- $self{charset} = 'ISO-8859-13';
- $self{texts} = {
- 'AP Transaction' => 'KP transakcija',
- 'AR Transaction' => 'DP transakcija',
- 'Account' => 'Konts',
- 'Accounting Menu' => 'Kont��anas izv�lne',
- 'Add Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'Pievienot naudas transakciju',
- 'Add General Ledger Transaction' => 'Pievienot virsgr�matas transakciju',
- 'Address' => 'Adrese',
- 'All' => 'Visi',
- 'Amount' => 'Summa',
- 'Apr' => 'Apr',
- 'April' => 'Apr�l�',
- 'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => 'Vai j�s patie��m v�laties dz�st transakciju',
- 'Asset' => 'Akt�vs',
- 'Aug' => 'Aug',
- 'August' => 'August�',
- 'Balance' => 'Bilance',
- 'Bcc' => 'Bcc',
- 'Cannot delete transaction!' => 'Transakciju nevar izdz�st!',
- 'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => 'Nevar iegr�matot transakciju par sl�gtu periodu!',
- 'Cannot post transaction!' => 'Nevar iegr�matot transakciju!',
- 'Cc' => 'Cc',
- 'Confirm!' => 'Apstiprin�t!',
- 'Continue' => 'Turpin�t',
- 'Credit' => 'Kred�ts',
- 'Current' => 'Pa�reiz�js',
- 'Customer not on file!' => 'Nav t�da klienta!',
- 'Date' => 'Datums',
- 'Debit' => 'Debets',
- 'Dec' => 'Dec',
- 'December' => 'Decembr�',
- 'Delete' => 'Dz�st',
- 'Department' => 'Noda�a',
- 'Description' => 'Apraksts',
- 'E-mail' => 'E-pasts',
- 'Edit Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'Labot naudas p�rs�t��anas transakciju',
- 'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => 'Labot transakciju virsgr�mat�',
- 'Equity' => 'Pa�u kapit�ls',
- 'Expense' => 'Izdevumi',
- 'FX' => 'FX',
- 'Feb' => 'Feb',
- 'February' => 'Febru�r�',
- 'From' => 'No',
- 'GIFI' => 'GIFI',
- 'GL Transaction' => 'Virsgr�matas transakcija',
- 'General Ledger' => 'Virsgr�mata',
- 'ID' => 'ID',
- 'Include in Report' => 'Iek�aut atskait�',
- 'Income' => 'Ien�kums',
- 'Jan' => 'Jan',
- 'January' => 'Janv�r�',
- 'Jul' => 'J�l',
- 'July' => 'J�lij�',
- 'Jun' => 'J�n',
- 'June' => 'J�nij�',
- 'Liability' => 'Saist�bas',
- 'Mar' => 'Mar',
- 'March' => 'Mart�',
- 'May' => 'Mai',
- 'May ' => 'Maij� ',
- 'Memo' => 'Memorands',
- 'Message' => 'Pazi�ojums',
- 'Notes' => 'Piez�mes',
- 'Nov' => 'Nov',
- 'November' => 'Novembr�',
- 'Number' => 'Numurs',
- 'Oct' => 'Okt',
- 'October' => 'Oktobr�',
- 'Out of balance transaction!' => 'Transakcija bez bilances',
- 'Post' => 'Iegr�matot',
- 'Post as new' => 'Iegr�matot k� jaunu',
- 'Print' => 'Druk�t',
- 'Project' => 'Projekts',
- 'Project not on file!' => 'Nav t�da projekta!',
- 'R' => 'R',
- 'Reference' => 'Nor�de',
- 'Reports' => 'Atskaites',
- 'Select from one of the names below' => 'Atlas�t vienu no sekojo�iem nosaukumiem',
- 'Select from one of the projects below' => 'Atlas�t vienu no sekojo�iem projektiem',
- 'Sep' => 'Sep',
- 'September' => 'Septembr�',
- 'Source' => 'Dokuments',
- 'Startdate' => 'S�kuma datums',
- 'Subject' => 'Temats',
- 'Subtotal' => 'Kop�',
- 'To' => 'uz',
- 'Transaction Date missing!' => 'Nav nor�d�ts transakcijas datums!',
- 'Transaction deleted!' => 'Transakcija izdz�sta!',
- 'Transaction posted!' => 'Transakcija iegr�matota!',
- 'Update' => 'Atjaunin�t',
- 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Nav t�da p�rdev�ja!',
- 'Warning!' => 'Br�din�jums!',
- 'Yes' => 'J�',
- 'sent' => 'nos�t�ts',
- };
- $self{subs} = {
- 'acc_menu' => 'acc_menu',
- 'add' => 'add',
- 'add_transaction' => 'add_transaction',
- 'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction',
- 'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction',
- 'check_name' => 'check_name',
- 'check_project' => 'check_project',
- 'continue' => 'continue',
- 'create_links' => 'create_links',
- 'delete' => 'delete',
- 'delete_schedule' => 'delete_schedule',
- 'display' => 'display',
- 'display_form' => 'display_form',
- 'display_rows' => 'display_rows',
- 'edit' => 'edit',
- 'form_footer' => 'form_footer',
- 'form_header' => 'form_header',
- 'generate_report' => 'generate_report',
- 'gl_subtotal' => 'gl_subtotal',
- 'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction',
- 'js_menu' => 'js_menu',
- 'menubar' => 'menubar',
- 'name_selected' => 'name_selected',
- 'post' => 'post',
- 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new',
- 'print_and_post_as_new' => 'print_and_post_as_new',
- 'project_selected' => 'project_selected',
- 'rebuild_vc' => 'rebuild_vc',
- 'repost' => 'repost',
- 'reprint' => 'reprint',
- 'sales_invoice_' => 'sales_invoice_',
- 'save_schedule' => 'save_schedule',
- 'schedule' => 'schedule',
- 'search' => 'search',
- 'section_menu' => 'section_menu',
- 'select_name' => 'select_name',
- 'select_project' => 'select_project',
- 'update' => 'update',
- 'vendor_invoice_' => 'vendor_invoice_',
- 'yes' => 'yes',
- 'kp_transakcija' => 'ap_transaction',
- 'dp_transakcija' => 'ar_transaction',
- 'turpin�t' => 'continue',
- 'dz�st' => 'delete',
- 'virsgr�matas_transakcija' => 'gl_transaction',
- 'iegr�matot' => 'post',
- 'iegr�matot_k�_jaunu' => 'post_as_new',
- 'atjaunin�t' => 'update',
- 'j�' => 'yes',
- };
- 1;