path: root/cfengine
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cfengine')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1266 deletions
diff --git a/cfengine/cf.generic b/cfengine/cf.generic
deleted file mode 100644
index dd820fe..0000000
--- a/cfengine/cf.generic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# cf.generic
-# This file contains generic config stuff
-# BEGIN cf.generic
- All = ( Hr00 )
- peaktime = ( Hr10 Hr11 Hr12 Hr13 Hr14 Hr15 )
- OnTheHour = ( Min00_05 Min5_10 Min10_15 Min15_20 Min20_25 )
- HalfHour = ( Min30_35 Min35_40 Min40_45 Min45_50 Min50_55 )
- Access = ( root ) # Only root should run this
- timezone = ( MET CET )
- Repository = ( /var/backups/cfengine )
- LocalCommon = ( /etc/local-COMMON )
- OutputPrefix = ( "cf:$(host)" )
- netmask = ( )
-# IfElapsed = ( 15 ) # mins
- IfElapsed = ( 1 ) # mins
- ExpireAfter = ( 240 ) # 4 timer
- SplayTime = ( 1 ) # 1 minute
- SensibleSize = ( 1000 )
- SensibleCount = ( 2 )
- EditfileSize = ( 40000 )
- MountPattern = ( / )
- HomePattern = ( home* )
-# DeleteNonUserMail = ( true )
-# DeleteNonOwnerMail = ( true )
- WarnNonOwnerMail = ( true )
- WarnNonUserMail = ( true )
- #
- # If we undefine this with cfengine -N longjob
- # then we switch off all jobs labelled with this class
- #
- AddClasses = ( longjob )
- CheckAlias = ( "/usr/bin/test" )
- actionsequence = (
- checktimezone
- #resolve
- editfiles
- directories
- copy
- tidy
- shellcommands
- links
- processes
- )
- ones
- /tmp/ pat=* r=inf A=1
- /var/tmp pat=* r=inf A=2
- / pat=core r=1 A=0
- /etc pat=core r=1 A=0
- /var/lib/horde2 pat=sess_* r=inf A=2
- /dev/core -> /proc/kcore
-ignore: # Don't check or tidy these directories
- /local/lib/gnu/emacs/lock/
- /local/tmp
- ftp
- projects
- /local/bin/top
- /local/lib/tex/fonts
- /local/iu/etc
- /local/etc
- /local/iu/httpd/conf
- /usr/tmp/locktelelogic
- /usr/tmp/lockIDE
- RootMailLog
- operator
- lock
- #
- # Emacs lock files etc
- #
- !*
- /local/lib/xemacs
- #
- # X11 keeps X server data in /tmp/.X11
- # better not delete this!
- #
- .X*
- .ICE*
- .font*
- .gnomeicu*
- .sawfish*
- darxsock.*
- mcop*
- orbit*
- ssh*
- .Media*
- /tmp/.gdm_socket
- session_mm_apache*
- /etc/hosts.equiv
-# /etc/nologin
- /usr/lib/sendmail.fc
-# END cf.generic
diff --git a/cfengine/cf.isp b/cfengine/cf.isp
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d794f..0000000
--- a/cfengine/cf.isp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# cf.main.$isp
-# This file contains generic config stuff
-# BEGIN cf.main.$isp
- wol|cc|wp|tdk|sunrise::
- timezone = ( MET CET )
- dnai::
- timezone = ( PST )
- wol:: # Tiscali (World Online) [dk]
- #
- #
- cc:: # CyberCity [dk]
- #
- #
- wp:: # WebPartner [dk]
- #
- #
- tdk:: # TeleDanmark [dk]
- #
- #
- dnai:: # DNAI [us, calif.]
