path: root/logcheck/ignore.d.workstation/gconf.changes
blob: 97a73880f69db7cd308f45333c53a85a273f4d63 (plain)
  1. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): CORBA_ORB_destroy: ORB still has [0-9]+ refs\.$
  2. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): Exiting$
  3. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): GConf server is not in use, shutting down\.$
  4. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/[^[:space:]]+" to a read-only config source at position [0-9]+$
  5. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/[^[:space:]]+" to a writable config source at position [0-9]+$
  6. gconfd \([^[:space:]]+\): starting \(version [\.0-9]+\), pid [0-9]+ user '[^[:space:]]+'$