<?lsmb INCLUDE 'ui-header.html' titlebar = 'Payments' include_stylesheet = [ 'css/global.css' 'UI/payments/payments.css' ] ?> <?lsmb BLOCK format_money ?><?lsmb FILTER format('%15.2f') ?><?lsmb number ?><?lsmb END # filter ?><?lsmb END # block ?> <?lsmb PROCESS elements.html # Include form elements helper. ?> <?lsmb contact_type = (account_class == 1) ? text('Vendor') : text('Customer') ?> <?lsmb payment_type = (account_class == 1) ? text('Payments') : text('Receipts') ?> <body id="payment_2_body"> <!-- CT: This template produces invalid XHTML due to the use of nested tables. Because nested tables are widely used (perhaps improperly) for layout, most browsers should have no issues with them. Furthermore, I cannot find any cleaner solution to embedding tabular data within tabular data than this --> <div class="listtop"><?lsmb payment_type ?></div> <form name="pay_dues" method="post" action="payment.pl"> <!-- Moving all hidden variables to the top. -CT --> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "project_id" value = project_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "account_class" value = account_class } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "department_id" value = department_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "meta_number" value = meta_number } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "source_start" value = source_start } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "approved" value = approved } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "currency" value = currency } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "ar_ap_accno" value = ar_ap_accno } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "date_from" value = date_from } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "date_to" value = date_to } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "business_id" value = business_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "batch_id" value = batch_id } ?> <div class="container"> <div id="date_row"> <label for="date_paid"><?lsmb text('Posting Date:') ?></label> <?lsmb IF batch_id ?> <?lsmb IF ! datepaid ?><?lsmb datepaid = batch_date ?><?lsmb END ?> <span id="date_paid"><?lsmb datepaid ?></span> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data= { value = datepaid name = "datepaid" size = 20 class = (batch_id) ? "hidden" : "date" type = (batch_id) ? "hidden" : "text" } ?> </div> <div id="date_filter_row"> <label for="filter_from"><?lsmb text('Filtering From:') ?></label> <span id="filter_from"><?lsmb date_from ?> </span> <label for="filter_to"><?lsmb text('To:') ?></label> <span id="filter_to"><?lsmb date_to ?> </span> <!-- the department will be shown if it was selected in the first step --> <?lsmb IF department.value # Only process element if one exists. As in project above ?> <div class="info"> <label for="department_info"><?lsmb text('Department') ?></label> <span id="department_info"> <?lsmb department ?> </span> </div> <?lsmb END ?> <div class="info" id="account_row"> <label for="account_info"> <?lsmb text('Account:'); ?> </label> <span id="account_info"></td> <?lsmb FOREACH a = debt_accounts ?><?lsmb IF a.accno == ar_ap_accno ?><?lsmb a.accno ?>--<?lsmb a.description ?><?lsmb END # If a.accno... ?><?lsmb END # FOREACH a ?> </span> </div> <?lsmb IF defaultcurrency != curr ?> <div class="info" id="exrate_row"> <?lsmb PROCESS input element_data= { label = text('Exchange Rate') type = text class = "numeric" name = 'exchange_rate' value = exchange_rate size = 20 } # ' ?> </div> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb IF business ?> <div class="info"> <label for="business_info"><?lsmb text('Business:') ?></label> <span id="business_info"><?lsmb FOREACH b = businesses ?> <?lsmb IF b.id == business ?> <?lsmb b.id ?> -- <?lsmb b.description ?> <?lsmb END # if b.id... ?> <?lsmb END # foreach b ?></span> </div> <?lsmb END # if business ?> <div class="info" id="cash_account_div"> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "cash_accno" value = cash_accno } ?> <label><?lsmb text('Pay From') ?></label> <?lsmb FOR c = cash_accounts -?> <?lsmb IF c.accno == cash_accno -?> <?lsmb c.accno ?