path: root/offlineimap/offlineimaprc.example
blob: ce02ea2fff730540271e8f80fdcd5a380c4f2884 (plain)
  1. [general]
  2. accounts = Main
  3. pythonfile=~/
  4. [Account Main]
  5. localrepository = Local
  6. remoterepository = Remote
  7. [Repository Local]
  8. type = Maildir
  9. localfolders = ~/Maildir
  10. [Repository Remote]
  11. type = IMAP
  12. preauthtunnel = ssh -C -q '/usr/local/bin/localimap'
  13. # Mimic dovecot Maildir setup: Add leading dot to all folders but INBOX
  14. nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^\.INBOX$', '.', '.' + foldername)
  15. # Avoid Trash, Junk and other non-important folders
  16. folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in imapnoise