- #
- #
- sunrise:: # Sunrise Freesurf [ch]
- #
- #
-# END cf.main.$isp
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3071075..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- NameServer::
- $(cfroot)/
- FileServer::
- $(cfroot)/
- FTPServer::
- $(cfroot)/
- WWWServer::
- $(cfroot)/
- DHCPServer::
- $(cfroot)/
-# FAIServer::
-# $(cfroot)/
-# SpamAssServer::
-# $(cfroot)/
- any::
- $(cfroot)/
- $(cfroot)/
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58cb3c3..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- potato = ( '/bin/grep -q 2.2 /etc/debian_version' )
- woody = ( '/bin/grep -q 3.0 /etc/debian_version' )
- DebMirrorClient.potato::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/sources.list.DEBMIRROR.potato"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/sources.list.DEBMIRROR.potato"
- EndGroup
- }
- DebMirrorClient.woody::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/sources.list.DEBMIRROR.woody"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/sources.list.DEBMIRROR.woody"
- EndGroup
- }
- dnai|sunrise.potato::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EndGroup
- }
- dnai|sunrise.woody::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EndGroup
- }
- !DebMirrorClient|!dnai|!sunrise.potato::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EndGroup
- }
- !DebMirrorClient|!dnai|!sunrise.woody::
- { /etc/apt/sources.list
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- InsertFile "$(LocalCommon)/apt/"
- EndGroup
- }
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 27dcdd3..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( dhcpd_reload dhcpd3 dhcpd3_reload )
- #
- # Determine if this is a version 3 DHCP server
- #
- dhcpd3 = ( `/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/dhcpd3` )
- !dhcpd3::
- { /etc/init.d/dhcp
- #
- # First of all, this is a DHCP server so let's make it possible
- # for DHCP to start.
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^run_dhcpd=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^run_dhcpd=1'
- ReplaceLineWith 'run_dhcpd=1'
- EndGroup
- DefineClasses "dhcpd_reload"
- }
- { /etc/dhcpd.conf
- #
- # We don't make the dhcp.conf dynamically, but instead we copy the contents
- # of a master file, but only if it's newer than the one installed.
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcpd.conf.$(site)"
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcpd.conf.$(site)"
- AutoCreate
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- InsertFile "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcpd.conf.$(site)"
- Append "# Edited by cfengine $(date)"
- EndGroup
- DefineClasses "dhcpd_reload"
- EndGroup
- }
- dhcpd3::
- { /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
- #
- # We don't make the dhcp.conf dynamically, but instead we copy the contents
- # of a master file, but only if it's newer than the one installed.
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcp3/dhcpd_$(fqhost).conf"
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcp3/dhcpd_$(fqhost).conf"
- AutoCreate
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- InsertFile "/etc/local-COMMON/dhcp3/dhcpd_$(fqhost).conf"
- Append "# Edited by cfengine $(date)"
- EndGroup
- DefineClasses "dhcpd3_reload"
- EndGroup
- }
- !dhcpd3::
- "dhcpd-2.2.x" restart "/etc/init.d/dhcp restart"
- dhcpd3::
- "dhcpd3" restart "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart"
- dhcpd_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/dhcp force-reload"
- dhcpd3_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server force-reload"
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe76de..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( bind_reload )
-# { /etc/bind/named.conf
-# TODO...
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineContaining "logging "
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '\<logging[[:space:]]*\{'
-# Append "logging {"
-# Append " category lame-servers { null; };"
-# Append " category cname { null; };"
-# Append " category response-checks { null; };"
-# Append " category statistics { null; };"
-# Append "}"
-# EndGroup
-# WarnIfNoLineMatching '\<logging[[:space:]]*\{'
-# LocateLineMatching '\<logging[[:space:]]*\{'
-# AbortAtLineMatching '\}'
-# -> AppendIfNoLineMatching '\<category[[:blank:]]*lame-servers\>'
-# Append " category lame-servers { null; };"
-# EndGroup
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '\<category[[:blank:]]*cname\>'
-# Append " category cname { null; };"
-# EndGroup
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '\<category[[:blank:]]*response-checks\>'
-# Append " category response-checks { null; };"
-# EndGroup
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '\<category[[:blank:]]*statistics\>'
-# Append " category statistics { null; };"
-# EndGroup
-# }
-# { /etc/bind/named.conf
-# BeginGroupIfFileExists "/etc/local-COMMON/bind/named_$(fqhost).conf"
-# BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^include[[:blank:]]"/etc/local-COMMON/bind/named_$(fqhost).conf";.*'
-# Append '// BEGIN EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
-# Append 'include "/etc/local-COMMON/bind/named_$(fqhost).conf";'
-# Append '// END EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
-# EndGroup
-# DefineClasses "bind_reload"
-# EndGroup
-# }
- bind_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/bind force-reload"
- "/etc/init.d/bind9 force-reload"
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7e7b2..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- { /etc/fai.conf
- }
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38bd0a0..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( samba samba_reload netatalk netatalk_reload lprng lprng_reload cups cups_reload )
- #
- # Determine if this is a samba server, netatalk server or both, and define
- # classes based on that.
