path: root/src
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authorDaniel Kahn Gillmor <>2009-07-13 23:23:50 -0400
committerDaniel Kahn Gillmor <>2009-07-13 23:23:50 -0400
commit67f9a419cca005c79bd7d659e3b46f6421c436a3 (patch)
tree3a33c3526f9d1b3994415ae24642920d8e14e49b /src
parent339dd73b29eabfba4fcfe92b425678e5bed912c8 (diff)
completed user ID revocation by emitting a bundle (key+uid+selfsig+revsig) that gpg is willing to import.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/share/keytrans b/src/share/keytrans
index 0e52a47..ad65ed3 100755
--- a/src/share/keytrans
+++ b/src/share/keytrans
@@ -608,7 +608,6 @@ sub gensig {
# FIXME: handle signatures over digests other than SHA256:
my $data_hash = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex($datatosign);
@@ -642,8 +641,8 @@ sub finduid {
($tag == $packet_types->{uid}) or die "This should not be called on anything but a User ID packet\n";
read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen);
- $data->{uid} = {} unless defined $data->{uid};
$data->{uid}->{$dummy} = {};
+ $data->{current}->{uid} = $dummy;
@@ -659,46 +658,25 @@ sub findsig {
my $dummy;
my $readbytes = 0;
- if ((undef $data->{key}) ||
- (undef $data->{uid}) ||
- (undef $data->{uid}->{$data->{target}->{uid}})) {
- # this is not the user ID we are looking for.
- read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen - $readbytes) or die "Could not skip past this packet.\n";
- }
+ read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen - $readbytes) or die "Could not read in this packet.\n";
- read($instr, $data, 6) or die "could not read signature header\n";
- my ($ver, $sigtype, $pubkeyalgo, $digestalgo, $subpacketsize) = unpack('CCCCn', $data);
- if ($ver != 4) {
- printf(STDERR "We only work with version 4 signatures.");
- read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen - $readbytes) or die "Could not skip past this packet.\n";
- return;
- }
- if ($pubkeyalgo != $asym_algos->{rsa}) {
- printf(STDERR "We can only work with RSA at the moment");
- read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen - $readbytes) or die "Could not skip past this packet.\n";
- return;
- }
- if ($sigtype != $sig_types->{positive_certification}) {
- # FIXME: some weird implementations might have made generic,
- # persona, or casual certifications instead of positive
- # certifications for self-sigs. Probably should handle them too.
- read($instr, $dummy, $packetlen - $readbytes) or die "Could not skip past this packet.\n";
+ if ((! defined $data->{key}) ||
+ (! defined $data->{uid}) ||
+ (! defined $data->{uid}->{$data->{target}->{uid}})) {
+ # the user ID we are looking for has not been found yet.
- my $subpackets;
- read($instr, $subpackets, $subpacketsize) or die "could not read hashed signature subpackets.\n";
- read($instr, $subpacketsize, 2) or die "could not read unhashed signature subpacket size.\n";
- $subpacketsize = unpack('n', $subpacketsize);
- my $unhashedsubpackets;
- read($instr, $unhashedsubpackets, $subpacketsize) or die "could not read unhashed signature subpackets.\n";
+ # FIXME: if we get two primary keys on stdin, both with the same
+ # targetd user ID, we'll store signatures from both keys, which is
+ # probably wrong.
- my $hashtail;
- read($instr, $hashtail, 2) or die "could not read left 16 bits of digest.\n";
+ # the current ID is not what we're looking for:
+ return if ($data->{current}->{uid} ne $data->{target}->{uid});
- # FIXME: RSA signatures should read in how many MPIs?
+ # just storing the raw signatures for the moment:
+ push @{$data->{sigs}}, make_packet($packet_types->{sig}, $dummy);
+ return;
@@ -840,6 +818,7 @@ sub revokeuserid {
my $instr = shift;
my $fpr = shift;
my $uid = shift;
+ my $sigtime = shift;
if ((! defined $fpr) ||
(length($fpr) < 8)) {
@@ -853,10 +832,12 @@ sub revokeuserid {
my $data = { target => { fpr => $fpr,
+ uid => $uid,
my $subs = { $packet_types->{seckey} => \&findkey,
- $packet_types->{uid} => \&finduid
+ $packet_types->{uid} => \&finduid,
+ $packet_types->{sig} => \&findsig,
packetwalk($instr, $subs, $data);
@@ -882,15 +863,21 @@ sub revokeuserid {
+ if (! defined $sigtime) {
+ $sigtime = time();
+ }
# what does a signature like this look like?
- my $args = { 'key_timestamp' => $data->{key}->{timestamp},
- 'sig_timestamp' => time(),
- 'certification_type' => $sig_types->{certification_revocation},
- 'hashed_subpackets' => $rev_reason_subpkt,
+ my $args = { key_timestamp => $data->{key}->{timestamp},
+ sig_timestamp => $sigtime,
+ certification_type => $sig_types->{certification_revocation},
+ hashed_subpackets => $rev_reason_subpkt,
- return gensig($data->{key}->{rsa}, $data->{uid}, $args);
+ return
+ make_packet($packet_types->{pubkey}, make_rsa_pub_key_body($data->{key}->{rsa}, $data->{key}->{timestamp})).
+ make_packet($packet_types->{uid}, $uid).
+ join('', @{$data->{sigs}}).
+ gensig($data->{key}->{rsa}, $uid, $args);
@@ -1046,7 +1033,7 @@ for (basename($0)) {
binmode($instream, ":bytes");
- my $revcert = revokeuserid($instream, $fpr, $uid);
+ my $revcert = revokeuserid($instream, $fpr, $uid, $ENV{KEYTRANS_REVSIG_TIMESTAMP});
print $revcert;
} else {