diff options
authorJuri Jensen <>2002-02-05 15:16:49 +0000
committerJuri Jensen <>2002-02-05 15:16:49 +0000
commit7acaea56c6e2f86466c5fd310fe7b72aefbe54e8 (patch)
parent27a67a190801b303c1f82dc1bc88ff80104df600 (diff)
samba: Added a sharesdefinition for the new site, sagahus.
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/samba/smb-shares-sagahus.conf b/samba/smb-shares-sagahus.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b4ff28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samba/smb-shares-sagahus.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ AddInstallable = ( samba samba_reload )
+ #
+ # Variables for shares
+ # You can change the paths here and it will be changed both in
+ # the conf file and in the filesystem - But once it is implemented,
+ # it is not wise to change it - the data in the shares doesn't get
+ # moved!
+ # You can change the rights on the shares in the "directories:"
+ # section.
+ #
+ netlogshare = ( /etc/samba/netlogon )
+ commonsharedir = ( /home/fsadmin/COMMON )
+ datashare = ( /home/fsadmin/COMMON/documents )
+ softshare = ( /home/fsadmin/COMMON/software )
+ adminshare = ( /home/fsadmin/COMMON/admin )
+ profshare = ( /home/fsadmin/COMMON/samba/userprofiles )
+ privpcshare = ( .pcshare )
+ #
+ # Administrative user and group
+ #
+ adminuser = ( fsadmin )
+ admingrp = ( fsadmin )
+ samba::
+ { /etc/samba/smb-shares-$(site).conf
+ #
+ # This file contains the shares common to a site.
+ # We check if the proper sections are there and add them if they
+ # isn't. We don't check the file line for line.
+ #
+ AutoCreate
+ #
+ # [netlogon]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[netlogon\]"
+ Append '[netlogon]'
+ Append ' comment = Network logon'
+ Append ' path = $(netlogshare)'
+ Append ' browsable = no'
+ Append ' writeable = no'
+ Append ' share modes = no'
+ EndGroup
+ #
+ # [userprofiles]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[userprofiles\]"
+ Append '[userprofiles]'
+ Append ' path = $(profshare)'
+ Append ' force user = %u'
+ Append ' browsable = yes'
+ Append ' writable = yes'
+ EndGroup
+ #
+ # [homes]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[homes\]"
+ Append '[homes]'
+ Append ' path = /home/%u/$(privpcshare)'
+ Append ' browsable = no'
+ Append ' writable = yes'
+ EndGroup
+ #
+ # [programmer]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[software\]"
+ Append '[software]'
+ Append ' path = $(softshare)'
+ Append ' comment = Fælles software'
+ Append ' browsable = yes'
+ Append ' guest ok = no'
+ Append ' writeable = yes'
+ Append ' create mask = 0660'
+ Append ' directory mask = 0770'
+ Append ' valid users = @$(admingrp)'
+ Append ' force group = +$(admingrp)'
+ EndGroup
+ #
+ # [dokumenter]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[dokumenter\]"
+ Append '[faellesdrev]'
+ Append ' path = $(datashare)'
+ Append ' comment = Fælles drev for delte filer'
+ Append ' browsable = yes'
+ Append ' guest ok = no'
+ Append ' writeable = yes'
+ Append ' create mask = 0660'
+ Append ' directory mask = 0770'
+ Append ' valid users = @$(admingrp)'
+ Append ' force group = +$(admingrp)'
+ EndGroup
+ #
+ # [dokumenter]
+ #
+ BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "^\[admin\]"
+ Append '[admin]'
+ Append ' path = $(adminshare)'
+ Append ' comment = Dokumentation og adminværktøjer'
+ Append ' browsable = yes'
+ Append ' guest ok = yes'
+ Append ' writeable = no'
+ Append ' valid users = @$(admingrp)'
+ Append ' force group = +$(admingrp)'
+ EndGroup
+ DefineClasses "samba_reload"
+ }
+ samba_reload::
+ { /etc/samba/smb-shares-$(site).conf
+ LocateLineMatching "^; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*"
+ ReplaceAll '; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*$' With '; EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
+ CatchAbort
+ BeginGroupIfNoMatch "^; EDITED BY CFENGINE .*"
+ Append '; EDITED BY CFENGINE $(date)'
+ EndGroup
+ }
+ any::
+ $(commonsharedir)
+ mode=755
+ owner=$(adminuser)
+ group=$(admingrp)
+ $(softshare)
+ mode=775
+ owner=$(adminuser)
+ group=$(admingrp)
+ $(datashare)
+ mode=775
+ owner=$(adminuser)
+ group=$(admingrp)
+ samba::
+ $(netlogshare)
+ mode=755
+ owner=root
+ group=root
+ $(profshare)
+ mode=775
+ owner=$(adminuser)
+ group=$(admingrp)
+ $(adminshare)
+ mode=755
+ owner=$(adminuser)
+ group=$(admingrp)
+ "smbd" restart "/etc/init.d/samba restart"
+ samba_reload::
+ "/etc/init.d/samba force-reload"