- #
- samba = ( `/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/smbd` )
- netatalk = ( `/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/afpd` )
- #
- # Determine which print system is in use, and define classes based on that.
- # We only support lprng and cups
- #
- lprng = ( `/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/lpd` )
- cups = ( `/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/cupsd` )
- samba.lprng::
- { /etc/samba/smb.conf
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "include = /etc/samba/smb-printers-lprng.conf"
- }
- samba.cups::
- { /etc/samba/smb.conf
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "include = /etc/samba/smb-printers-cups.conf"
- }
- samba::
- { /etc/samba/smb.conf
- #
- # Global stuff
- #
- # Remove share and printer declarations from main smb.conf. The
- # configuration is split up in the following files:
- # - smb.conf
- # - smb-shares.conf
- # - smb-printers-[cups|lprng].conf
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^\[homes\]"
- DeleteNLines "100"
- CatchAbort
- ResetSearch "1"
- #
- # workgroup = $(site)
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*workgroup[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^[[:blank:]]*workgroup[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*$(site)[[:blank:]]*'
- ReplaceLineWith ' workgroup = $(site)'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch '^[[:blank:]]*workgroup[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*$(site)[[:blank:]]*'
- InsertLine ' workgroup = $(site)'
- EndGroup
- #
- # wins support = yes
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*wins support[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*wins support[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' wins support = yes'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*wins support[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' wins support = yes'
- EndGroup
- #
- # os level = 65
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*os level[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*os level[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*65[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' os level = 65'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*os level[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*65[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' os level = 65'
- EndGroup
- #
- # domain master = yes
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*domain master[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*domain master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' domain master = yes'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*domain master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' domain master = yes'
- EndGroup
- #
- # local master = yes
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*local master[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*local master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes"
- ReplaceLineWith ' local master = yes'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*local master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' local master = yes'
- EndGroup
- #
- # logon drive = Z:
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*logon drive[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*logon drive[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*Z:[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' logon drive = Z:'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*logon drive[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*Z:[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' logon drive = Z:'
- EndGroup
- #
- # logon script = logon-$(fqhost).bat
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*logon script[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*logon script[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*logon-$(fqhost).bat[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' logon script = logon-$(fqhost).bat'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*logon script[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*logon-$(fqhost).bat[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' logon script = logon-$(fqhost).bat'
- EndGroup
- #
- # domain logons = yes
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*domain logons[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*domain logons[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' domain logons = yes'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*domain logons[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' domain logons = yes'
- EndGroup
- #
- # logon home = \\%N\USERPROFILES\%U
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*logon home[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*logon home[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[\\][\\]%N[\\]USERPROFILES[\\]%U[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' logon home = \\%N\USERPROFILES\%U'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*logon home[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[\\][\\]%N[\\]USERPROFILES[\\]%U[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' logon home = \\%N\USERPROFILES\%U'
- EndGroup
- #
- # preferred master = yes
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*preferred master[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*preferred master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' preferred master = yes'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*preferred master[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*yes[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' preferred master = yes'
- EndGroup
- #
- # character set = ISO8859-1
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*character set[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*character set[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*ISO8859-1[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' character set = ISO8859-1'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*character set[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*ISO8859-1[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' character set = ISO8859-1'
- EndGroup
- #
- # client code page = 850
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[;[:blank:]]*client code page[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*client code page[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*850[[:blank:]]*"
- ReplaceLineWith ' client code page = 850'
- EndGroup
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^[[:blank:]]*client code page[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*850[[:blank:]]*"
- InsertLine ' client code page = 850'
- EndGroup
- #
- # Append the include lines for the shares definition file
- #
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "include = /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf"
- DefineClasses "samba_reload"
- }
- #
- # Batch file for mounting shares automatically
- #
- { /etc/samba/netlogon/logon-$(fqhost).bat
- #
- # We don't make this file dynamically, but instead we copy the contents
- # of a master file, but only if it's newer than the one installed.
