- # -*- python -*-
- # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
- #
- # LISTNAME = list base name
- # LISTDESC = list base description
- # LISTHOST = maildomain
- # SENDERS = permitted senders short description
- # SENDERFILTERS = array of regexes of permitted senders
- # LISTOWNERS = array of listmaster address(es)
- #
- real_name = 'LISTNAME'
- owner = [LISTOWNERS]
- moderator = []
- description = 'LISTDESC (censored, public, no archive)'
- info = """Open list for LISTDESC.
- <ul><li>Anyone can send to the list.
- <li>Attachments are removed.
- <li>Posts are censored for relevancy (except from SENDERS).
- <li>Anyone can subscribe to the list (only members can see member list).
- </ul>Posts are not centrally archived.
- Censorship avoids some noise, but also increase risk of rejection or delay of legitimate posts: Please subscribe to the list and use your subscribed address as sender if you want delivery of your posts ensured."""
- subject_prefix = '[LISTNAME] '
- anonymous_list = False
- first_strip_reply_to = 0
- reply_goes_to_list = 0
- reply_to_address = ''
- umbrella_list = False
- umbrella_member_suffix = '-owner'
- send_reminders = 0
- welcome_msg = """This is an open list for LISTDESC.
- * Anyone can send to the list.
- * Attachments are removed.
- * Posts are censored for relevancy (except from SENDERS).
- * Anyone can subscribe to the list (only members can see member list).
- Censorship avoids some noise, but also increase risk of rejection or
- delay of legitimate posts: Please subscribe to the list and use your
- subscribed address as sender if you want delivery of your posts ensured.
- Posts are not centrally archived."""
- send_welcome_msg = True
- goodbye_msg = ''
- send_goodbye_msg = True
- admin_immed_notify = True
- admin_notify_mchanges = 1
- respond_to_post_requests = 1
- emergency = 0
- new_member_options = 256
- administrivia = 0
- max_message_size = 0
- admin_member_chunksize = 30
- host_name = 'LISTHOST'
- include_rfc2369_headers = 1
- include_list_post_header = 1
- max_days_to_hold = 7
- preferred_language = 'en'
- available_languages = ['da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'nl', 'no', 'pt_BR', 'sv']
- encode_ascii_prefixes = 2
- nondigestable = True
- msg_header = ''
- msg_footer = """--
- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to %(real_name)s-REQUEST@%(host_name)s
- with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@%(host_name)s
- Settings, see %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s"""
- scrub_nondigest = False
- regular_exclude_lists = []
- regular_include_lists = []
- digestable = True
- digest_is_default = False
- mime_is_default_digest = 1
- digest_size_threshhold = 30
- digest_send_periodic = True
- digest_header = ''
- digest_footer = """--
- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to %(real_name)s-REQUEST@%(host_name)s
- with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@%(host_name)s
- Settings, see %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s"""
- digest_volume_frequency = 1
- advertised = 1
- subscribe_policy = 1
- unsubscribe_policy = 0
- ban_list = []
- private_roster = 1
- obscure_addresses = 0
- default_member_moderation = 0
- member_moderation_action = 0
- member_moderation_notice = ''
- accept_these_nonmembers = [SENDERFILTERS]
- hold_these_nonmembers = []
- reject_these_nonmembers = []
- discard_these_nonmembers = []
- generic_nonmember_action = 1
- nonmember_rejection_notice = ''
- require_explicit_destination = 1
- acceptable_aliases = ''
- max_num_recipients = 0
- header_filter_rules = [('X-Spam-Status: Yes', 3, False)]
- bounce_matching_headers = """# Lines that *start* with a '#' are comments.
- to: friend@public.com
- message-id: relay.comanche.denmark.eu
- from: list@listme.com
- from: .*@uplinkpro.com"""
- bounce_processing = 1
- bounce_score_threshold = 5.0
- bounce_info_stale_after = 7
- bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings = 3
- bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval = 7
- bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner = True
- bounce_notify_owner_on_disable = True
- bounce_notify_owner_on_removal = True
- archive = False
- archive_private = 0
- archive_volume_frequency = 1
- nntp_host = ''
- linked_newsgroup = ''
- gateway_to_news = 0
- gateway_to_mail = 0
- news_moderation = 0
- news_prefix_subject_too = 1
- autorespond_postings = 0
- autoresponse_postings_text = ''
- autorespond_admin = 0
- autoresponse_admin_text = ''
- autorespond_requests = 0
- autoresponse_request_text = ''
- autoresponse_graceperiod = 90
- filter_content = False
- filter_mime_types = ''
- pass_mime_types = """multipart
- message/rfc822
- application/pgp-signature
- application/pkcs7-signature
- text/html
- text/plain"""
- filter_filename_extensions = """exe
- bat
- cmd
- com
- pif
- scr
- vbs
- cpl"""
- pass_filename_extensions = ''
- collapse_alternatives = 0
- convert_html_to_plaintext = 0
- filter_action = 1
- topics_enabled = 0
- topics_bodylines_limit = 5
- topics = []