
- "$st\">", $rcolor,
- $strike ? "<strike><i>" : "",
- $sttime, $title,
- $strike ? "</i></strike>" : "",
- $rcolor_end, "</A>",
- img_note($data), img_alarm($alval, $altype, $alchk), "</TD></TR>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- print Socket "</table>";
- if (!$isev)
- {
- print Socket "&nbsp;\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TD></TR>\n";
- for $hour ($::FIRST_HOUR .. $::LAST_HOUR) {
- #
- # Print hour
- #
- print Socket "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=2>";
- if ($::READ_ONLY ne 'true') {
- print Socket "<A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=add_edit$st",
- "&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $wday, "&hour=", $hour, "\">";
- }
- print Socket format_hour_padded ($hour);
- if ($::READ_ONLY ne 'true') {
- print Socket "</A>\n";
- }
- #
- # Print events for this hour
- #
- if ($hours[$hour]) {
- my (@events, $event_ref);
- @events = @{$hours[$hour]};
- for $event_ref (@events) {
- my ($id, $min, $title, $data, $lengthmin, $rcolor, $rcolor_end);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $id = $event_ref->{'id'};
- $min = $event_ref->{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $event_ref->{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $event_ref->{'title'};
- $data = $event_ref->{'data'};
- $rt = $event_ref->{'rt'};
- $startyear = $event_ref->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $event_ref->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $event_ref->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $event_ref->{'duration'};
- $alval = $event_ref->{'alval'} || 0;
- $altype = $event_ref->{'altype'} || 0;
- $alchk = $event_ref->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $event_ref->{'strike'} || 0;
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- $rcolor = "<FONT COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_WEEK_TEXTCOLOR\">";
- $rcolor_end = "</FONT>";
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $rcolor_end = "</FONT>";
- } else {
- $rcolor = $rcolor_end = '';
- }
- print Socket '<TD BGCOLOR="'.$::EVENT_COLS[$event_ref->{'cal'} || 0].'" ROWSPAN=', int (($lengthmin + $min + 59) / 60) % 24, "><FONT SIZE=2>",
- "<P><A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=", $id,
- "&year=", $year, "&week=", $week, "&wday=", $wday,
- "&hour=", $hour, "&min=", $min,
- "&lengthmin=", $lengthmin,
- "&title=", url_encode ($title),
- "&data=", url_encode ($data),
- "&rt=", $rt,
- "&startyear=", $startyear,
- "&startweek=", $startweek,
- "&startwday=", $startwday,
- "&duration=", $duration,
- "&alval=", $alval,
- "&altype=", $altype,
- "&alchk=", $alchk,
- "&strike=", $strike,
- "$st\">", $rcolor,
- $strike ? "<strike><i>" : "",
- $title,
- $strike ? "</i></strike>" : "",
- $rcolor_end, "</A>",
- img_note($data), img_alarm($alval, $altype, $alchk), "\n";
- }
- }
- print Socket "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\">&nbsp;" x ($max_c - $rows[$hour]), "\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TABLE></CENTER>\n</BODY>\n";
-sub show_event () {
- my ($year, $month, $day, $week, $wday, $wday_name, $weekdata, @hours, $day_ref, $rt);
- my ($hour, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $endhour, $endmin, $id, $is_now, $now_thcolor, $rcolor);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $id = $::query->{'id'};
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $wday = $::query->{'wday'} || 0;
- $wday_name = $::weekdays[$wday];
- $hour = $::query->{'hour'} || 0;
- $min = $::query->{'min'} || 0;
- $lengthmin = $::query->{'lengthmin'} || 0;
- $title = $::query->{'title'};
- $data = $::query->{'data'};
- $rt = $::query->{'rt'};
- $is_now = $::query->{'is_now'};
- $startyear = $::query->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $::query->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $::query->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $::query->{'duration'};
- $alval = $::query->{'alval'} || 0;
- $altype = $::query->{'altype'} || 0;
- $alchk = $::query->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $::query->{'strike'} || 0;
- if (! defined $year or ! defined $title) {
- my ($n);
- $n = get_now ();
- show_other_views ($n->{'year'}, $n->{'week'});
- return;
- }
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $endhour = int ($hour + ($min + $lengthmin) / 60) % 24;
- $endmin = int (($min + $lengthmin) % 60);
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- if ($is_now) {
- $now_thcolor = $::NOW_THCOLOR;
- } else {
- $now_thcolor = $::THCOLOR;
- }
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- $rcolor = "COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_WEEK_TEXTCOLOR\"";
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $rcolor = "COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_MONTH_TEXTCOLOR\"";
- } else {
- $rcolor = '';
- }
- print Socket "<CENTER>\n<TABLE BORDER=1 COLS=1 CELLPADDING=10 ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle WIDTH=\"80%\" BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH ALIGN=center BGCOLOR=\"$now_thcolor\">".__("Tâche le")." ", pd_event_date ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- print Socket "\n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\" ALIGN=left>\n";
- my ($stk1, $stk2) = $strike ? ("<strike><i>","</i></strike>") : ("","");
- if ($hour == -1)
- {
- printf Socket "<P><CENTER><FONT SIZE=\"4\" $rcolor><B>$stk1$title$stk2";
- }
- else
- {
- printf Socket "<P><CENTER><FONT SIZE=\"4\" $rcolor><B>$stk1%s - %s $title$stk2", format_time ($hour, $min), format_time ($endhour, $endmin);
- }
- print Socket (($rt eq 'w') ? ' ('.__("hebdomadaire").')' : ( ( $rt eq 'm' ) ? ' ('.__("mensuelle").')' : '' ));
- print Socket "</B></FONT>", txt_alarm($alval, $altype, $alchk), "</CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "<P>$data\n";
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
- my $st = strcal();
- if ($::READ_ONLY ne 'true') {
- my ($enc_title, $enc_data);
- $enc_title = url_encode ($title);
- $enc_data = url_encode ($data);
- my $stk3 = $strike ? __("Activer") : __("Désactiver");
- print Socket "<A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=add_edit&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&title=$enc_title&data=$enc_data&rt=$rt&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike$st\">",
- "[".__("Editer")."]</A>\n";
- print Socket "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=after_remove_event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&title=$enc_title&data=$enc_data&rt=$rt&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike$st\">",
- "[".__("Couper")."]</A>\n";
- print Socket "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=copy_event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&title=$enc_title&data=$enc_data&rt=$rt&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike$st\">",
- "[".__("Copier")."]</A>\n";
- print Socket "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=after_delete_event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&title=$enc_title&data=$enc_data&rt=$rt&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike$st\">",
- "[".__("Supprimer")."]</A>\n";
- print Socket "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=after_strike_event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&title=$enc_title&data=$enc_data&rt=$rt&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike$st\">",
- "[$stk3]</A>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</CENTER></BODY>\n";
-sub add_edit_event_ask () {
- my ($id, $year, $month, $day, $week, $wday, $wday_name, $weekdata, @hours, $day_ref);
- my ($hour, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $endhour, $endmin, $rt, $duration);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $startmonth, $startday);
- my ($endyear, $endweek, $endwday, $endmonth, $endday);
- $id = $::query->{'id'} || '';
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $wday = $::query->{'wday'};
- $wday_name = $::weekdays[$wday];
- $hour = $::query->{'hour'};
- $min = $::query->{'min'} || 0;
- $lengthmin = $::query->{'lengthmin'};
- $rt = $::query->{'rt'} || 'n';
- $title = $::query->{'title'} || '';
- $data = $::query->{'data'} || '';
- $startyear = $::query->{'startyear'} || $year;
- $startweek = $::query->{'startweek'} || $week;
- $startwday = defined $::query->{'startwday'} ? $::query->{'startwday'} : $wday;
- $duration = $::query->{'duration'} || 1;
- my $strike = $::query->{'strike'} || 0;
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- if ($id) {
- if ($hour == -1)
- {
- $endhour = -1;
- $endmin = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- $endhour = int ($hour + ($min + $lengthmin) / 60) % 24;
- $endmin = int (($min + $lengthmin) % 60);
- }
- } else {
- $endhour = $hour+1;
- $endmin = 0;
- }
- ($startmonth, $startday, $endyear, $endweek, $endwday, $endmonth, $endday) =
- get_start_end_by_year_week_wday_duration ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=1 COLS=1 CELLPADDING=3 ALIGN=center WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH ALIGN=center BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\"><B>";
- if ($id) {
- print Socket __("Editer tâche");
- } else {
- print Socket __("Ajouter tâche");
- }
- print Socket " ".pd_event_date ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- print Socket "</B></TH></TR>\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<FORM TARGET=_top ACTION=\"$::MY_URL\" METHOD=GET>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=oldrt VALUE=$rt>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=oldhour VALUE=$hour>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=oldduration VALUE=$duration>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=year VALUE=$year>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=week VALUE=$week>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=wday VALUE=$wday>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=startyear VALUE=$startyear>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=startweek VALUE=$startweek>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=startwday VALUE=$startwday>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=t VALUE=redraw>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=view VALUE=add_event>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=id VALUE=$id>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=strike VALUE=$strike>\n";