- #
- AutoCreate
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "/etc/local-COMMON/samba/netlogon/logon-$(fqhost).bat"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- Append "@echo off"
- Append "rem DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- InsertFile "/etc/local-COMMON/samba/netlogon/logon-$(fqhost).bat"
- EndGroup
- FixEndOfLine "dos"
- }
- #
- # Check if the shares definitions have changed
- #
- { /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
- AutoCreate
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "/etc/local-COMMON/file-$(fqhost).m4"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- RunScript "/etc/local-COMMON/cfengine/"
- EndGroup
- DefineClasses "samba_reload"
- }
- lprng::
- #
- # Printer configuration stuff
- #
- { /etc/printcap
- #
- # We don't make the printcap dynamically, but instead we copy the contents
- # of a master file, but only if it's newer than the one installed.
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "/etc/local-COMMON/printcap.$(fqhost)"
- SetLine "# DO NOT EDIT - auto-created by cfengine $(date)"
- PrependIfNoLineMatching "^# .* cfengine .*"
- EmptyEntireFilePlease
- InsertFile "/etc/local-COMMON/printcap.$(fqhost)"
- EndGroup
- DefineClasses "lprng_reload"
- }
- samba_reload::
- { /etc/samba/smb.conf
- LocateLineMatching "^; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*"
- ReplaceAll '; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*$' With '; EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*"
- Append '; EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
- EndGroup
- }
- "smbd" restart "/etc/init.d/samba restart"
- "afpd" restart "/etc/init.d/netatalk restart"
- samba_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/samba force-reload"
- netatalk_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/netatalk force-reload"
- lprng_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/lprng force-reload"
- cups_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/cups force-reload"
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f94b2..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2002 Jonas Smedegaard <>
-$Id:,v 1.3 2002-08-06 13:26:01 jonas Exp $
-cfengine m4 skeleton file for cleaning up Samba and Netatalk shares
-Usage: m4 -DFQDN=<FQDN> /etc/local-COMMON/cfengine/ > /tmp/
-Depend on file /etc/local-COMMON/file-<FQDN>.m4 containing lines of
-the following syntax:
- _dir(<os>,<path>,<uid>,<gid>,<modes>)dnl
- _home(<os>,<mount>,<desc>,<path>[,ro])dnl
- _files(<os>,<mount>,<desc>,<path>,<uid>,<gid>,<modes>[,ro[,<group>]|,rw,<group>[,<othergroup>]])dnl
- <os>: Client operating systems (mac|win|any)
- <mount>: Mount point name (Samba: single word and max. 8 characters for backwards compatibility)
- <desc>: Mount point description (iso8859-1 is (fully?) supported).
- <uid>: user name of mountpoint owner
- <gid>: group name of mountpoint owner
- <modes>: Numeric access modes of mount point
- <path>: Full path to mount point
- <group>: Primary group with (readonly) access to mountpoint. Public (or whatever limited by filesystem) readonly access if omitted
- <othergroup>: Secondary group with readonly access
- _dir(any,/home/fsadmin/COMMON,fsadmin,fsadmin,755)dnl
- _homefiles(win,homes,Personal files,%H/pc))
- _homefiles(mac,,Personal files,~/mac))
- _files(win,soft,softshare,/home/fsadmin/COMMON/software,fsadmin,fsadmin,775)dnl
- _printer(win,LW,Networkprinter queue for Apple LaserWriter 16/600,/tmp,lw)
-define(_tab,` ')dnl
- mode=$5
- owner=$3
- group=$4
- AddInstallable = ( samba samba_reload netatalk netatalk_reload )
- actionsequence = ( directories )
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b152f..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( proftpd_reload )
- { /etc/proftpd.conf
- DefineClasses "proftpd_reload"
- AbortAtLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*VirtualHost[[:blank:]]*.*$"
- #
- # ListOptions "-la"
- #
- WarnIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ListOptions[[:blank:]].*$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ListOptions[[:blank:]].*$"
- Append 'ListOptions "-la" # Added by cfengine'
- EndGroup
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ListOptions[[:blank:]].*$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^[[:blank:]]*ListOptions[[:blank:]]"-la"([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?$'
- ReplaceLineWith 'ListOptions "-la" # Edited by cfengine'
- EndGroup
- #
- # DefaultRoot ~
- #
- WarnIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*DefaultRoot[[:blank:]].*$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*DefaultRoot[[:blank:]].*$"
- Append 'DefaultRoot ~'
- EndGroup
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*DefaultRoot[[:blank:]].*$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*DefaultRoot[[:blank:]]+~$"
