path: root/X11/Xresources/local-color-solarized
blob: 65502e62092c50aadf8585aabfdba3cc67013ea9 (plain)
  1. !! Solarized colorscheme for Xresources
  2. !! Origin:
  3. !! Origin of origin:
  4. !! use dark theme by default
  5. !! To choose between light/dark bakground:
  6. !! - Define the choice in ``.Xresources`` by hardcoding
  7. !! #define SOLARIZED_LIGHT
  8. !! or
  9. !! #define SOLARIZED_DARK
  10. !! - Define the symbol when loading ``.Xresources`` with ``xrdb``:
  11. !! $ xrdb -DSOLARIZED_LIGHT -merge ~/.Xresources
  12. #if !defined(SOLARIZED_LIGHT) && !defined(SOLARIZED_DARK)
  13. #define SOLARIZED_DARK
  14. #elif defined(SOLARIZED_LIGHT) && defined(SOLARIZED_DARK)
  15. #undef SOLARIZED_LIGHT
  16. #endif
  17. #define S_base03 #002b36
  18. #define S_base02 #073642
  19. #define S_base01 #586e75
  20. #define S_base00 #657b83
  21. #define S_base0 #839496
  22. #define S_base1 #93a1a1
  23. #define S_base2 #eee8d5
  24. #define S_base3 #fdf6e3
  25. #define S_yellow #b58900
  26. #define S_orange #cb4b16
  27. #define S_red #dc322f
  28. #define S_magenta #d33682
  29. #define S_violet #6c71c4
  30. #define S_blue #268bd2
  31. #define S_cyan #2aa198
  32. #define S_green #859900
  33. #ifdef SOLARIZED_LIGHT
  34. #define S_emph S_base01
  35. #define S_primary S_base00
  36. #define S_secondary S_base1
  37. #define S_bgrnd_hi S_base2
  38. #define S_bgrnd S_base3
  39. #endif
  40. #ifdef SOLARIZED_DARK
  41. #define S_emph S_base1
  42. #define S_primary S_base0
  43. #define S_secondary S_base01
  44. #define S_bgrnd_hi S_base02
  45. #define S_bgrnd S_base03
  46. #endif
  47. !! black dark/light
  48. *color0: S_base02
  49. *color8: S_base03
  50. !! red dark/light
  51. *color1: S_red
  52. *color9: S_orange
  53. !! green dark/light
  54. *color2: S_green
  55. *color10: S_base01
  56. !! yellow dark/light
  57. *color3: S_yellow
  58. *color11: S_base00
  59. !! blue dark/light
  60. *color4: S_blue
  61. *color12: S_base0
  62. !! magenta dark/light
  63. *color5: S_magenta
  64. *color13: S_violet
  65. !! cyan dark/light
  66. *color6: S_cyan
  67. *color14: S_base1
  68. !! white dark/light
  69. *color7: S_base2
  70. *color15: S_base3
  71. *foreground: S_primary
  72. *background: S_bgrnd
  73. *Foreground: S_primary
  74. *Background: S_bgrnd
  75. *cursorColor: S_emph
  76. *pointerColorForeground: S_emph
  77. *pointerColorBackground: S_secondary
  78. *fading: 40
  79. *fadeColor: S_bgrnd
  80. !! No, do *not* suppress high intensity colors
  81. !! Details:
  82. !URxvt.intensityStyles: false