- # Event time
- print Socket "<TR><TD ALIGN=left>\n";
- print Socket __("Heure début")."</TD><TD><SELECT NAME=hour1>\n";
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=-1 ", ($hour == -1 ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">\n";
- for (0 .. 23) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $hour) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">", format_hour_padded ($_), "\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- print Socket "<SELECT NAME=min1>\n";
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=-1 ", ($min == -1 ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">\n";
- for (qw (00 15 30 45)) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $min) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">$_\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- print Socket " - \n";
- print Socket "<SELECT NAME=hour2>\n";
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=-1 ", ($endhour == -1 ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">\n";
- for (0 .. 23) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $endhour) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">", format_hour_padded ($_), "\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- print Socket "<SELECT NAME=min2>\n";
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=-1 ", ($endmin == -1 ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">\n";
- for (qw (00 15 30 45)) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $endmin) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">$_\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n</TD></TR>\n";
- # Duration (days)
- print Socket "<TR><TD>".__("Durée")."</TD><TD><SELECT NAME=duration>\n";
- for (1 .. $::MAX_DURATION) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $duration) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">$_ ", ($_ == 1 ? __("jour") : __("jours")), "\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- # Repeat
- my ($sn, $sw, $sm);
- $sn = $sw = $sm = '';
- if ($rt eq 'n') {
- $sn = 'SELECTED';
- } elsif ($rt eq 'w') {
- $sw = 'SELECTED';
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $sm = 'SELECTED';
- }
- print Socket "<SELECT NAME=rt>";
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=n $sn>".__("Sans répétition");
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=w $sw>".__("Répéter toutes les semaines");
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=m $sm>".__("Répéter tous les mois");
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n</TD></TR>\n";
- # Alarm
- print Socket "<TR><TD ALIGN=left>".__("Alarme")."</TD>";
- my $alval = $::query->{'alval'} || 0;
- print Socket "<TD><SELECT NAME=alval>\n";
- for (0 .. 23) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $alval) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">", ($_) ? $_ : '' ,"\n";
- }
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- my $altype = $::query->{'altype'} || 0;
- print Socket "<SELECT NAME=altype>\n";
- for (0 .. 3) {
- print Socket "<OPTION VALUE=$_ ", (($_ == $altype) ? 'SELECTED' : ''), ">".format_alarm_type($_)."\n";
- }
- my $alchk = $::query->{'alchk'} || "";
- print Socket "</SELECT>\n";
- print Socket '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="alchk" VALUE="'.$alchk.'"';
- if ($alchk)
- {
- print Socket ' CHECKED';
- }
- print Socket "> ".__("lancée");
- print Socket "</TD>\n";
- # Title
- print Socket "<TR><TD ALIGN=left>".__("Titre")."</TD><TD>";
- print Socket "<INPUT SIZE=51 NAME=title VALUE=\"", html_to_newline ($title), "\"></TD></TR>";
- # Data
- print Socket "<TR><TD ALIGN=left COLSPAN=2><TEXTAREA ROWS=", ($::SCREEN_RESOLUTION eq '800x600' ? 2 : 4) ," COLS=58 NAME=\"data\">", html_to_newline ($data), "</TEXTAREA></TD></TR>";
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
- # Submit
- my ($submit_value);
- $submit_value = ($id ? __("Valider") : __("Ajouter"));
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$submit_value\">\n";
- print Socket "</FORM></CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
- print Socket "</FORM></CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
-sub print_event_error_start () {
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<DIV ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle>\n";
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=10 ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\" WIDTH=\"80%\">\n<TR><TD><BR><BR>\n\n";
-sub print_event_error_end () {
- print Socket "<BR><BR></TABLE>\n</BODY>\n";
-sub day_index ($$$$) {
- my ($rt, $year, $week, $wday) = @_;
- my ($index);
- # Index by day or wday, depending on repeat type
- if ($rt eq 'n' or $rt eq 'w') {
- $index = $wday + 0;
- } else {
- my ($month, $day);
- ($month, $day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $index = $day + 0;
- }
- return $index;
-# Read, update, and write new highest event id into general database
-# Return the (id, possible error or false)
-sub next_id () {
- my ($id, $gendata, $err);
- $gendata = read_general ();
- if (! ref $gendata eq 'HASH') {
- $err = $gendata;
- return ('', $err);
- }
- $id = $gendata->{'highid'} + 1;
- $gendata->{'highid'} = $id;
- $err = write_general ($gendata);
- if ($err) {
- return ('', $err);
- }
- return ($id, '');
-sub remove_events ($$$$$$$) {
- my ($rt, $year, $week, $wday, $duration, $hour, $id) = @_;
- my ($i);
- for $i (0 .. $duration - 1) {
- my ($cyear, $cweek, $cwday, $index_day, $hour_ref, $eventsdata, @hour, $err);
- ($cyear, $cweek, $cwday) = get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days ($year, $week, $wday, $i);
- $index_day = day_index ($rt, $cyear, $cweek, $cwday);
- $eventsdata = read_events ($rt, $cyear, $cweek);
- $hour_ref = $eventsdata->[$index_day]->{$hour};
- if (ref $hour_ref eq 'ARRAY') {
- my ($i);
- @hour = @$hour_ref;
- for $i (0 .. $#hour) {
- if ($hour[$i]->{'id'} == $id) {
- splice (@hour, $i, 1);
- goto re_found;
- }
- }
- }
- return "internal error: the event isn't in the database (user ${main::DATA_ID}, year $cyear, week $cweek, wday $cwday, id $id, rt $rt)";
- if (@hour) {
- $eventsdata->[$index_day]->{$hour+0} = \@hour;
- } else {
- # no events left for this hour, so remove whole hour
- delete $eventsdata->[$index_day]->{$hour};
- }
- $err = write_events ($eventsdata, $rt, $cyear, $cweek);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- }
- return '';
-sub add_events {
- my ($rt, $year, $week, $wday, $duration, $hour, $id, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike) = @_;
- my ($i, $err);
- if (!$alval)
- {
- $alval = 0;
- }
- if (!$altype)
- {
- $altype = 0;
- }
- if (!$alchk)
- {
- $alchk = "";
- }
- if (!$strike)
- {
- $strike = 0;
- }
- # Figure out the new $id
- if (! $id) {
- my ($gendata);
- # Read, update, and write new highest event id into general database
- $gendata = read_general ();
- if (! ref $gendata eq 'HASH') {
- $err = $gendata;
- return $err;
- }
- $id = $gendata->{'highid'} + 1;
- $gendata->{'highid'} = $id;
- $err = write_general ($gendata);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- }
- for $i (0 .. $duration - 1) {
- my ($cyear, $cweek, $cwday, $index_day, $eventsdata);
- ($cyear, $cweek, $cwday) = get_year_week_wday_by_year_week_wday_plus_days ($year, $week, $wday, $i);
- $index_day = day_index ($rt, $cyear, $cweek, $cwday);
- # Read events, add, write back
- $eventsdata = read_events ($rt, $cyear, $cweek);
- push @{$eventsdata->[$index_day]->{$hour+0}},
- {
- 'id' => $id + 0,
- 'min' => $min + 0,
- 'lengthmin' => $lengthmin + 0,
- 'title' => $title,
- 'data' => $data,
- 'rt' => $rt,
- 'startyear' => $year + 0,
- 'startweek' => $week + 0,
- 'startwday' => $wday + 0,
- 'duration' => $duration + 0,
- 'alval' => $alval + 0,
- 'altype' => $altype + 0,
- 'alchk' => $alchk,
- 'strike' => $strike,
- };
- $err = write_events ($eventsdata, $rt, $cyear, $cweek);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- }
- return '';
-sub add_event_commit () {
- my ($id, $year, $month, $day, $week, $wday, $wday_name, $rt);
- my ($hour1, $min1, $hour2, $min2, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $endhour, $endmin);
- my ($err, $i);
- my ($oldrt, $oldhour);
- my ($oldhour_ref, @hour, $oldduration, $duration);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $startmonth, $startday);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $oldrt = $::query->{'oldrt'};
- $oldhour = $::query->{'oldhour'};
- $oldduration = $::query->{'oldduration'};
- $id = $::query->{'id'} || '';
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $wday = $::query->{'wday'};
- $startyear = $::query->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $::query->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $::query->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $::query->{'duration'};
- $hour1 = $::query->{'hour1'};
- $min1 = $::query->{'min1'};
- $hour2 = $::query->{'hour2'};
- $min2 = $::query->{'min2'};
- $rt = $::query->{'rt'};
- $title = strip_space $::query->{'title'};
- $data = strip_space $::query->{'data'} || '';
- $alval = $::query->{'alval'} || 0;
- $altype = $::query->{'altype'} || 0;
- $alchk = $::query->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $::query->{'strike'} || 0;
- ($startmonth, $startday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($startwday, $startyear, $startweek);
- if ($hour1 == -1)
- {
- $min1 = -1;
- $hour2 = -1;
- $min2 = -1;
- $lengthmin = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- $lengthmin = $hour2*60 + $min2 - $hour1*60 - $min1;
- }
- if (! defined $title or ! $title) {
- return "The title of the event must be entered.";
- } elsif (! &ParseDate ("$startmonth/$startday/$startyear")) {
- return "Date $startday.$startmonth.$startyear is invalid."