- ReplaceLineWith 'DefaultRoot ~'
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^[[:blank:]]*VirtualHost[[:blank:]]*.*$"
- }
- "proftpd" restart "/etc/init.d/proftpd restart"
- proftpd_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/proftpd force-reload"
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index b00d5e5..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( install_logcheck )
- logcheck = ( /etc/logcheck )
- # $type indicates machine type (workstation or server). Used for logcheck paths
- Standalone|LtspServer:: type = ( workstation )
- !(Standalone|LtspServer):: type = ( server )
- install_logcheck = ( '/usr/bin/test ! -e /usr/sbin/logcheck' )
- #Define classes according to the installed MTA
- runs_postfix = ( '/usr/bin/test -e /usr/sbin/postfix' )
- # AIDE section
- { /etc/aide/aide.conf
- #
- # Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1
- #
- # Ignore ctime - some devices change ctime when used (ttySx with hylafax)
- #
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- Append "Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1 # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]][\+pinugsbmd5sha1]*([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- ReplaceLineWith "Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1 # Edited by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- #
- # #/var/log...
- #
- # Ignore logfiles - Aide can't handle rotation
- #
- HashCommentLinesMatching "^/var/log.*"
- #
- # !/dev/xconsole
- # !/dev/core
- # !/dev/ttyS*
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/.*"
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/.*"
- GotoLastLine
- EndGroup
- DeleteLinesMatching "^\!/dev/xconlsole # Added by cfengine"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/xconsole([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/xconsole # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/core([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/core # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/ttyS\*([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/ttyS* # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- }
- ## integrit section
- { /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
- #
- # Uncomment suggested defaults
- #
- SetCommentStart "# "
- SetCommentEnd ""
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# root=/"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# known=/var/lib/integrit/.*"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# current=/var/lib/integrit/.*"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/cdrom"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/dev"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/etc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/floppy"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/home"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/lost\+found"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/mnt"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/proc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/root"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/tmp"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/var"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/include"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/include"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/doc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/info"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/share"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/man"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/usr/local"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/usr/src"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/initrd"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/.journal"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/usr/local"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/usr/src"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/dev/cpu/mtrr"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/sys"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/media"
- }
- { /etc/integrit/integrit.debian.conf
- #
- # Make sure CONFIGS is set to /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^CONFIGS=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/integrit.conf"'
- ReplaceLineWith 'CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/integrit.conf"'
- EndGroup
- }
-# BROKEN!!! See Debian bug#153420
-# { /etc/cron.daily/integrit
-# #
-# # Uncomment defaults
-# #
-# SetCommentStart " # ! "
-# SetCommentEnd ""
-# UnCommentLinesMatching " # ! if .*"
-# UnCommentLinesMatching " # ! fi"
-# }
- ## logcheck section
- #The linktype is necessary for links to be replaced with files.
