path: root/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/netsaint
blob: d8f83b21868d41c4a9d0993ab4ab369f0b1269df (plain)
  1. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;PING;CRITICAL;.*;PING CRITICAL - Packet loss =.*%, RTA =.*ms
  2. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;ROUTER;CRITICAL;.*;CRITICAL - Plugin timed out after 10 seconds
  3. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;ROUTER;OK;.*;PING OK - Packet loss =.*%, RTA =.*ms
  4. netsaint: SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT:.*;PING;STOPPED; Service appears to have stopped flapping (.*% change < .*% threshold)
  5. netsaint: SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT:.*;PING;STARTED; Service appears to have started flapping (.*% change >.*% threshold)
  6. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT: mail;SMTP;CRITICAL;.*;Connection refused by host
  7. netsaint: SERVICE NOTIFICATION:.*;CRITICAL;notify-by-.*;Connection refused by host
  8. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT: mail;SMTP;OK;.* OK - 0 second response time
  9. netsaint: HOST ALERT:.*;DOWN;SOFT;.*;CRITICAL.*
  10. netsaint: HOST ALERT:.*;UP;SOFT;.*;PING OK.*