- } elsif ($duration < 1 or $duration > $::MAX_DURATION) {
- return "You chose impossible duration \"$duration\"."
- } elsif ($rt eq 'w' and ! fit_in_week ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration)) {
- return "Weekly repeating event must fit entirely in one week."
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm' and ! fit_in_month ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration)) {
- return "Monthly repeating event must fit entirely in one month (the month you placed it in specifically)."
- } elsif ($rt ne 'n' and $rt ne 'w' and $rt ne 'm') {
- return "You chose impossible repeat type \"$rt\"."
- } elsif (has_html $title or has_html $data) {
- return "Text contains one more more of the illegal characters <, > and &."
- } elsif ($lengthmin <= 0 && $hour1 != -1) {
- return "The start of the event ($hour1:$min1) must be before its end ($hour2:$min2)."
- }
- $title = newline_to_html $title;
- $data = newline_to_html $data;
- #
- # Remove the old event. The old one only exists if $id is set so this is
- # an edit command.
- #
- if ($id) {
- $err = remove_events ($oldrt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $oldduration, $oldhour, $id);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- }
- #
- # Figure out the new $id
- #
- if (! $id) {
- ($id, $err) = next_id ();
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- }
- #
- # Add event for each day
- #
- $err = add_events ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $hour1, $id,
- $min1, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- #
- # When we get here, add has been succesful.
- #
- # Return the id and some other items to redraw(), since he doesn't know
- # them otherwise.
- #
- return { 'id' => $id, 'lengthmin' => $lengthmin, 'data' => $data, 'title' => $title };
-sub remove_event_commit ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($err);
- if (! defined $id or ! defined $week or ! defined $wday or ! defined $rt or ! defined $duration) {
- return "some data of the event to be removed not given";
- }
- #
- # Copy data into clipboard
- #
- clipboard_set ($::REMOTE_USER,
- { 'hour' => $hour, 'min' => $min, 'lengthmin' => $lengthmin,
- 'title' => $title, 'data' => $data, 'rt' => $rt,
- 'startyear' => $startyear, 'startweek' => $startweek, 'startwday' => $startwday, 'duration' => $duration } );
- #
- # Remove the event from the database
- #
- $err = remove_events ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $hour, $id);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- return '';
-sub delete_event_commit ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration) = @_;
- my ($err);
- if (! defined $id or ! defined $week or ! defined $wday or ! defined $rt or ! defined $duration) {
- return "some data of the event to be removed not given";
- }
- #
- # Remove the event from the database
- #
- $err = remove_events ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $hour, $id);
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- return '';
-sub switch_strike_event_commit {
- my ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike) = @_;
- my ($err);
- if (! defined $id or ! defined $week or ! defined $wday or ! defined $rt or ! defined $duration) {
- return "some data of the event to be striked not given";
- }
- #
- # Strike/unstrike the event in the database
- #
- $strike = 1 - $strike;
- $err = remove_events ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $hour, $id);
- if ($err) { return $err; }
- $err = add_events ($rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $hour, $id, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- if ($err) { return $err; }
- return '';
-sub copy_event () {
- my ($hour, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $rt, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- $hour = $::query->{'hour'};
- $min = $::query->{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $::query->{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $::query->{'title'};
- $data = $::query->{'data'};
- $rt = $::query->{'rt'};
- $startyear = $::query->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $::query->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $::query->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $::query->{'duration'};
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- clipboard_set ($::REMOTE_USER,
- { 'hour' => $hour, 'min' => $min, 'lengthmin' => $lengthmin,
- 'title' => $title, 'data' => $data, 'rt' => $rt,
- 'startyear' => $startyear, 'startweek' => $startweek, 'startwday' => $startwday, 'duration' => $duration } );
- # Show_even() re-reads the variables from %$::query
- show_event ();
-sub paste_event_commit ($$$) {
- my ($year, $week, $wday) = @_;
- my ($event_ref, $err, $id);
- # Read the event data from clipboard
- $event_ref = clipboard_get ($::REMOTE_USER);
- if (! $event_ref) {
- return "There is no event in clipboard for your computer $::REMOTE_USER.";
- }
- #
- # Find new id
- #
- ($id, $err) = next_id ();
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- #
- # Update some fields
- #
- $event_ref->{'startyear'} = $year;
- $event_ref->{'startweek'} = $week;
- $event_ref->{'startwday'} = $wday;
- $event_ref->{'id'} = $id;
- #
- # Make some sanity checks
- #
- my ($startmonth, $startday, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $rt);
- ($startmonth, $startday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $year, $week);
- $startyear = $year; $startweek = $week; $startwday = $wday;
- $duration = $event_ref->{'duration'};
- $rt = $event_ref->{'rt'};
- if (! &ParseDate ("$startmonth/$startday/$startyear")) {
- return "Date $startday.$startmonth.$startyear is invalid."
- } elsif ($rt eq 'w' and ! fit_in_week ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration)) {
- return "Weekly repeating event must fit entirely in one week."
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm' and ! fit_in_month ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration)) {
- return "Monthly repeating event must fit entirely in one month (the month you placed it in, specifically)."
- }
- #
- # Add event for each day
- #
- $err = add_events (
- $event_ref->{'rt'},
- $event_ref->{'startyear'},
- $event_ref->{'startweek'},
- $event_ref->{'startwday'},
- $event_ref->{'duration'},
- $event_ref->{'hour'},
- $event_ref->{'id'},
- $event_ref->{'min'},
- $event_ref->{'lengthmin'},
- $event_ref->{'title'},
- $event_ref->{'data'} );
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- # When we get here, add has been succesful
- return $event_ref;
-sub xxx_event_error () {
- my ($error1, $error2);
- $error1 = $::query->{'error1'};
- $error2 = $::query->{'error2'};
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<DIV ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle>\n";
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=3 ROWS=1 COLS=1 CELLPADDING=20 ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle WIDTH=\"70%\" BGCOLOR=$::ERROR_COLOR>\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle>\n";
- print Socket "<H1>$error1</H1>\n";
- print Socket "<P>$error2\n</TD></TR>";
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
- return;
-sub show_event_list () {
- my ($year, $week, $alldata_ref, $lastweek);
- my ($cweek, $cyear, $cmonth, $cday, $end_cmonth, $end_cday);
- my ($now_ref, $now_year, $now_week, $now_wday, $week_ref, $wday, $hour);
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $alldata_ref = build_week_list ($year, $week);
- if (ref $alldata_ref ne 'ARRAY') {
- print Socket "<DIV ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle><H1>Listing events failed: $alldata_ref</H1></DIV>\n";
- return;
- }
- $now_ref = get_now ();
- ($now_year, $now_week, $now_wday) = ($now_ref->{'year'}, $now_ref->{'week'}, $now_ref->{'wday'});
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<PRE>\n</PRE>\n<P>\n";
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
- my $str = sprintf(__("Tâches depuis la semaine %d de l'année %d"), $week, $year);
- print Socket "<TR><TH COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=\"+1\">$str\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH COLSPAN=3>\n";
- my $st = strcal();
- $lastweek = -1;
- for $week_ref (@$alldata_ref) {
- for $wday (0..6) {
- for $hour (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$week_ref->[0]->[$wday]}) {
- my ($event_ref);
- $cyear = $week_ref->[1];
- $cweek = $week_ref->[2];
- # Change of week
- if ($cweek != $lastweek) {
- my ($b_month, $b_day, $e_month, $e_day, $color);
- $lastweek = $cweek;
- ($b_month, $b_day) = get_month_day_by_firstday_year_week ($cyear, $cweek);
- ($e_month, $e_day) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week (6, $cyear, $cweek);
- if ($cyear == $now_year and $cweek == $now_week) {
- $color = $::NOW_TDCOLOR;
- } else {
- $color = $::TDCOLOR;
- }
- print Socket "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=\"$color\"><A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=week&year=$cyear&week=$cweek$st\"><B>".sprintf(__("Semaine %s"), $cweek).", ", pd_year_month_day ($cyear, $b_month, $b_day), " - ", pd_year_month_day ($cyear, $e_month, $e_day), "</B></A>\n";
- }
- for $event_ref (@{$week_ref->[0]->[$wday]->{$hour}}) {
- my (%e, $hour1, $min1, $hour2, $min2, $lengthmin);
- my ($tmonth, $tday, $twday, $id, $min, $title, $data, $rt, $day, $color, $rcolor);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- %e = %$event_ref;
- $hour1 = $hour;
- $id = $e{'id'};
- $min1 = $e{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $e{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $e{'title'};
- $data = $e{'data'};
- $rt = $e{'rt'};
- $startyear = $event_ref->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $event_ref->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $event_ref->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $event_ref->{'duration'};