- any::
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d.server/local linktype=copy
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.workstation/local dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d.workstation/local linktype=copy
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/local dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local linktype=copy
-# NameServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/bind dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-bind linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/bind dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-bind linktype=copy
-# FileServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/samba dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-samba linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/netatalk dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-netatalk linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/samba dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-samba linktype=copy
-# DHCPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/dhcp dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-dhcp linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/dhcp3-common dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-dhcp3-common linktype=copy
-# WWWServer::
-# FTPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/proftpd dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-proftpd linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/proftpd dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-proftpd linktype=copy
-# IMAPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/uw-imap dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-uw-imap linktype=copy
-# SpamAssServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/spamassassin dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-spamassassin linktype=copy
-# runs_postfix::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/postfix dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-postfix linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/postfix dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-postfix linktype=copy
-# any::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/ssh dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-ssh linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/ssh dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-ssh linktype=copy
- install_logcheck::
- # Install logcheck if not installed already
-#BAD!!! "/usr/bin/yes no | /usr/bin/apt-get -q=2 install logcheck"
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7392235..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( apache_reload )
- { /etc/apache/httpd.conf
- DefineClasses "apache_reload"
- #
- # ServerAdmin webmaster@$(domain)
- #
- # (Try to add it _before_ virtual hosts)
- #
- WarnIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ServerAdmin[[:blank:]].*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ServerAdmin[[:blank:]].*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^(### Section 3: Virtual Hosts|#?NameVirtualHost.*|#?VirtualHost.*)$"
- Append "ServerAdmin webmaster@$(domain)"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ServerAdmin[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^(### Section 3: Virtual Hosts|#?NameVirtualHost.*|#?VirtualHost.*)$"
- InsertLine "ServerAdmin webmaster@$(domain)"
- EndGroup
- EndGroup
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ServerAdmin[[:blank:]].*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*ServerAdmin[[:blank:]]*webmaster@$(domain)[[:blank:]]*$"
- ReplaceLineWith "ServerAdmin webmaster@$(domain)"
- EndGroup
- #
- # Make space for cfengine hacks
- #
- # (Try to add it _before_ virtual hosts)
- #
- ResetSearch "1"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "# BEGIN CFENGINE"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^(### Section 3: Virtual Hosts|#?NameVirtualHost.*|#?VirtualHost.*)$"
- Append ""
- Append "# END CFENGINE"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^(### Section 3: Virtual Hosts|#?NameVirtualHost.*|#?VirtualHost.*)$"
- IncrementPointer "-1"
- InsertLine ""
- InsertLine "# BEGIN CFENGINE"
- InsertLine "# END CFENGINE"
- InsertLine ""
- EndGroup
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule libphp3.c>
- # php3_display_errors off
- # php3_log_errors on
- # AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
- # AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# bug! UnCommentLinesMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+php3_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+php3_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule libphp3.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule libphp3.c>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule libphp3.c>$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*php3_display_errors off"
- InsertLine " php3_display_errors off"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*php3_log_errors on"
- InsertLine " php3_log_errors on"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3"
- InsertLine " AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*AddType application/x-httpd-source .phps"
- InsertLine " AddType application/x-httpd-source .phps"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule libphp4.c>
- # php_flag display_errors off
- # php_flag log_errors on
- # AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php .inc .php3
- # AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# UnCommentLinesMatching "^\#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+php4\_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+php4\_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule libphp4.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule libphp4.c>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule libphp4.c>$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^.*php_flag[[:blank:]]*display_errors[[:blank:]]*off$"
- InsertLine " php_flag display_errors off"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching ".*php_flag log_errors on"
- InsertLine " php_flag log_errors on"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php .inc .php3"
- InsertLine " AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php .inc .php3"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]*AddType application/x-httpd-source .phps"
- InsertLine " AddType application/x-httpd-source .phps"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule gzip_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule mod_gzip.c>
- # mod_gzip_dechunk yes
- # mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
- # mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp
- # mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1002
- # mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 0
- # mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 1000000
- # mod_gzip_item_include file "\.htm$"
- # mod_gzip_item_include file "\.html$"
- # mod_gzip_item_include mime "text/.*"
- # mod_gzip_item_include file "\.php$"
- # mod_gzip_item_include mime "jserv-servlet"
- # mod_gzip_item_include handler "jserv-servlet"
- # mod_gzip_item_include mime "application/x-httpd-php.*"
- # mod_gzip_item_include mime "httpd/unix-directory"
- # mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.css$"
- # mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.js$"
- # mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.wml$"
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# SetCommentStart "#"
-# SetCommentEnd ""
