path: root/tests/openssl.cnf
blob: 3456dc5e07ad4e1ae26d09cc45f0c993f37fc268 (plain)
  1. # OpenSSL configuration for the purposes of the monkeysphere test suite:
  2. # This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
  3. # defined.
  4. HOME = .
  5. RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
  6. [ req ]
  7. attributes = req_attributes
  8. x509_extensions = monkeysphere_self_signed
  9. distinguished_name = req_dn
  10. attributes = req_attrs
  11. [ monkeysphere_self_signed ]
  12. # Just generate an X.509 cert that is for specific use as a TLS server
  13. basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
  14. keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
  15. extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
  16. nsCertType = server
  17. [ req_dn ]
  18. commonName = Common Name
  19. commonName_max = 64
  20. [ req_attrs ]