- $hour2 = ($hour1 + int (($min1+$lengthmin) / 60)) % 24;
- $min2 = ($min1 + $lengthmin) % 60;
- ($cmonth, $cday) = get_month_day_by_wday_year_week ($wday, $cyear, $cweek);
- if ($cyear == $now_year and $cweek == $now_week and $wday == $now_wday) {
- $color = " BGCOLOR=\"$::NOW_TDCOLOR\"";
- } else {
- $color = " BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\"";
- }
- if ($rt eq 'w') {
- $rcolor = "COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_WEEK_TEXTCOLOR\"";
- } elsif ($rt eq 'm') {
- $rcolor = "COLOR=\"$::REPEAT_MONTH_TEXTCOLOR\"";
- } else {
- $rcolor = '';
- }
- print Socket "<TR><TD$color><A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=redraw&view=event$st",
- "&id=", $id,
- "&year=", $cyear, "&week=", $cweek, "&wday=", $wday,
- "&hour=", $hour,
- "&min=", $min1,
- "&lengthmin=", $lengthmin,
- "&title=", url_encode ($title),
- "&data=", url_encode ($data),
- "&rt=", $rt,
- "&startyear=", $startyear,
- "&startweek=", $startweek,
- "&startwday=", $startwday,
- "&duration=", $duration,
- "\"><FONT $rcolor SIZE=\"2\">";
- printf Socket "<TT>%s %s - %s</TT></A>\n",
- __($::weekdays_short[$wday]),
- format_time_padded ($hour1, $min1),
- format_time_padded ($hour2, $min2);
- print Socket "</FONT><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\">", $e{'title'}, "</FONT><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::BG_TDCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\">", $data || "&nbsp;", "</FONT>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print Socket "</TABLE><BR CLEAR=all>\n";
- return;
-sub show_other_views (;$$) {
- my ($year, $week) = @_;
- my ($month, $moffset);
- $year = $year || $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $week || $::query->{'week'};
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<CENTER>\n<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=5 ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle WIDTH=\"95%\" BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH ALIGN=center BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\"><B>".__("Autres vues")."</B>";
- print Socket "\n<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\" ALIGN=left>\n";
- print Socket "<TABLE><TR>\n";
- print Socket "<TD><UL><FONT SIZE=2>\n";
- my $str = sprintf(__("Agendas %s"), $::ORGANIZATION);
- my $st = strcal();
- print Socket "<LI><A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$::BASE_URL/\">$str</A>\n";
- $str = sprintf(__("Tâches depuis la semaine %d de l'année %d"), $week, $year);
- print Socket "<LI><A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=event_list&year=$year&week=$week$st\">$str</A>";
- print Socket "</FONT></UL></TD>\n";
- print Socket "<TD><UL><FONT SIZE=2>\n";
- $str = sprintf(__("Purger l'agenda jusqu'à la semaine %d de l'année %d"), , $week, $year);
- if (!$st && $::USER !~ /^\wo_/ && -e "/dev/pilot")
- {
- print Socket "<LI><A HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=purge&year=$year&week=$week\">$str</A>";
- }
- print Socket "</FONT></UL></TD>\n";
- print Socket "</TR></TABLE>\n";
- my ($cyear, $cweek, $cmonth, $cday, $now_year, $now_week, $n);
- $n = get_now ();
- $now_year = $n->{'year'}; $now_week = $n->{'week'};
- ($cyear, $cweek) = get_year_week_by_firstday_year_week_minus_days ($year, $week,
- ($::MANY_WEEKS_VERT * $::MANY_WEEKS_HOR + int ($::MANY_WEEKS_HOR / 2)) * 7);
- for $moffset (-$::MANY_WEEKS_VERT .. $::MANY_WEEKS_VERT) {
- my ($m);
- print Socket "<TR>\n";
- for $m (0 .. $::MANY_WEEKS_HOR-1) {
- ($cmonth, $cday) = get_month_day_by_firstday_year_week ($cyear, $cweek);
- if ($cweek == $now_week and $cyear == $now_year) {
- printf Socket "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$::NOW_TDCOLOR\"><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=fweek HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$cyear&week=$cweek$st\">%02d : %s</A></FONT></TD>\n", $cweek, pd_month_day_padded ($cmonth, $cday);
- } else {
- printf Socket "<TD><FONT SIZE=2><A TARGET=fweek HREF=\"$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$cyear&week=$cweek$st\">%02d : %s</A></FONT></TD>\n", $cweek, pd_month_day_padded ($cmonth, $cday);
- }
- $cweek++;
- if ($cweek > 50) {
- $cweek--;
- ($cyear, $cweek) = get_next_year_week ($cyear, $cweek);
- }
- }
- print Socket "</TR>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TABLE></CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
- print Socket "</CENTER>\n</BODY>\n";
- return;
-sub redraw_print_frameset ($$$) {
- my ($tweek, $tday, $tevent) = @_;
- my ($top_y, $left_x);
- if ($::SCREEN_RESOLUTION eq '800x600') {
- $top_y = 200;
- $left_x = 250;
- } else {
- $top_y = 250;
- $left_x = 320
- }
- my $title = sprintf(__("Agenda %s"), $::LONG_NAME);
- my $st = "";
- if ($::query->{'cal'})
- {
- $st .= "&cal=".join("&cal=", split(/\n/, $::query->{'cal'}));
- }
- print Socket <<END;
-<frameset framespacing="0" border="false" rows="$top_y,*" frameborder="0">
-frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="3" name="fhead" scrolling="no" target="fday" noresize>
-<frame src="$tweek$st" bordercolor="#ffffff"
-frameborder="0" marginheight="3" marginwidth="3" name="fweek" scrolling="auto" target="fday" noresize>
-<frameset cols="$left_x,*">
-<frame src="$tday$st" frameborder="0" marginheight="3"
-marginwidth="3" name="fday" scrolling="auto" target="fevent" noresize>
-<frame src="$tevent$st" frameborder="0" marginheight="3"
-marginwidth="3" name="fevent" scrolling="auto" noresize>
- return;
-sub check_write_access () {
- if ($::READ_ONLY eq 'true') {
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=2 COLS=1 CELLPADDING=5 WIDTH=\"80%\" ALIGN=center VALIGN=middle BGCOLOR=\"$::ERROR_COLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD><BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\">&nbsp;<P><CENTER><FONT COLOR=\"#ffffff\" SIZE=4><B>This user has no write permission.</B></FONT></CENTER><P>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n";
- print Socket "</TABLE></CENTER>\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub redraw () {
- my ($view, $id, $year, $week, $wday, $wday_name);
- my ($hour, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $rt);
- my ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- my ($startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- my ($alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $view = $::query->{'view'};
- $id = $::query->{'id'};
- $year = $::query->{'year'};
- $week = $::query->{'week'};
- $wday = $::query->{'wday'} || 0;
- $wday_name = $::weekdays[$wday];
- $hour = $::query->{'hour'};
- $min = $::query->{'min'};
- $lengthmin = $::query->{'lengthmin'};
- $title = $::query->{'title'};
- $data = $::query->{'data'};
- $rt = $::query->{'rt'} || 'n';
- $startyear = $::query->{'startyear'};
- $startweek = $::query->{'startweek'};
- $startwday = $::query->{'startwday'};
- $duration = $::query->{'duration'};
- $alval = $::query->{'alval'};
- $altype = $::query->{'altype'};
- $alchk = $::query->{'alchk'} || "";
- $strike = $::query->{'strike'} || 0;
- if (! defined $view or $view eq '' or $view eq 'default') {
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day";
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event";
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'week') {
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day";
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event";
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'event') {
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday";
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&title=" . url_encode ($title) . "&data=" . url_encode ($data) . "&rt=$rt&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration";
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'after_remove_event') {
- my ($err);
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- $err = remove_event_commit ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&rt=$rt";
- if ($err) {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=xxx_event_error&error1=" . url_encode ("Error removing event") . "&error2=" . (url_encode $err);
- } else {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event";
- }
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'after_delete_event') {
- my ($err);
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- $err = delete_event_commit ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration);
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&rt=$rt";
- if ($err) {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=xxx_event_error&error1=" . url_encode ("Error removing event") . "&error2=" . (url_encode $err);
- } else {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event";
- }
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'paste_event') {
- my ($err);
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- $err = paste_event_commit ($year, $week, $wday);
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&rt=$rt";
- if (ref $err ne 'HASH') {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=xxx_event_error&error1=" . url_encode ("Error pasting event from clipboard") . "&error2=" . (url_encode $err);
- } else {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=" . $err->{'id'} . "&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=" . $err->{'hour'} . "&min=" . $err->{'min'} . "&lengthmin=" . $err->{'lengthmin'} . "&title=" . url_encode ($err->{'title'}) . "&data=" . url_encode ($err->{'data'}) . "&rt=" . $err->{'rt'} . "&startyear=" . $err->{'startyear'} . "&startweek=" . $err->{'startweek'} . "&startwday=" . $err->{'startwday'} . "&duration=" . $err->{'duration'};
- }
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'add_event') {