-# UnCommentLinesMatching "^\#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+gzip_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+gzip_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
-# UnCommentNLines "1"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule gzip_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule mod_gzip.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule mod_gzip.c>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule mod_gzip.c>$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching ' mod_gzip_on yes'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_on yes'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_dechunk yes'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_dechunk yes'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1002'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1002'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 0'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 0'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 1000000'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 1000000'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include file "\\\.htm\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include file "\.htm$"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include file "\\\.html\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include file "\.html$"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include mime "text/\.\*"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include mime "text/.*"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include file "\\\.php\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include file "\.php$"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include mime "jserv-servlet"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include mime "jserv-servlet"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include handler "jserv-servlet"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include handler "jserv-servlet"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include mime "application/x-httpd-php\.\*"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include mime "application/x-httpd-php.*"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_include mime "httpd/unix-directory"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_include mime "httpd/unix-directory"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\\\.css\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.css$"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\\\.js\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.js$"'
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '[[:blank:]]*mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\\\.wml\$"'
- InsertLine ' mod_gzip_item_exclude file "\.wml$"'
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule index_rss_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule mod_index_rss.c>
- # IndexRSSEngine On
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# bug! UnCommentLinesMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+index_rss_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+index_rss_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule index_rss_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule mod_index_rss.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule mod_index_rss.c>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule mod_index_rss.c>$"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+IndexRSSEngine On"
- InsertLine " IndexRSSEngine On"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule pam_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule mod_auth_pam.c>
- # <Location />
- # AuthPAM_Enabled Off
- # </Location>
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# bug! UnCommentLinesMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+pam_auth_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+pam_auth_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule pam_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule mod_auth_pam.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule mod_auth_pam.c>"
- InsertLine " <Location />"
- InsertLine " </Location>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule mod_auth_pam.c>$"
- LocateLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+<Location />"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+AuthPAM_Enabled Off"
- InsertLine " AuthPAM_Enabled Off"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule authshadow_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>
- # <Location />
- # AuthShadow Off
- # </Location>
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# bug! UnCommentLinesMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+authshadow_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+authshadow_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule authshadow_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>"
- InsertLine " <Location />"
- InsertLine " </Location>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>$"
- LocateLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+<Location />"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+AuthShadow Off"
- InsertLine " AuthShadow Off"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- #
- # LoadModule authshadow_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
- #
- # <IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>
- # <Location /xslt>
- # AddHandler mod_xslt .html
- # AddHandler mod_xslt .txt
- # </Location>
- # </IfModule>
- #
- BeginGroupIfFileExists "/usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- ResetSearch "1"
-# bug! UnCommentLinesMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+authshadow_module[[:blank:]].*"
- LocateLineMatching "^#[[:blank:]]*LoadModule[[:blank:]]+authshadow_module[[:blank:]]+/usr/lib/apache/1.3/$"
- ReplaceLineWith "LoadModule authshadow_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/"
- CatchAbort
- AbortAtLineMatching "^# END CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- BeginGroupIfNoSuchLine "<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>"
- InsertLine "<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>"
- InsertLine " <Location />"
- InsertLine " </Location>"
- InsertLine "</IfModule>"
- EndGroup
- ResetSearch "1"
- LocateLineMatching "^# BEGIN CFENGINE$"
- LocateLineMatching "^<IfModule mod_auth_shadow.c>$"
- LocateLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+<Location />"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "[[:blank:]]+AuthShadow Off"
- InsertLine " AuthShadow Off"
- EndGroup
- UnsetAbort "^# END CFENGINE$"
- EndGroup
- }
- "apache" restart "/etc/init.d/apache restart"
- apache_reload::
- "/etc/init.d/apache force-reload"
diff --git a/cfengine/cfengine.conf b/cfengine/cfengine.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index bf6af30..0000000
--- a/cfengine/cfengine.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/cfengine -f
- cfroot = ( /etc/local-COMMON/cfengine )
- cforgroot = ( /etc/local-ORG/cfengine )
- #
- # Split things up to keep things tidy
- #
- $(cforgroot)/cf.groups
- $(cfroot)/cf.generic
- $(cfroot)/cf.isp
- $(cforgroot)/
- $(cfroot)/
-# $(cfroot)/cf.motd
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ace9aa..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Fail on error - to leave cf_tmpfile for investigation
-set -e
-m4 -DFQDN=$(hostname -f) /etc/local-COMMON/samba/smb-shares.conf.m4 >> /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
-cf_tmpfile=`tempfile -p cf`
-m4 -DFQDN=$(hostname -f) /etc/local-COMMON/cfengine/ > $cf_tmpfile
-cfengine -q -f $cf_tmpfile
-rm -f $cf_tmpfile