- $self{charset} = 'ISO-8859-13';
- $self{texts} = {
- 'AP Aging' => 'Pirkimo Skolos',
- 'AR Aging' => 'Pardavimo Skolos',
- 'Account' => 'S�skaita',
- 'Account Number' => 'S�skaitos numeris',
- 'Accounting Menu' => 'Apskaitos Menu',
- 'Accounts' => 'S�skaitos',
- 'Address' => 'Adresas',
- 'Amount' => 'Suma',
- 'Apr' => 'Bal',
- 'April' => 'Balandis',
- 'Attachment' => 'Prisegta',
- 'Aug' => 'Rug',
- 'August' => 'Rugpj�tis',
- 'Balance' => 'Balansas',
- 'Balance Sheet' => 'Balanso l�ntel�',
- 'Bcc' => 'Bcc',
- 'Cash' => 'Kasa',
- 'Cc' => 'Cc',
- 'Compare to' => 'Palyginti su',
- 'Continue' => 'T�sti',
- 'Copies' => 'Kopijos',
- 'Credit' => 'Kreditas',
- 'Curr' => 'Val.',
- 'Current' => 'Dabartinis',
- 'Customer' => 'Klientas',
- 'Customer not on file!' => 'Tokio kliento n�ra!',
- 'Date' => 'Data',
- 'Debit' => 'Debetas',
- 'Dec' => 'Grd',
- 'December' => 'Gruodis',
- 'Decimalplaces' => 'Skai�i� po ta�ko',
- 'Description' => 'Apra�ymas',
- 'Due Date' => 'Iki Data',
- 'E-mail' => 'E-pa�tas',
- 'E-mail Statement to' => 'Suvestin� suisti per e-past� �',
- 'E-mail address missing!' => 'E-pa�to adreso n�ra!',
- 'Feb' => 'Vas',
- 'February' => 'Vasaris',
- 'From' => 'Nuo',
- 'GIFI' => 'GIFI',
- 'Heading' => 'Antra�t�',
- 'ID' => 'ID',
- 'In-line' => 'Vienaeilis',
- 'Include in Report' => '�d�ti � ataskait�',
- 'Income Statement' => 'Pelno/nuostolio ataskaita',
- 'Invoice' => 'S�skaita-fakt�ra',
- 'Jan' => 'Sau',
- 'January' => 'Sausis',
- 'Jul' => 'Lie',
- 'July' => 'Liepa',
- 'Jun' => 'Bir',
- 'June' => 'Bir�elis',
- 'Language' => 'Kalba',
- 'Mar' => 'Kov',
- 'March' => 'Kovas',
- 'May' => 'Geg',
- 'May ' => 'Gegu��',
- 'Message' => '�inut�',
- 'N/A' => 'N/A',
- 'Nothing selected!' => 'Nieko nei�rinkta!',
- 'Nov' => 'Lap',
- 'November' => 'Lapkritis',
- 'Number' => 'Numeris',
- 'Oct' => 'Spa',
- 'October' => 'Spalis',
- 'Order' => 'U�sakymas',
- 'PDF' => 'PDF',
- 'Payments' => 'Mok�jimai',
- 'Postscript' => 'Postscript(TM)',
- 'Print' => 'Spausdinti',
- 'Project' => 'Projektas',
- 'Project not on file!' => 'N�ra tokio projekto!',
- 'Receipts' => 'Kasos orderiai',
- 'Reference' => 'Nuorodos',
- 'Report for' => 'Ataskaita...',
- 'Screen' => 'Ekranas',
- 'Select all' => 'I�rinkti visk�',
- 'Select from one of the names below' => 'I�rinkite vien� i� pavadinim� apa�ioje',
- 'Select from one of the projects below' => 'I�rinkite vien� i� projekt� apa�ioje',
- 'Select postscript or PDF!' => 'I�rinkite postscript arba PDF!',
- 'Sep' => 'Rgs',
- 'September' => 'R�gs�jis',
- 'Source' => 'Dokumentas',
- 'Standard' => 'Standartas',
- 'Statement' => 'Suvestin�',
- 'Statement sent to' => 'Siusti suvestin� �',
- 'Statements sent to printer!' => 'Siusti suvestin� � spausdintuv�!',
- 'Subject' => 'Dalykas',
- 'Subtotal' => 'Viso',
- 'Tax' => 'Mok�stis',
- 'Tax collected' => 'Mokes�iai surinkti',
- 'Tax paid' => 'Mokes�iai sumok�ti',
- 'To' => 'iki',
- 'Total' => 'I� viso',
- 'Trial Balance' => 'Bandomasis balansas',
- 'Vendor' => 'Tiek�jas',
- 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Tokio tiek�jo n�ra!',
- 'as at' => 'kaip',
- 'for Period' => 'periodui',
- };
- $self{subs} = {
- 'acc_menu' => 'acc_menu',
- 'add_transaction' => 'add_transaction',
- 'aging' => 'aging',
- 'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction',
- 'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction',
- 'check_name' => 'check_name',
- 'check_project' => 'check_project',
- 'continue' => 'continue',
- 'delete_schedule' => 'delete_schedule',
- 'display' => 'display',
- 'e_mail' => 'e_mail',
- 'generate_ap_aging' => 'generate_ap_aging',
- 'generate_ar_aging' => 'generate_ar_aging',
- 'generate_balance_sheet' => 'generate_balance_sheet',
- 'generate_income_statement' => 'generate_income_statement',
- 'generate_projects' => 'generate_projects',
- 'generate_tax_report' => 'generate_tax_report',
- 'generate_trial_balance' => 'generate_trial_balance',
- 'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction',
- 'js_menu' => 'js_menu',
- 'list_accounts' => 'list_accounts',
- 'list_payments' => 'list_payments',
- 'menubar' => 'menubar',
- 'name_selected' => 'name_selected',
- 'payment_subtotal' => 'payment_subtotal',
- 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new',
- 'print' => 'print',
- 'print_and_post_as_new' => 'print_and_post_as_new',
- 'print_form' => 'print_form',
- 'print_options' => 'print_options',
- 'project_selected' => 'project_selected',
- 'rebuild_vc' => 'rebuild_vc',
- 'report' => 'report',
- 'repost' => 'repost',
- 'reprint' => 'reprint',
- 'sales_invoice_' => 'sales_invoice_',
- 'save_schedule' => 'save_schedule',
- 'schedule' => 'schedule',
- 'section_menu' => 'section_menu',
- 'select_all' => 'select_all',
- 'select_name' => 'select_name',
- 'select_project' => 'select_project',
- 'send_email' => 'send_email',
- 'statement_details' => 'statement_details',
- 'tax_subtotal' => 'tax_subtotal',
- 'vendor_invoice_' => 'vendor_invoice_',
- 't�sti' => 'continue',
- 'e_pa�tas' => 'e_mail',
- 'spausdinti' => 'print',
- 'i�rinkti_visk�' => 'select_all',
- };
- 1;