- my ($err);
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- $err = add_event_commit ();
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&rt=$rt";
- if (ref $err ne 'HASH') {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=xxx_event_error&error1=" . url_encode ("Error adding an event") . "&error2=" . (url_encode $err);
- } else {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=" . $err->{'id'} . "&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=" . $::query->{'hour1'} . "&min=" . $::query->{'min1'} . "&lengthmin=" . $err->{'lengthmin'} . "&title=" . url_encode ($err->{'title'}) . "&data=" . url_encode ($err->{'data'}) . "&rt=$rt&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike";
- }
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } elsif ($view eq 'after_strike_event') {
- my ($err);
- return if ! check_write_access ();
- $err = switch_strike_event_commit ($year, $week, $wday, $id, $hour, $rt, $min, $lengthmin, $title, $data, $startyear, $startweek, $startwday, $duration, $alval, $altype, $alchk, $strike);
- $tweek = "$::MY_URL/?t=week&year=$year&week=$week";
- $tday = "$::MY_URL/?t=day&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&rt=$rt";
- if ($err) {
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=xxx_event_error&error1=" . url_encode ("Error striking event") . "&error2=" . (url_encode $err);
- } else {
- $strike = 1 - $strike;
- $tevent = "$::MY_URL/?t=event&id=$id&year=$year&week=$week&wday=$wday&hour=$hour&min=$min&lengthmin=$lengthmin&title=" . url_encode ($title) . "&data=" . url_encode ($data) . "&rt=$rt&startyear=$startyear&startweek=$startweek&startwday=$startwday&duration=$duration&alval=$alval&altype=$altype&alchk=$alchk&strike=$strike";
- }
- redraw_print_frameset ($tweek, $tday, $tevent);
- } else {
- print Socket "<CENTER><H1>Redraw: Unknown view \"$view\".\n";
- }
- return;
-sub create_users () {
- my (@users, $user);
- if (! chdir ($::DIRECTORY)) {
- return "Can't change into directory $::DIRECTORY: $!<P>Make sure it exists, and its permissions are as explained in file INSTALL of the Wcal distribution.";
- }
- @users = sort (keys (%$::USER_CONFS));
- for $user (@users) {
- my ($desc);
- $desc = $::USER_CONFS->{$user}->{'long name'};
- if (-d $user and -M $user > -M $::CONF_FILE) {
- system "/bin/rm -rf $user";
- }
- if (! -d $user) {
- my ($access_file, $access_file_name);
- if (! mkdir ($user, 0755)) {
- return "Internal error: can't create user '$user': $!";
- }
- if (! link ('index.cgi', $user . '/index.cgi')) {
- return "Internal error: can't create hard link 'index.cgi -> $user/index.cgi': $!";
- }
- $access_file_name = $::USER_CONFS->{$user}->{'access file name'};
- $access_file = $::USER_CONFS->{$user}->{'access file'};
- if ($access_file and $access_file_name) {
- if (! open (AF, ">$user/$access_file_name")) {
- return "Internal error: can't create access file $user/$access_file_name: $!";
- }
- print AF "# This file is automatically generated from $::CONF_FILE - do not edit\n";
- print AF $access_file;
- close AF;
- }
- }
- }
- return '';
-# Removes all cache files.
-sub purge_cache_all () {
- my (@files);
- if (! opendir (DIR, "$::DB_DIR/cache")) {
- return;
- }
- @files = grep { /^w-[^-]+-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.html$/ } readdir (DIR);
- closedir DIR;
- for (@files) {
- unlink "$::DB_DIR/cache/$_" or warn "can't remove $::DB_DIR/cache/$_: $!\n";
- }
-# Removes cached week views and Date::Manip wrapper caches.
-# Supposed to be called at first request after midnight.
-sub purge_cache_newday () {
- my (@files);
- my ($now_ref, $foo, $week1, $week2);
- #
- # Cached dates.
- # Other date caches stay valid accross date change.
- #
- undef $::now_cache;
- #
- # Cached week for this week, or all weeks if the week has changed
- #
- $now_ref = get_now ();
- $week1 = sprintf ("%02d", $now_ref->{'week'});
- ($foo, $week2) = get_prev_year_week ($now_ref->{'year'}, $week1);
- $week2 = sprintf ("%02d", $week2);
- if (! opendir (DIR, "$::DB_DIR/cache")) {
- return;
- }
- if ($week1 == $week2) {
- @files = grep { /^w-[^-]+-\d\d\d\d$week1\.html$/ } readdir (DIR);
- } else {
- @files = grep { /^w-[^-]+-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.html$/ } readdir (DIR);
- }
- closedir DIR;
- for (@files) {
- unlink "$::DB_DIR/cache/$_" or warn "can't remove $::DB_DIR/cache/$_: $!\n";
- }
- return;
-# Create socket and make it listen
-sub init_socket () {
- if (! socket (SSocket, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) ) {
- print STDERR "$0: can't create socket: $!";
- exit 1;
- }
- if (! setsockopt(SSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) ) {
- print STDERR "$0: can't set socketopt SO_REUSEADDR: $!";
- exit 1;
- }
- if (! bind(SSocket, sockaddr_in($::PORT, INADDR_ANY)) ) {
- print STDERR "$0: can't bind socket to INADDR_ANY: $!";
- exit 1;
- }
- if (! listen(SSocket, SOMAXCONN) ) {
- print STDERR "$0: can't make socket listen: $!";
- exit 1;
- }
-sub parse_config_line ($) {
- my ($line) = @_;
- my ($key, $value);
- if ($line =~ /^#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/) {
- return '';
- }
- if ($line =~ /=/) {
- ($key, $value) = split (/=/, $_, 2);
- } else {
- ($key, $value) = ($_, '');
- }
- $key =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- $key = lc $key;
- $key =~ tr/ \t/ /s;
- if ($key !~ /^[a-z0-9_ ]+$/) {
- return "Config file line $. key '$key' has invalid characters";
- }
- $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- return {'key' => $key, 'value' => $value};
-sub import_settings ($) {
- my ($s_ref) = @_;
- $::PASSWORD = $s_ref->{'password'};
- $::PORT = $s_ref->{'port'};
- $::BASE_URL = $s_ref->{'base url'};
- $::IMG_URL = $::BASE_URL . '/images';
- $::ORGANIZATION = $s_ref->{'organization'};
- $::LONG_NAME = $s_ref->{'long name'};
- $::READ_ONLY = $s_ref->{'read only'};
- $::DATA_ID = $s_ref->{'data id'};
- $::FIRST_DAY = $s_ref->{'first day'};
- $::DATE_FORMAT = $s_ref->{'date format'};
- $::CLOCK = $s_ref->{'clock'};
- $::SCREEN_RESOLUTION = $s_ref->{'screen resolution'};
- $::MY_URL = $::BASE_URL . "/" . (defined $::USER ? $::USER.'/index.cgi' : 'index.cgi');
- $::MY_URL_XUSER = $::BASE_URL . "/" . (defined $::USER ? 'X_USER_X/index.cgi' : 'index.cgi');
- $::REMOTE_LANG = $s_ref->{'remote lang'} || "en";
- $::REMOTE_MAIL = $s_ref->{'remote mail'} || "root";
- $::REMOTE_CAL = $s_ref->{'remote cal'} || "all";
- $::H_BODY = "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#0000b0\" VLINK=\"#0000b0\" ALINK=\"#0000b0\" BACKGROUND=\"$::BASE_URL/images/background.jpg\">\n";
- return;
-# Reads global config data from /etc/wcal.conf
-sub read_config () {
- my ($key, $value, $line, $line_ref, %global_conf, %user_confs, $cuser, $conf_ref);
- my (@current_access_file, $reading_access_file);
- my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks);
- my ($valid_line);
- if (! open (CONF, "<$::CONF_FILE")) {
- my $str1 = "can't open $::CONF_FILE for reading: $!";
- return \$str1;
- }
- # Conf file must not be read/writeable by 'other'
- ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat (CONF);
- if ($mode & 6) {
- close CONF;
- my $str2 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE must not have read or write permission for 'other' (do 'chmod o= $::CONF_FILE)'.\n";
- return \$str2;
- }
- # Empty the settings from the last run
- %global_conf = (); %user_confs = ();
- $conf_ref = \%global_conf;
- $cuser = '';
- $reading_access_file = 0;
- # Set some defaults
- $global_conf{'host'} = 'localhost';
- $global_conf{'port'} = '13134';
- $global_conf{'base url'} = '/wcal';
- $global_conf{'access file name'} = '.htaccess';
- $global_conf{'access file'} = '';
- $global_conf{'organization'} = 'My Organization';
- $global_conf{'read only'} = 'false';
- $global_conf{'first day'} = 'monday';
- $global_conf{'date format'} = 1;
- $global_conf{'clock'} = '24-hour';
- $global_conf{'screen resolution'} = '1024x768';
- $global_conf{'top left corner'} = '&nbsp;';
- $global_conf{'remote lang'} = 'en';
- $global_conf{'remote mail'} = 'root';
- $global_conf{'remote cal'} = 'all';
- while (<CONF>) {
- chomp;
- $line = $_;
- # If we are reading access file, do special processing
- if ($reading_access_file) {
- $line =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
- if ($line =~ /^end access file$/i) {
- $conf_ref->{'access file'} = join ("\n", @current_access_file) . "\n";
- $reading_access_file = 0;
- } else {
- push @current_access_file, $line;
- }
- next;
- }
- # Else do the normal processing
- $line_ref = parse_config_line ($line);
- next if ! $line_ref; # skip comments and empty lines
- if (! ref $line_ref) { # if return value not empty, and not a reference, it's an error
- close CONF;
- return \$line_ref;
- }
- $key = $line_ref->{'key'};
- $value = $line_ref->{'value'};
- # 'user' field starts user definition
- if ($key eq 'user') {
- if (! defined $global_conf{'password'}) {
- close CONF;
- my $str2 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. starts user definition, but the password field hasn't yet occured (password must be given in global section before any user definitions)";
- return \$str2;
- }
- $cuser = $value;
- $conf_ref = {};
- next;
- }
- # 'end user' field ends user definition
- if ($key eq 'end user') {
- my ($gkey);
- # Copy each global conf field into user definition if it isn't given in user definition
- for $gkey (keys %global_conf) {
- if (! defined $conf_ref->{$gkey}) {
- $conf_ref->{$gkey} = $global_conf{$gkey};
- }
- }
- # Long name = user, if not explicitely given
- if (! defined $conf_ref->{'long name'}) {
- $conf_ref->{'long name'} = $cuser;
- }
- # Data id = user, if not explicitely given
- if (! defined $conf_ref->{'data id'}) {
- $conf_ref->{'data id'} = $cuser;
- }
- # Empty 'top left corner' replaced with &nbsp;, to make browsers happier.
