blob: 5bec905182930a56682cd81d62ff694e25a4bd99 (
- $TTL 1w
- @ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. ( 1 1w 1d 1mo 3h )
- ; Public zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A)
- NS localhost.
- A ;
- MX 0 .
- SPF "v=spf1 -all"
- ; External hosts (use A and TXT-wrapped CNAME or PTR)
- ; Public local hosts (use A)
- ; Public wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use A and TXT or CNAME)
- ; Public CNAME-mapped PTR records
- ; Public authentication-related (LDAP and Kerberos) records
- ; External services (use CNAME to local A, or A and TXT-wrapped CNAME, or CNAME if ok with partner)
- ; Public local services (use CNAME)
- ; Private zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A)
- ; Private hosts (use A)
- ; Private wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use CNAME)
- ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records
- ; Private services (use CNAME)
- ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records