path: root/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local
blob: a51d023ec5b9dc31c55ea5a639619684e874a3a3 (plain)
  1. anacron\[.*\]: Job `cron.(daily|weekly|monthly)' started
  2. anacron\[.*\]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.(daily|weekly|monthly)' to [[:alnum:]-]+
  3. anacron\[.*\]: Job `cron.(daily|weekly|monthly)' terminated( \(mailing output\))?$
  4. anacron\[.*\]: Normal exit \([[:digit:]]+ jobs run\)
  5. anacron\[.*\]: Anacron 2.3 started on [[:alnum:]-]+
  6. anacron\[.*\]: Jobs will be executed sequentially
  7. anacron\[.*\]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 5 min.
  8. anacron\[.*\]:
  9. anacron\[.*\]:
  10. anacron\[.*\]:
  11. named\[.*\]: .*: query\(.*\) NS points to CNAME \(.*\)
  12. dhcpd.*: Abandoning IP address .*: pinged before offer
  13. dhcpd.*: DHCPINFORM from [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+( via eth.)?
  14. dhcpd.*: DHCPNACK on [\.[:digit:]]+ to [[:alnum:]]+( via eth.)?
  15. dhcpd.*: DHCPRELEASE of .* from .* via
  16. dhcpd.*: Reclaiming( REQUESTed) abandoned IP address [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.
  17. dhcpd.*: already acking lease
  18. dhcpd.*: send_packet: Connection refused
  19. dhcpd.*: fallback_discard: Connection refused
  20. dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for .* from .* via
  21. dhcpd: DHCPNACK on .* to .* via
  22. dhcpd: DHCPACK on .* to .* via
  23. dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from .* via
  24. dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on .* to .* via
  25. dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPREQUEST on .* to .* port 67
  26. dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on .* to .* port 67 interval [[:digit:]]+
  27. dhclient-2.2.x: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping\.
  28. dhclient-2.2.x: No DHCPOFFERS received\.
  29. dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPOFFER from [\.[:digit:]]+
  30. dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPACK from .*
  31. dhclient-2.2.x: bound to .* -- renewal in [[:digit:]]+ seconds\.
  33. Fax(Getty|Send)\[.*\]: MODEM (ROCKWELL|ZYXEL) .*
  34. FaxGetty\[.*\]: RECV FAX \([[:digit:]]+\): from .*, page .* in [[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+, INF, .* line/mm, 1-D MR(, [[:digit:]]+ bit/s)?
  35. FaxGetty\[.*\]: RECV FAX \([[:digit:]]+\): recvq/fax[[:digit:]]+\.tif from .*, route to .*, [[:digit:]]+ pages in [[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+
  36. FaxGetty\[.*\]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax[[:digit:]]+\.tif" "ttyS[012]" "[[:digit:]]+" ""
  37. FaxGetty\[.*\]: ANSWER: Ring detected without successful handshake
  38. FaxGetty\[.*\]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION
  39. FaxQueuer\[.*\]: SUBMIT JOB [[:digit:]]+
  40. FaxSend\[.*\]: SEND FAX: JOB [[:digit:]]+ DEST [[:digit:]]+ COMMID [[:digit:]]+
  41. gdm\[.*\]: run_pictures: Directory .* does not exist\.