- if ($conf_ref->{'top left corner'} eq '') {
- $conf_ref->{'top left corner'} = '&nbsp;';
- }
- $user_confs{$cuser} = $conf_ref;
- $cuser = '';
- $conf_ref = \%global_conf;
- next;
- }
- # 'access file' starts (default / user) access file definition
- if ($key eq 'access file') {
- if ($value) {
- close CONF;
- my $str3 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. starts access file definition, but has value field";
- return \$str3;
- }
- @current_access_file = ();
- $reading_access_file = 1;
- next;
- }
- $valid_line = 0;
- # Some fields can only occur in global section
- if ($cuser and ($key eq 'port' or $key eq 'address')) {
- close CONF;
- my $str4 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has in user $cuser definition parameter '$key' that can only occur in global section";
- return \$str4;
- }
- # And some only in user definition
- if (! $cuser and ($key eq 'long name' or $key eq 'read only')) {
- close CONF;
- my $str5 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has in global section parameter '$key' that can only occur in user definition";
- return \$str5;
- }
- # READ ONLY field can have only values true or false
- if ($key eq 'read only') {
- $value = lc $value;
- if ($value ne 'true' and $value ne 'false') {
- close CONF;
- my $str6 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'read only'. Allowed values are true and false (default false).";
- return \$str6;
- }
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # FIRST DAY can be only monday or sunday
- elsif ($key eq 'first day') {
- if ($value ne 'monday' and $value ne 'sunday') {
- close CONF;
- my $str7 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'first day'. Allowed values are monday and sunday (default monday).";
- return \$str7;
- }
- $value = lc $value;
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # DATE FORMAT must be between 1 and 5
- elsif ($key eq 'date format') {
- if ($value < 1 or $value > 6) {
- close CONF;
- my $str8 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'date format'. Allowed values are 1 to 6 (default 1).";
- return \$str8;
- }
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # PORT must be a integer number
- elsif ($key eq 'port') {
- if ($value !~ /^\d+$/ or $value < 1 or $value > 65535) {
- close CONF;
- my $str9 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'port'. Allowed values are integer numbers between 1 and 65535 (default 13134).";
- return \$str9;
- }
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # CLOCK must be 24-hour or 12-hour
- elsif ($key eq 'clock') {
- $value = lc $value;
- if ($value ne '24-hour' and $value ne '12-hour') {
- close CONF;
- my $str10 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'clock'. Allowed values are '24-hour' and '12-hour' (default 24-hour).";
- return \$str10;
- }
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # SCREEN RESOLUTION must be 800x600 or 1024x768
- elsif ($key eq 'screen resolution') {
- $value = lc $value;
- if ($value ne '800x600' and $value ne '1024x768') {
- close CONF;
- my $str11 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has invalid value for option 'screen resolution'. Allowed values are '800x600' and '1024x768' (default 1024x768).";
- return \$str11;
- }
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # DATABASE DIRECTORY is deprecated
- elsif ($key eq 'database directory') {
- print STDERR "Configuration variable 'database directory' is deprecated and won't be used.";
- print STDERR "If you have database in a place other than $::DB_DIR, move it there now.";
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- # OTHERS - no particular syntax required, but must be a valid key
- elsif ($key eq 'base url' or $key eq 'password' or
- $key eq 'organization' or $key eq 'access file name' or $key eq 'data id' or
- $key eq 'long name' or $key eq 'address' or $key eq 'top left corner' or
- $key eq 'lang' or $key eq 'remote lang' or $key eq 'remote mail' or $key eq 'remote cal' or $key eq 'install dir') {
- $valid_line = 1;
- }
- if (! $valid_line) {
- close CONF;
- my $str12 = "Configuration file $::CONF_FILE line $. has unknown option '$key'.";
- return \$str12;
- }
- $conf_ref->{$key} = $value;
- }
- close CONF;
- if ($reading_access_file or $cuser) {
- my $str13 = "End of configuration file $::CONF_FILE while reading access file or user definition";
- return \$str13;
- }
- $::GLOBAL_CONF = \%global_conf;
- $::USER_CONFS = \%user_confs;
- import_settings ($::GLOBAL_CONF);
- purge_cache_all ();
- return 1;
-# Read CGI environment and conf option from Socket (sent by the cgi-proxy)
-sub read_environment () {
- my ($key, $value, $user);
- while (<Socket>) {
- chomp;
- last if /^$/;
- my ($key, $value);
- ($key, $value) = split (/=/, $_, 2);
- $key =~ tr/\x00-\x1f\x80-\x9f//d; # filter out control characters,
- $value =~ tr/\x00-\x1f\x80-\x9f//d; # including infamous NUL
- if ($key eq 'QUERY_STRING') {
- $::query = decode_url_encoded_data \$value;
- } elsif ($key eq 'REMOTE_USER') {
- $::REMOTE_USER = $value;
- } elsif ($key eq 'REMOTE_PASS') {
- $::REMOTE_PASS = $value;
- } elsif ($key eq 'REMOTE_MAIL') {
- $::REMOTE_MAIL = $value;
- } elsif ($key eq 'REMOTE_CAL') {
- $::REMOTE_CAL = $value;
- } elsif ($key eq 'REMOTE_LANG') {
- $::REMOTE_LANG = $value;
- } elsif ($key =~ /^__/) {
- $key = lc $key;
- if ($key eq '__password') {
-# print Socket "<P>got: '$value', correct is '$::PASSWORD'\n";
- if ($value ne $::PASSWORD) {
- print Socket "<P>Invalid password\n";
- return 0;
- }
- } elsif ($key eq '__user') {
- $::USER = $value;
- } elsif ($key eq '__gid') {
- $::GID = $value;
- } else {
- print Socket "<P>Unknown configuration option '$key'\n";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
-# print Socket "<P>$::MY_URL\n";
- # Make sure we received all the mandatory options
- if (! $::USER) {
- print Socket "<P>User not sent by cgi-proxy\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub siginthandler {
- exit (1);
-sub sighuphandler {
- my ($res);
- return; # do nothing, this is just a kludge that doesn't work
- $::GID = 60;
- $res = read_config ();
- if (ref $res) {
- print STDERR "<P>Re-reading configureation failed: ", $$res, " - configuration not changed.\n";
- } else {
- $res = create_users ();
- if ($res) {
- print STDERR "<P>Error creating new users: $res\n";
- }
- }
- return;
-sub check_and_set_first_day () {
- my ($gen);
- $gen = read_general ();
- if (! ref $gen) {
- print "error: $gen\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- if (defined $gen->{'first day'} and $gen->{'first day'} ne $::FIRST_DAY) {
- print <<EOD;
-Current database ($::DB_DIR/*.db) is created using different 'first day'
-value than defined in current configuration file $::CONF_FILE.
