path: root/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/local
blob: 621ae62e963594a3a5a139f4f8494503fb256e52 (plain)
  1. ### violations.ignore.d/amavis
  2. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: Checking: <[^[:space:]]*> -> (<[^[:space:]]*>(,)?)+$
  3. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: SMTP-in \[[\.0-9]+\] /var/lib/amavis/amavis[0-9-]+: <[^[:space:]]*> -> (<[^[:space:]]*>(,)?)+$
  4. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: cached [a-f0-9]+ from <[^[:space:]]*>$
  5. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: infected \([^[:space:]]+\), from=<[^[:space:]]+>, to=<[^[:space:]]+>, quarantine virus-[0-9-]+$
  6. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: local delivery: <[^[:space:]]+> -> <(spam|virus)-quarantine>, mbx=/var/lib/amavis/virusmails/(spam|virus)-[[:alnum:]-]+(\.gz)?$
  7. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: spam from=<[^[:space:]]+>, to=<[^[:space:]]+>, quarantine spam-[^[:space:]]+$
  8. amavis\[[0-9]+\]: spam_scan: (No|Yes), hits=[\.0-9-]+ tests=[,_A-Z0-9]+ <[^[:space:]]*>$
  9. ### violations.ignore.d/bind
  10. named\[[0-9]+\]: client [\.0-9]+#[0-9]+: update forwarding denied$
  11. ### violations.ignore.d/bind.tmp
  12. named\[[0-9]+\]: zone .*: refresh: failure trying master .*: timed out
  13. ### violations.ignore.d/dhcp-client
  14. dhcpd(-2.2.x)?: (send_packet|fallback_discard): Connection refused$
  15. dhclient(-2.2.x)?: receive_packet failed on eth[0-9]: Network is down$
  16. ### violations.ignore.d/misc
  17. # This one shows up with firewalls blocking SMB ports non-silently
  18. kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth[0-9]+ PROTO=17 .*:137 .*:137 L=78 S=0x00 I=[0-9]+ F=0x0000 T=[0-9]+ \(#[0-9]+\)
  19. ### violations.ignore.d/netatalk.changes
  20. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_die: asp_shutdown: Connection timed out$
  21. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_getsrvrparms: stat /[^/]+/: Permission denied$
  22. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: (afp_flushfork|afp_read|getforkparms): (ad_refresh|of_find): Permission denied$
  23. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: dsi_stream_read\(0\): Permission denied$
  24. ### violations.ignore.d/netsaint
  25. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;PING;CRITICAL;.*;PING CRITICAL - Packet loss =.*%, RTA =.*ms
  26. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;ROUTER;CRITICAL;.*;CRITICAL - Plugin timed out after 10 seconds
  27. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT:.*;ROUTER;OK;.*;PING OK - Packet loss =.*%, RTA =.*ms
  28. netsaint: SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT:.*;PING;STOPPED; Service appears to have stopped flapping (.*% change < .*% threshold)
  29. netsaint: SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT:.*;PING;STARTED; Service appears to have started flapping (.*% change >.*% threshold)
  30. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT: mail;SMTP;CRITICAL;.*;Connection refused by host
  31. netsaint: SERVICE NOTIFICATION:.*;CRITICAL;notify-by-.*;Connection refused by host
  32. netsaint: SERVICE ALERT: mail;SMTP;OK;.* OK - 0 second response time
  33. netsaint: HOST ALERT:.*;DOWN;SOFT;.*;CRITICAL.*
  34. netsaint: HOST ALERT:.*;UP;SOFT;.*;PING OK.*
  35. netsaint: Successfully shutdown\.\.\. \(PID=[0-9]+\) $
  36. ### violations.ignore.d/pmud
  37. pmud\[[0-9]+\]: Sleep for this PMU unsupported: will shutdown the machine on sleep request$
  38. ### violations.ignore.d/postfix
  39. postfix/(qmgr|smtp)\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=deferred \(connect to [^[:space:]\[]+\[[\.0-9]+\]: (Connection refused|server refused mail service)\)
  40. postfix/cleanup\[[0-9]+\]: [A-Z0-9]+: message-id=<[^[:space:]>]+>$
  41. postfix/local\[[0-9]+\]: warning: unable to create lock file /var/mail/[[:alnum:]]+\.lock: Permission denied$
  42. postfix/nqmgr\[[0-9]+\]: [A-Z0-9]+: from=<[^[:space:]>]+>, size=[0-9]+, nrcpt=[0-9]+ \(queue active\)$
  43. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(Name service error for .*: Host not found\)
  44. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(bad host/domain syntax: "[^"]+"\)
  45. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 550 .* (User unknown; rejecting|Relaying denied|Access denied\.|unknown or illegal alias: [^[:space:]]+|Recipient address rejected: This user does not have an account here \(MTA:imta15\))\)
  46. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 552 header content rejected: see .*\)