  42. gnu-imap4d\[.*\]: Incoming connection opened
  43. gnu-imap4d\[.*\]: connect from [\.[:digit:]]+
  44. gnu-imap4d\[.*\]: User '[[:alnum:]]+' logged in
  45. gnu-imap4d\[.*\]: Session timed out for user: [[:alnum:]]+
  46. gnu-imap4d\[.*\]: got signal Alarm clock
  47. HylaFAX\[.*\]: Filesystem has SysV-style file creation semantics.
  48. imapd\[.*\]: (port 143|imap|imaps SSL) service init from
  49. imapd\[.*\]: No route to host, while reading line user=.* host=.*
  50. i(map|pop3)d\[.*\]: Killed \(lost mailbox lock\) user=.* host=.*
  51. i(map|pop3)d\[.*\]: (Login|Auth|Authenticated|Logout|Autologout) user=.* host=.*
  52. i(map|pop3)d\[.*\]: Moved [[:digit:]]+ bytes of new mail to .* from .* host=.*
  53. i(map|pop[2|3])d\[.*\]: (Broken pipe|Command stream end of file|Connection (reset by peer|timed out))(,)? while reading (line|char) user=.* host=.*
  54. ipop[2|3]d\[.*\]: (connect|pop3 service init) from
  55. ipop3d\[.*\]: Trying to get mailbox lock from process [[:digit:]]+
  56. ipop3d\[.*\]: Error opening or locking INBOX user=.* host=.*
  57. ipop3d\[.*\]: Expunge ignored on readonly mailbox
  58. ipop3d\[.*\]: Mailbox is open by another process, access is readonly
  59. ipop3d\[.*\]: Moved .* bytes of new mail to .* from .* host=.*
  60. ircd\[.*\]: ircd exiting: autodie
  61. ircd\[.*\]: Server Ready
  62. (ircd\[.*\]: )?binding stream socket [\.[:alnum:]]+\[\*\.666[789]\]: Address already in use
  63. IMP\[.*\]: Login .* to .*:143 as .*
  64. kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth[[:digit:]]+ PROTO=17 .*:(137|138) .*:(137|138) L=[[:digit:]]+ S=0x00 I=[[:digit:]]+ F=0x0000 T=[[:digit:]]+ \(#[[:digit:]]+\)
  65. named\[.*\]: NSTATS [[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]]+
  66. named\[.*\]: .* All possible .* lame
  67. ntpd\[.*\]: kern_enable is 1
  68. ntpd\[.*\]: kernel time discipline status 0040
  69. ntpd\[.*\]: ntpd 4\.[01]\..* \([12]\)
  70. ntpd\[.*\]: precision = [[:digit:]]+ usec
  71. ntpd\[.*\]: signal_no_reset: signal 13 had flags [[:digit:]]+
  72. ntpd\[.*\]: using kernel phase-lock loop [[:digit:]]+
  73. postfix.* table has changed -- exiting
  74. postfix/local\[.*\]: warning: unable to create lock file /var/mail/[[:alnum:]]+\.lock: Permission denied
  75. postfix/smtp\[.*\]: .*: to=<.*>, relay=none, delay=[[:digit:]]+, status=deferred \(connect to .*\[.*\]: (Connection refused|server refused mail service)\)
  76. postfix/smtp\[.*\]: connect to .*\[.*\]: (Connection (refused|timed out)|read timeout|server (refused mail service|dropped connection)|No route to host) \(port 25\)
  77. postfix/smtp\[.*\]: warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for .*: [\.[:digit:]]+
  78. postfix/smtp\[.*\]: warning: no MX host for [\.[:alnum:]-]+ has a valid A record
  79. postfix/smtp\[.*\]: warning: host [\.[:alnum:]-]+\[[\.[:digit:]]+\] (greeted me|replied to HELO/EHLO) with my own hostname [\.[:alnum:]-]+
  80. postfix/smtpd\[.*\]: (lost connection|timeout) after [^ ]+ from [\.[:alnum:]-]+\[[\.[:digit:]]+\]
  81. postfix/smtpd\[.*\]: warning: .*: address not listed for hostname .*
  82. postfix/smtpd\[.*\]: warning: .*: hostname [\.[:alnum:]-]+ verification failed: Host (name has no address|not found)
  83. proftpd\[.*\]: .* \(.*\) - FTP session opened\.
  84. proftpd\[.*\]: .* \(.*\) - USER (anonymous|ftp) \(Login failed\): Can't find user\.
  85. pop-before-smtp\[.*\]: (opening|closing) relay for [\.[:digit:]]+( --- not in mynetworks)?
  86. smbd\[.*\]: read_socket_data: recv failure for 4\. Error = Connection reset by peer
  87. smbd\[.*\]: \[.*\] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data\([[:digit:]]+\)
  88. squid\[.*\]: Finished. Wrote [[:digit:]]+ entries\.
  89. squid\[.*\]: Took [[:digit:]]+ seconds \(.* entries/sec\)\.
  90. squid\[.*\]: (access|store)LogRotate: Rotating(\.)?
  91. squid\[.*\]: (Closing Pinger socket|Pinger socket opened) on FD [[:digit:]]+
  92. squid\[.*\]: NETDB state saved;
  93. squid\[.*\]: storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting\.\.\.
  94. sshd.*: syslogin_perform_logout: logout\(\) returned an error
  95. sshd.*: Could not reverse map address .*\.
  96. sshd.*: Connection closed by .*
  97. sshd.*: Did not receive ident string from [\.[:digit:]]+
  98. su\[.*\]: \+ pts/[[:digit:]]+ .*-root