-If you want to change 'first day' setting, you must first destroy the
-current database (by doing 'rm $::DB_DIR/*.db').
- exit (1);
- }
- if (! defined $gen->{'first day'}) {
- my ($err);
- $gen->{'first day'} = $::FIRST_DAY;
- $err = write_general ($gen);
- if ($err) {
- print "error: $err\n";
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- return;
-sub show_links () {
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- my @cals = split(/\n/, $::query->{'cal'});
- my $st = "";
- if ($::query->{'year'} && $::query->{'week'})
- {
- $st = '&year='.$::query->{'year'}.'&week='.$::query->{'week'};
- }
- print Socket '<h1><a href="'.$::BASE_URL.'/fusion.cgi/?t=week&cal='.join("&cal=", @cals).$st;
- print Socket '" target="fweek">'.$::LONG_NAME."</a></h1>\n";
- print Socket "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>\n";
- my $cal;
- my $i = 1;
- foreach $cal (@cals)
- {
- print Socket '<tr bgcolor="'.$::EVENT_COLS[$i++].'"><td><font size=4><b><a href="'.$::BASE_URL.'/'.$cal.'/index.cgi/?t=week'.$st.'"target="fweek">'.%{$::USER_CONFS->{$cal}}->{'long name'}."</b></font></a>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</table>";
-sub clear_events {
- my $week = shift;
- my $year = shift;
- if ($week)
- {
- my $file;
- opendir(DIR, $::DB_DIR);
- while ($file = readdir(DIR))
- {
- if ($file =~ /^w\-$::USER\-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)\.db$/)
- {
- if (($1 < $year) || (($1 == $year) && ($2 <= $week)))
- {
- unlink($::DB_DIR."/".$file);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- opendir(DIR, $::DB_DIR."/cache");
- while ($file = readdir(DIR))
- {
- if ($file =~ /^w\-$::USER\-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)\.html$/)
- {
- if (($1 < $year) || (($1 == $year) && ($2 <= $week)))
- {
- unlink($::DB_DIR."/cache/".$file);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- }
- else
- {
- system('\rm '.$::DB_DIR.'/*'.$::USER.'*');
- system('\rm '.$::DB_DIR.'/cache/*'.$::USER.'*');
- }
-sub all_events () {
- opendir(DIR, $::DB_DIR);
- my @events;
- my $event;
- my $evw;
- my $i;
- my $key;
- my $val;
- my $file;
- while ($file = readdir(DIR))
- {
- if ($file =~ /^w\-$::USER\-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)\.db$/)
- {
- $evw = read_events('n', $1, $2);
- for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
- {
- while (($key, $val) = each(%{@{$evw}[$i]}))
- {
- foreach $event (@{$val})
- {
- $event->{hour} = $key;
- push @events, $event;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return \@events;
-sub show_purge () {
- my $str;
- my $week = $::query->{'week'};
- my $year = $::query->{'year'};
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TH ALIGN=center BGCOLOR=\"$::THCOLOR\"><B>";
- print Socket __("Transfert Palm Pilot");
- print Socket "</B></TH></TR>\n";
- print Socket "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$::TDCOLOR\">\n";
- if ($::query->{'purge'})
- {
- clear_events($week, $year);
- $str = sprintf(__("Agenda %s purgé jusqu'à la semaine %d de l'année %d"), '<A HREF="'.$::MY_URL.'" TARGET="_top">'.$::LONG_NAME.'</A>', $week, $year);
- print Socket "<H1>$str</H1>\n";
- }
- elsif ($::query->{'cancel'})
- {
- $str = sprintf(__("Purge de l'agenda %s annulée"), '<A HREF="'.$::MY_URL.'" TARGET="_top">'.$::LONG_NAME.'</A>');
- print Socket "<H1>$str</H1>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print Socket "<TABLE><TR align=center>\n";
- print Socket "<TD colspan=2><h1>".sprintf(__("Voulez-vous réellement purger l'agenda %s jusqu'à la semaine %d de l'année %d ?"), $::LONG_NAME, $::query->{'week'}, $::query->{'year'})."\n";
- print Socket "<TR align=center>\n";
- print Socket "<FORM ACTION=\"$::MY_URL\" METHOD=GET>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=t VALUE=purge>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=week VALUE=$::query->{'week'}>\n";
- print Socket "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=year VALUE=$::query->{'year'}>\n";
- my $submit_value = __("Oui");
- print Socket "<TD><INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=purge VALUE=\"$submit_value\">\n";
- $submit_value = __("Non");
- print Socket "<TD><INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=cancel VALUE=\"$submit_value\">\n";
- print Socket "</FORM></TABLE>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</TABLE>\n";
-sub checkAlarm
- my $event = shift;
- my $cal = shift;
- my $hour = shift;
- my $day = shift;
- my $et = shift;
- my $week = shift;
- my $year = shift;
- my @types = ("", "minutes", "hours" , "days");
- # compute start date
- my $now=&ParseDate("today");
- my $begin;
- my $end;
- my $alarm;
- my $strdate;
- my @format;
- my @tab;
- my $chk = 1;
- my $min = $event->{min};
- my $notime;
- if ($hour == -1)
- {
- $hour = 0;
- $min = 0;
- $notime = 1;
- }
- if ($et eq "w")
- {
- $begin = &DateCalc(&ParseDate(sprintf("%04d-w%02d-%d", $event->{startyear}, $event->{startweek}, $event->{startwday}+1)), sprintf("+%dhours +%dminutes", $hour, $min));
- $alarm = &DateCalc($begin, sprintf("-%d%s", $event->{alval}, $types[$event->{altype}]));
- if ($alarm gt $now)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($et eq "rw")
- {
- $alarm = &DateCalc($now, sprintf("+%d%s", $event->{alval}, $types[$event->{altype}]));
- @format = ("%w");
- my $wday = &UnixDate($alarm, @format);
- $wday = 1 + $event->{startwday} - $wday;
- if ($wday > 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- elsif ($wday < 0)
- {
- $begin = &DateCalc($alarm, $wday."days");
- }
- else
- {
- $begin = $alarm;
- }
- $begin = substr($begin,0,8).sprintf("%02d:%02d:00", $hour, $min);
- if ($begin gt $alarm || ($event->{alchk} && $begin le $event->{alchk}))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- $chk = $begin;
- }
- elsif ($et eq "rm")
- {
- $alarm = &DateCalc($now, sprintf("+%d%s", $event->{alval}, $types[$event->{altype}]));
- @format = ("%d");
- my $mday = &UnixDate($alarm, @format);
- $mday = $day - $mday;
- if ($mday > 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- elsif ($mday < 0)
- {
- $begin = &DateCalc($alarm, $mday."days");
- }
- else
- {
- $begin = $alarm;
- }
- $begin = substr($begin,0,8).sprintf("%02d:%02d:00", $hour, $min);
- if ($begin gt $alarm || ($event->{alchk} && $begin le $event->{alchk}))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- $chk = $begin;
- }
- my $email = "root";
- my $head;
- my $body;
- $email = $::REMOTE_MAIL;
- $head = sprintf(__("Agenda %s"), %{$::USER_CONFS->{$cal}}->{'long name'});
- if ($notime)
- {
- @format = ("%d","%m","%y");
- @tab = &UnixDate($begin, @format);
- $strdate = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d", @tab);
- }
- else
- {
- @format = ("%d","%m","%y","%H","%M");
- @tab = &UnixDate($begin, @format);
- $strdate = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", @tab);
- $end = &DateCalc($begin, sprintf("+%dminutes", $event->{lengthmin}));
- @format = ("%H","%M");
- @tab = &UnixDate($end, @format);
- $strdate .= sprintf(" - %02d:%02d", @tab);
- }
- my $data = $event->{data};
- $data =~ s/<BR>/\n\t /mg;
- $body = $head."\n";
- $head .= " : ".$event->{title}."\n";
- $body .= "************************************************************\n";
- $body .= __("Date")."\t: ".$strdate."\n";
- $body .= __("Titre")."\t: ".$event->{title}."\n";
- if ($data)
- {
- $body .= __("Note")."\t: ".$data."\n";
- }
- $body .= "************************************************************\n";
- system('mail -s "'.$head.'" '.$email." <<EOF\n".$body."\nEOF");
- return $chk;
-sub check_alarm () {
- opendir(DIR, $::DB_DIR);
- my $file;
- my $et;
- my $cal;
- my $week;
- my $year;
- my $refs;
- my $hour;
- my $day;
- my $devents;
- my $events;
- my $event;
- my $old_slash;
- my $err;
- my $chk;
- while ($file = readdir(DIR))
- {
- if ($file =~ /^(\w+)-(.+)\.db$/)
- {
- $et = $1;
- $cal = $2;
- if ($cal =~ /^(.+)-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)$/)
- {
- $cal = $1;
- $year = $2;
- $week = $3;
- }
- else
- {
- $year = "";
- $week = "";
- }
- if ($::REMOTE_CAL ne "all" && $::REMOTE_CAL ne $cal)
- {
- next;
- }
- if (open F, "$::DB_DIR/$file")
- {
- $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $refs = eval (<F>);
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close F;
- shift @$refs;
- $day = 0;
- foreach $devents (@$refs)
- {
- while (($hour,$events) = each (%$devents))
- {
