path: root/doc/manual/metatron.sty
blob: 575650070dca57dbe42b0e6178908e4d5e4c317e (plain)
  1. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
  2. \ProvidesPackage{metatron}
  3. \RequirePackage{url, palatino, color}
  4. \RequirePackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=black, urlcolor=black]{hyperref}
  5. \RequirePackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}
  6. \newcommand{\product}[1]{#1\texttrademark}
  7. % For centralized management of company information
  8. \newcommand{\metaname}[1][]{Metatron Technology Consulting#1\space}
  9. \newcommand{\metaddress}{130 Henderson Terrace \\ Chelan, WA 98816}
  10. \newcommand{\metaphone}{(509)682-8475}
  11. % Necessary because \url does not allow for variable substitution
  12. \newcommand{\metaurl}[1][]{\href{}
  13. {}
  14. }
  15. % Simple email functions to make life easier.
  16. \newcommand{\mailto}[1]{\href{mailto:#1}{#1}}
  17. \newcommand{\metamail}[1]{\mailto{}}
  18. % Copyright notices (central management)
  19. % Internal (private) macro for base statements)
  20. \newcommand{\meta@base@copyright}{\textcopyright \space \today \space
  21. \metaname}
  22. % For redistributables
  23. \newcommand{\copyrightredist}{
  24. Copyright\meta@base@copyright. Permission is granted for verbatim
  25. redistribution of this document provided that this copyright notice remains
  26. intact.
  27. }
  28. % For a standard "All rights reserved" copyright notice
  29. \newcommand{\copyrightstd}{
  30. Copyright \meta@base@copyright. All rights reserved.
  31. }
  32. % Other copyright notices may be added below. Please keep them separate from
  33. % documents so that they can be maintained separately.
  34. \urlstyle{same}
  35. \endinput