path: root/cfengine/
diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <>2017-01-26 14:30:08 +0100
committerJonas Smedegaard <>2017-01-26 14:30:08 +0100
commite042b7bced715a9d0d6c660df453b1b68f263316 (patch)
tree13f1bcd2f7cccf87718d92b5fc9a112d4c3ea455 /cfengine/
parentc778483fbd7829e2d41157ae6be2d7f1eef709f5 (diff)
Drop ancient unused files.
Diffstat (limited to 'cfengine/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/cfengine/ b/cfengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index b00d5e5..0000000
--- a/cfengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- AddInstallable = ( install_logcheck )
- logcheck = ( /etc/logcheck )
- # $type indicates machine type (workstation or server). Used for logcheck paths
- Standalone|LtspServer:: type = ( workstation )
- !(Standalone|LtspServer):: type = ( server )
- install_logcheck = ( '/usr/bin/test ! -e /usr/sbin/logcheck' )
- #Define classes according to the installed MTA
- runs_postfix = ( '/usr/bin/test -e /usr/sbin/postfix' )
- # AIDE section
- { /etc/aide/aide.conf
- #
- # Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1
- #
- # Ignore ctime - some devices change ctime when used (ttySx with hylafax)
- #
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- Append "Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1 # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*Devices[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]][\+pinugsbmd5sha1]*([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- ReplaceLineWith "Devices = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+md5+sha1 # Edited by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- #
- # #/var/log...
- #
- # Ignore logfiles - Aide can't handle rotation
- #
- HashCommentLinesMatching "^/var/log.*"
- #
- # !/dev/xconsole
- # !/dev/core
- # !/dev/ttyS*
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/.*"
- CatchAbort
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/.*"
- GotoLastLine
- EndGroup
- DeleteLinesMatching "^\!/dev/xconlsole # Added by cfengine"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/xconsole([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/xconsole # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/core([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/core # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^[[:blank:]]*\!/dev/ttyS\*([[:blank:]]+(#.*)?)?"
- InsertLine "!/dev/ttyS* # Added by cfengine"
- EndGroup
- }
- ## integrit section
- { /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
- #
- # Uncomment suggested defaults
- #
- SetCommentStart "# "
- SetCommentEnd ""
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# root=/"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# known=/var/lib/integrit/.*"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# current=/var/lib/integrit/.*"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/cdrom"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/dev"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/etc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/floppy"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/home"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/lost\+found"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/mnt"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/proc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/root"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/tmp"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/var"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/include"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/include"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/doc"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/info"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/share"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/man"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# =/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/usr/local"
- UnCommentLinesMatching "^# !/usr/src"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/initrd"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/.journal"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/usr/local"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/usr/src"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/dev/cpu/mtrr"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/sys"
- AppendIfNoSuchLine "!/media"
- }
- { /etc/integrit/integrit.debian.conf
- #
- # Make sure CONFIGS is set to /etc/integrit/integrit.conf
- #
- LocateLineMatching "^CONFIGS=.*"
- BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching '^CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/integrit.conf"'
- ReplaceLineWith 'CONFIGS="/etc/integrit/integrit.conf"'
- EndGroup
- }
-# BROKEN!!! See Debian bug#153420
-# { /etc/cron.daily/integrit
-# #
-# # Uncomment defaults
-# #
-# SetCommentStart " # ! "
-# SetCommentEnd ""
-# UnCommentLinesMatching " # ! if .*"
-# UnCommentLinesMatching " # ! fi"
-# }
- ## logcheck section
- #The linktype is necessary for links to be replaced with files.
- any::
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.server/local dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d.server/local linktype=copy
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.workstation/local dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d.workstation/local linktype=copy
- $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/local dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local linktype=copy
-# NameServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/bind dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-bind linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/bind dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-bind linktype=copy
-# FileServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/samba dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-samba linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/netatalk dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-netatalk linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/samba dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-samba linktype=copy
-# DHCPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/dhcp dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-dhcp linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/dhcp3-common dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-dhcp3-common linktype=copy
-# WWWServer::
-# FTPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/proftpd dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-proftpd linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/proftpd dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-proftpd linktype=copy
-# IMAPServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/uw-imap dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-uw-imap linktype=copy
-# SpamAssServer::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/spamassassin dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-spamassassin linktype=copy
-# runs_postfix::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/postfix dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-postfix linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/postfix dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-postfix linktype=copy
-# any::
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/ignore.d.$(type)/ssh dest=$(logcheck)/ignore.d/local-ssh linktype=copy
-# $(LocalCommon)/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/ssh dest=$(logcheck)/violations.ignore.d/local-ssh linktype=copy
- install_logcheck::
- # Install logcheck if not installed already
-#BAD!!! "/usr/bin/yes no | /usr/bin/apt-get -q=2 install logcheck"