blob: 3980d6355d4300841792155e49a8d58360f7308c (
- # NB: dhcp3 entries are in dhcp3-common
- dhcpd-2.2.x: Abandoning IP address [\.0-9]+: (declined\.|pinged before offer) ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: BOOT(DISCOVER|REQUEST) from [0-9a-f:]+ via eth[0-9]+ (\(non-rfc1048)\) ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: BOOTREPLY for [\.0-9]+ to [^[:space:]]+ \([0-9a-f:]+\) via eth[0-9]+ ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: DHCP(ACK|NAK|OFFER) on [\.0-9]+ to [0-9a-f:]+ via eth[0-9]+ ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: DHCP(DECLINE on|RELEASE of|REQUEST for) [\.0-9]+ from [0-9a-f:]+( \([^[:space:]]+\))? via eth[0-9]+ \((not )?found\) ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: DHCPINFORM from [\.0-9]+ ?$
- dhcpd-2.2.x: DHCPREQUEST for [\.0-9]+ from [0-9a-f:]+( \([^[:space:]]+\))? via eth[0-9]+: wrong network\. ?$