- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- LedgerSMB::Scripts::Reconciliation - LedgerSMB class defining the Controller
- functions, template instantiation and rendering.
- =head1 SYOPSIS
- This module acts as the UI controller class for Reconciliation. It controls
- interfacing with the Core Logic and database layers.
- =head1 METHODS
- =cut
- # NOTE: This is a first draft modification to use the current parameter type.
- # It will certainly need some fine tuning on my part. Chris
- package LedgerSMB::Scripts::Reconciliation;
- use LedgerSMB::Template;
- use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation;
- =pod
- =over
- =item display_report($self, $request, $user)
- Renders out the selected report given by the incoming variable report_id.
- Returns HTML, or raises an error from being unable to find the selected
- report_id.
- =back
- =cut
- sub display_report {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::Employee->new(base => $request, copy => 'all');
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user=>$user,
- template => "reconciliation/report.html", language => $user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- my $report = $recon->get_report();
- my $total = $recon->get_total();
- $template->render({report=>$report, total=>$total, recon=>$recon});
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item search($self, $request, $user)
- Renders out a list of meta-reports based on the search criteria passed to the
- search function.
- Meta-reports are report_id, date_range, and likely errors.
- Search criteria accepted are
- date_begin
- date_end
- account
- status
- =back
- =cut
- sub search {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- if ($request->type() eq "POST") {
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user => $user,
- template=>'reconciliation/search.html',
- language=>$user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- return $template->render();
- } else {
- my $search = LedgerSMB::Reconciliation->new(base => $request, copy => 'all');
- my $results = $search->search();
- my $total = $search->total();
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/report.html', language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- return $template->render({report => $results, total => $total});
- }
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item correct ($self, $request, $user)
- Requires report_id, entry_id.
- Correct is a strange one. Based on the type of transaction listed in the
- report, it will run one of several correction functions in the database.
- This is to prevent arbitrary editing of the database by unscrupulous users.
- =back
- =cut
- sub correct {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- if ($request->type() eq "POST") {
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base => $request, copy => 'all');
- $recon->correct_entry();
- # Are we getting data?
- if ($recon->{corrected_id}) {
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/report.html', language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- $template->render( {
- corrected=> $recon->{corrected_id},
- report=> $recon->get_report(),
- total=> $recon->get_total()
- } );
- }
- else {
- # indicate we were unable to correct this entry, with the error code
- # spat back to us by the DB.
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/report.html', language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- $template->render( {
- recon => $recon,
- report => $recon->get_report(),
- total => $recon->get_total()
- } );
- }
- }
- else {
- # We are not getting data sent
- # ergo, we render out stuff.
- if ($request->{report_id} && $request->{entry_id}) {
- # draw the editor interface.
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user=>$user,
- template=>"reconciliation/correct.html",
- language=> $user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base=>$request, copy=>'all');
- $template->render($recon->details($request->{report_id}));
- }
- elsif ($request->{report_id}) {
- my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user=>$user,
- template=>"reconciliation/correct.html",
- language=> $user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- $class->display_report();
- }
- }
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item new_report ($self, $request, $user)
- Creates a new report, from a selectable set of bank statements that have been
- received (or can be received from, depending on implementation)
- Allows for an optional selection key, which will return the new report after
- it has been created.
- =back
- =cut
- sub new_report {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- # how are we going to allow this to be created? Grr.
- # probably select a list of statements that are available to build
- # reconciliation reports with.
- # This should do some fun stuff.
- my $template;
- my $return;
- if ($request->type() eq "POST") {
- # We can assume that we're doing something useful with new data.
- # We can also assume that we've got a file.
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base => $request, copy => 'all');
- # $self is expected to have both the file handling logic, as well as
- # the logic to load the processing module.
- # Why isn't this testing for errors?
- my ($report_id, $entries) = $recon->new_report($recon->import_file());
- if ($recon->is_error()) {
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user=>$user,
- template=> 'reconciliation/upload.html',
- language=>$user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- return $template->render({error=>$recon->error()});
- }
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user=> $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/new_report.html',
- language => $user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- return $template->render(
- {
- entries=>$entries,
- report_id=>$report_id
- }
- );
- }
- else {
- # we can assume we're to generate the "Make a happy new report!" page.
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/upload.html',
- language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html'
- );
- return $template->render();
- }
- return undef;
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item approve ($self, $request, $user)
- Requires report_id
- Approves the given report based on id. Generally, the roles should be
- configured so as to disallow the same user from approving, as created the report.
- Returns a success page on success, returns a new report on failure, showing
- the uncorrected entries.
- =back
- =cut
- sub approve {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- # Approve will also display the report in a blurred/opaqued out version,
- # with the controls removed/disabled, so that we know that it has in fact
- # been cleared. This will also provide for return-home links, auditing,
- # etc.
- if ($request->type() eq "POST") {
- # we need a report_id for this.
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base => request, copy=> 'all');
- my $template;
- my $code = $recon->approve($request->{report_id});
- if ($code == 0) {
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/approve.html', language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- return $template->render();
- }
- else {
- # failure case
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/report.html',
- language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- return $template->render(
- {
- entries=>$recon->get_report($request->{report_id}),
- total=>$recon->get_total($request->{report_id}),
- error_code => $code
- }
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- return $class->display_report($request);
- }
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item corrections ($self, $request, $user)
- Requires report_id and entry_id.
- Loads the selected entry id and all corrections associated with it. If there
- aren't any corrections, it will display "no corrections found".
- =back
- =cut
- sub corrections {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- # Load the corrections for a given report & entry id.
- # possibly should use a "micro" popup window?
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base => request, copy=> 'all');
- my $template;
- $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new( user => $user,
- template => 'reconciliation/corrected.html', language => $user->{language},
- format => 'html');
- return $template->render(
- {
- corrections=>$recon->get_corrections(),
- entry=>$recon->entry($self->{report_id}, $self->{entry_id})
- }
- );
- }
- =pod
- =over
- =item pending ($self, $request, $user)
- Requires {date} and {month}, to handle the month-to-month pending transactions
- in the database. No mechanism is provided to grab ALL pending transactions
- from the acc_trans table.
- =back
- =cut
- sub pending {
- my ($class, $request) = @_;
- my $recon = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Reconciliation->new(base=>request, copy=>'all');
- my $template;
- $template= LedgerSMB::Template->new(
- user => $user,
- template=>'reconciliation/pending.html',
- language=>$user->{language},
- format=>'html'
- );
- if ($request->type() eq "POST") {
- return $template->render(
- {
- pending=>$recon->get_pending($request->{year}."-".$request->{month});
- }
- );
- }
- else {
- return $template->render();
- }
- }
- # eval { do "scripts/custom/Reconciliation.pl" };
- 1;
- =pod
- =head1 Copyright (C) 2007, The LedgerSMB core team.
- This file is licensed under the Gnu General Public License version 2, or at your
- option any later version. A copy of the license should have been included with
- your software.
- =cut