  47. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 554 <[^[:space:]>]+>:( Recipient address rejected:)? Relay access denied\)
  48. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=bounced \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 571 <>\.\.\. denied\)
  49. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=deferred \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 450 <[^[:space:]>]+>: (Recipient address rejected: Recipient mailbox is full|Sender address rejected: Domain not found\)
  50. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: .* status=deferred \(host [^[:space:]]+ said: 451 Transaction failed.\)
  51. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: [A-Z0-9]+: to=<[^[:space:]>]+>, relay=127\.0\.0\.1\[127\.0\.0\.1\], delay=[0-9]+, status=bounced \(host 127\.0\.0\.1\[127\.0\.0\.1\] said: 550 Message content rejected, id=[^\)]+\)$
  52. postfix/smtp\[[0-9]+\]: connect to [^[:space:]\[]+\[[\.0-9]+\]: (Connection refused|server refused mail service) \(port 25\)$
  53. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: RCPT from [^:]+: 504 <[^[:space:]>]+>: 503 Improper use of SMTP command pipelining; from=<[^[:space:]>]+> to=<[^[:space:]>]+>$
  54. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: RCPT from [^:]+: 504 <[^[:space:]>]+>: (Helo command|Recipient address) rejected: need fully-qualified address; from=<[^[:space:]>]+> to=<[^[:space:]>]+>$
  55. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: RCPT from [^:]+: 550 <[^[:space:]>]+>: User unknown; from=<[^[:space:]>]+> to=<[^[:space:]>]+>$
  56. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: RCPT from [^:]+: 554 <[^[:space:]>]+>: (Recipient address rejected: )?(Relay a|A)ccess denied; from=<[^[:space:]>]*> to=<[^[:space:]>]+>$
  57. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: RCPT from [^:]+: 554 Service unavailable; .* blocked using .*; from=<[^[:space:]>]+> to=<[^[:space:]>]+>
  58. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: warning: [^[:space:]:]+: hostname [\.[:alnum:]-]+ verification failed: Host (name has no address|not found)$
  59. ### violations.ignore.d/proftpd
  60. proftpd\[[0-9]+\]: [^[:space:]]+ \([^[:space:]\[]+\[[\.0-9]+\]\) - USER anonymous \(Login failed\): Can't find user\.$
  61. ### violations.ignore.d/samba
  62. smbd\[[0-9]+\]: read(_socket)?_data: (read|recv) failure for 4\. Error = (No route to host|Connection reset by peer)$
  63. ### violations.ignore.d/ssh
  64. sshd\[[0-9]+\]: Failed keyboard-interactive for [^[:space:]]+ from [\.0-9]+ port [0-9]+ ssh2$
  65. ### violations.ignore.d/temp
  66. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_flushfork: of_find: Permission denied
  67. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_getsrvrparms: stat /volumes/(km/kmstab/kmstab|kp/kp(/kp|/kpstab|stab/kpstab)|misc/flstab/flstab): Permission denied
  68. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: bad function 7A
  69. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: cnid_open: Cannot establish logfile cleanup lock for database environment .*/\.AppleDB/cnid\.lock \(open\(\) failed\)
  70. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: dsi_stream_read\(0\): Permission denied
  71. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: error removing /.+/net[\.0-9]+node[0-9]+: Permission denied
  72. afpd\[[0-9]+\]: uams_dhx_pam\.c :PAM: PAM_Error: Authentication failure -- (Bad file descriptor|Invalid argument)
  73. IMP\[[0-9]+\]: FAILED .* to .*:143 as .*
  74. i(map|pop3)d\[[0-9]+\]: (AUTHENTICATE (LOGIN|PLAIN) failure|Login failed)( user=.*)? host=(.* )?\[.*\]
  75. kernel: IP_MASQ:reverse ICMP: failed checksum from .*!
  76. kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=427 S=0xD0 I=0 F=0x4000 T=255 \(#22\)
  77. PAM_unix\[[0-9]+\]: authentication failure; \(uid=0\) -> .* for (imap|netatalk|pop|samba|ssh) service
  78. portsentry\[[0-9]+\]: attackalert: .*
  79. smbd\[[0-9]+\]: smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User [[:alnum:]]+ !
  80. smbd\[[0-9]+\]: read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = No route to host
  81. smbd\[[0-9]+\]: yield_connection: tdb_delete for name failed with error Record does not exist\.
  82. sshd\[[0-9]+\]: Failed password for .*
  83. pumpd\[[0-9]+\]: SO_BINDTODEVICE eth0 \(4\) failed: Invalid argument
  84. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: .*: 550 <.*>: User unknown; .*
  85. postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: .*: 554 <.*>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown; .*
  86. postfix.*\[[0-9]+\]: .* from=<(|>
  87. snort: spp_http_decode: IIS Unicode attack detected:
  88. postgres\[[0-9]+\]: \[[0-9-]+\] DEBUG: .*