- foreach $event (@$events)
- {
- if ($event->{alval} && !$event->{strike} && (!$event->{alchk} || $event->{alchk} ne "1"))
- {
- if ($chk = checkAlarm($event, $cal, $hour, $day, $et, $week, $year))
- {
- $::USER = $cal;
- $::DATA_ID = $cal;
- print Socket "$event->{'title'} ($event->{'id'}) checked\n";
- $err = remove_events(
- $event->{'rt'},
- $event->{'startyear'},
- $event->{'startweek'},
- $event->{'startwday'},
- $event->{'duration'},
- $hour,
- $event->{'id'});
- if (!$err)
- {
- $err = add_events(
- $event->{'rt'},
- $event->{'startyear'},
- $event->{'startweek'},
- $event->{'startwday'},
- $event->{'duration'},
- $hour,
- $event->{'id'},
- $event->{'min'},
- $event->{'lengthmin'},
- $event->{'title'},
- $event->{'data'},
- $event->{'alval'},
- $event->{'altype'},
- $chk);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $day++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(DIR);
-sub list_users () {
- my (@users, $user);
- my $str = sprintf(__("Agendas %s"), $::ORGANIZATION);
- print Socket "<HEAD><TITLE>$str</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- if (! chdir ($::DIRECTORY)) {
- print Socket "<P>Can't change into directory $::DIRECTORY: $!";
- print Socket "<P>Make sure it exists, and its permissions are as explained in file INSTALL of the Wcal distribution.";
- exit (1);
- }
- print Socket "<CENTER><H1>$str</H1></CENTER>";
- print Socket sprintf(__("Cliquez sur un calendrier ou sélectionnez les calendriers pour la %s"), '<a href="fusion-'.$::REMOTE_LANG.'.html">'.__("Fusion")."</a>");
- print Socket '<form action="'.$::BASE_URL.'/fusion.cgi">'."\n";
- print Socket "<P><UL>\n";
- @users = sort (keys (%$::USER_CONFS));
- for $user (@users) {
- my ($desc);
- $desc = $::USER_CONFS->{$user}->{'long name'};
- print Socket '<input type="checkbox" name="cal" value="'.$user.'"> ';
- print Socket "<A TARGET=_top HREF=\"$::BASE_URL/$user/?t=redraw&view=default\">$desc</A><br>\n";
- }
- print Socket "</UL>\n";
- print Socket '<input type="submit" name="fusion" value="'.__("Fusion").'"></form action>'."\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
- return;
-sub main () {
- my ($config_result, $last_run, $last_conf, $res);
- $SIG{ALRM} = \&purge_cache_all;
- $ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin'; # To pass taint checks
- #
- # Make sure the $::DIRECTORY variable is set
- #
- if ($::DIRECTORY =~ /^_X_DIRECTOR/) {
- print "You haven't set the variable $::DIRECTORY at top of wcald.\n";
- print "It is automatically set by Makefile. If you're installing manually,\n";
- print "set the variable the name directory you installed wcald to.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- #
- # Refuse to run as root
- #
- if ($> == 0) {
- die "Won't run as root.\n";
- }
- #
- # Check some file permissions
- #
- if (! -d $::DB_DIR or ! -w $::DB_DIR or (sprintf "%04o", ((stat ($::DB_DIR))[2]) & 07777) ne '0700') {
- die "$::DB_DIR must exist, be writable and have mode 0700.\n";
- }
- if (! -d "$::DB_DIR/cache") {
- mkdir ("$::DB_DIR/cache", 0700) or die "mkdir (\"$::DB_DIR/cache\", 0700): $!\n";
- }
- if (! -d $::DIRECTORY or ! -w $::DIRECTORY or (sprintf "%04o", ((stat ($::DIRECTORY))[2]) & 07777) ne '0750') {
- die "$::DIRECTORY must exist, be writable and have mode 0750.\n";
- }
- #
- # Read in wcal.msg
- #
- open(MSG, $::MSG_FILE) or die "Can't open $::MSG_FILE for reading: $!";
- my $old_slash = $/;
- undef $/;
- $::msgs = eval (<MSG>);
- $/ = $old_slash;
- close(MSG);
- #
- # Read configuration and create users
- #
- $config_result = read_config ();
- if (ref $config_result) {
- die "$0: error: ", $$config_result, "\n";
- }
- $res = create_users ();
- if ($res) {
- die "$0: error creating users: $res\n";
- }
- #
- # Make sure current database (if one exists) uses same 'first day'
- # parameter as we're currently using.
- #
- check_and_set_first_day ();
- #
- # Set the date constants
- #
- if ($::FIRST_DAY eq 'monday') {
- @::weekdays = qw (Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche);
- @::weekdays_short = qw (lun mar mer jeu ven sam dim);
- @::weekdays2 = qw (Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday);
- &Date_Init ('FirstDay=1');
- } else {
- @::weekdays = qw (Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi);
- @::weekdays_short = qw (dim lun mar mer jeu ven sam);
- @::weekdays2 = qw (Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
- &Date_Init ('FirstDay=7');
- }
- @::months = qw (Erreur Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre);
- init_socket ();
- $last_run = (localtime(time))[7];
- $last_conf = 0;
- while (1) {
- my ($query_type, $pid, $paddr, $cgi, %user, $now_run, $now_conf);
- $SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = \&siginthandler;
- $SIG{'HUP'} = \&sighuphandler;
- $paddr = accept (Socket, SSocket);
- $SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE';
- #
- # Purge cache when day changes
- #
- $now_run = (localtime(time))[7];
- if ($now_run != $last_run) {
- $last_run = $now_run;
- purge_cache_newday ();
- }
- #
- # Start outputing HTML
- #
- print Socket $::HTTP_HEADER;
- print Socket "<HTML>\n";
- #
- # Read CGI environment and the config options that cgi-proxy passes to us
- # Includes QUERY_STRING (decoded into $::query),
- # __password (checked) and __user (stored in $::USER)
- #
- if (! read_environment ()) {
- next;
- }
- #
- # Re-read config if it has changed
- #
- $now_conf = (stat($::CONF_FILE))[9];
- if ($now_conf != $last_conf) {
- $last_conf = $now_conf;
- $config_result = read_config ();
- if (ref $config_result) {
- while (<Socket>) { chomp; last if /^$/; }; # Read environment to make cgi-proxy happy
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<P><H2>Configuration has changed.</H2>";
- print Socket "<P>Re-reading configureation failed: ", $$config_result, " - configuration not changed.\n";
- print Socket "<P><A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\"$::BASE_URL/\">Click me</A> to go to the main view\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
- next;
- } else {
- $res = create_users ();
- if ($res) {
- print Socket $::H_BODY;
- print Socket "<P><H2>Configuration has changed.</H2>";
- print Socket "<P>Error creating new users: $res\n";
- print Socket "<P><A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\"$::BASE_URL/\">Click me</A> to go to the main view\n";
- print Socket "</BODY>\n";
- next;
- }
- # fall through: just serve the request
- }
- }
- # show a list of users
- if (!$::query->{'cal'} && $::USER eq $::PATH_BASENAME) {
- list_users ();
- next;
- }
- #
- # Dispatch the operation
- #
- # Make sure the users exists
- if ($::USER_CONFS->{$::USER}) {
- import_settings ($::USER_CONFS->{$::USER});
- $::DATA_IDS = 0;
- }
- else # fusion
- {
- $::READ_ONLY = 'true';
- $::DATA_ID = 0;
- $::DATA_IDS = $::query->{'cal'};
- $::LONG_NAME = __('Fusion');
- $::MY_URL = $::BASE_URL.'/fusion.cgi';
- $::MY_URL_XUSER = $::BASE_URL.'/fusion.cgi';
- }
- $::query->{'u'} = $::USER;
- $query_type = $::query->{'t'} || '';
- if ($query_type eq 'redraw' or $query_type eq '') {
- redraw ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'week') {
- show_week ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'day') {
- show_day ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'event') {
- show_event ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'copy_event') {
- copy_event ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'add_edit') {
- add_edit_event_ask () if check_write_access ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'add_edit_confirm') {
- add_edit_event_confirm () if check_write_access ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'remove') {
- remove_event_confirm () if check_write_access ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'xxx_event_error') {
- xxx_event_error ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'event_list') {
- show_event_list ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'views') {
- show_other_views ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'links') {
- show_links ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'purge') {
- show_purge ();
- } elsif ($query_type eq 'checkalarm') {
- check_alarm ();
- } else {
- print Socket "<H2><P>Unknown command '$query_type'.</H2>\n";
- }
- undef $::query;
- } continue {
- print Socket "</HTML>\n";
- close Socket;
- }
- # not reached