>--<?lsmb c.description ?> <?lsmb END # if c.accno -?> <?lsmb END # for c -?> </div> <table id="payments_table"> <tr class="listheading"> <th class="account"><?lsmb text('Account') ?></th> <th class="entity_name"><?lsmb text('Name') ?></th> <th class="invoice"><?lsmb text('Invoice Total') ?></th> <th class="payment"><?lsmb text('Payment') ?></th> <th class="payment"><?lsmb text('Details') ?></th> </tr> <?lsmb rc = 1 ?><?lsmb count = 0 ?> <?lsmb FOREACH r = contact_invoices ?> <?lsmb rc = (rc + 1) % 2; count = count + 1 ?> <tr class="listrow<?lsmb rc ?>"> <td class="account_number" rowspan="2" > <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "contact_$count" value = r.contact_id } ?> <?lsmb IF action == "update_payments" -?> <?lsmb IF !${"id_$r.contact_id"} -?> <?lsmb r.unselected = 1 -?> <?lsmb END # IF !${"id_$r.contact_id"} -?> <?lsmb END # IF action ... -?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "checkbox" name = "id_$r.contact_id" value = r.contact_id checked = (r.unselected) ? undef : "checked" } ?> <?lsmb r.econtrol_code ?> -- <?lsmb r.account_number ?> -- <?lsmb r.eca_description ?> </td> <td class="entity_name"><span class="<?lsmb IF r.has_vouchers; 'name_has_vouchers' ; ELSE ; 'name_has_no_vouchers' ; END ?>"><?lsmb r.contact_name ?></span></td> <td class="invoice"><?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number=r.total_due ?> <?lsmb currency ?></td> <td class="payment" class="details_select"> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { name = "paid_$r.contact_id" value = "some" label = text('Some') checked = (${"paid_$r.contact_id"} == 'some') ? "checked" : "" type = "radio" } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { name = "paid_$r.contact_id" value = "all" label = text('All') checked = (${"paid_$r.contact_id"} != 'some') ? "checked" : "" type = "radio" } ?> </td> <td rowspan = 2><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { name = "source_$r.contact_id" value = (${"source_$r.contact_id"}) ? ${"source_$r.contact_id"} : r.source type = "text" size = "20" label = text('Source') } ?></td> </tr> <tr class="listrow<?lsmb rc ?>"> <td class="invoice_detail_list" colspan="3"> <table id = "invoice_data_table_<?lsmb r.contact_id ?>" width="100%" class = "detail_table_visible"> <tr class="listheading"> <th class="invoice_date_list"><?lsmb text('Date') ?> </th> <th class="invoice_list"> <?lsmb text('Invoice Number') ?> </th> <th class="total_due_list"><?lsmb text('Total') ?></th> <th class="paid_list"><?lsmb text('Paid') ?></th> <th class="net_due_list"><?lsmb text('Net Due') ?> </th> <th class="to_pay_list"><?lsmb text('To Pay') ?></th> </tr> <?lsmb icount = 0 ?> <?lsmb FOREACH i = r.invoices ?> <?lsmb icount = icount + 1 ?> <tr> <td class="invoice_date_list"> <?lsmb i.2 ?></td> <?lsmb PROCESS input element_data = { name = "invdate_$i.0" type = "hidden" value = i.2 } ?> <td class="invoice_list"> <?lsmb i.1 ?></td> <?lsmb PROCESS input element_data = { name = "invnumber_$i.0" type = "hidden" value = i.1 } ?> <td class="total_due_list"> <?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number=i.3 ?></td> <td class="paid_list"> <?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number=i.4 ?></td> <td class="net_due_list"> <?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number= i.6 ?> <?lsmb currency ?></td> <td class="to_pay_list"> <?lsmb IF ! ${"payment_$r.contact_id_$i.0"} ?> <?lsmb ${"payment_$r.contact_id_$i.0"} = INCLUDE format_money number= i.6 ?> <?lsmb END # if ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { name = "payment_$r.contact_id_$i.0" value = ${"payment_$r.contact_id_$i.0"} size = 20 type = "text" class = "monetary" } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "invoice_${r.contact_id}_$icount" value = i.0 } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "net_$i.0" value = ${"payment_$r.contact_id_$i.0"} } ?> </td> </tr> <?lsmb END # foreach i ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "invoice_count_${r.contact_id}" value = icount } ?> <tr class="subtotal"> <td colspan="5" class="total_label"> <?lsmb text('Contact Total (if paying "some")') ?> </td> <td><span id='<?lsmb ${"contact_total_$r.id"} ?>'> <?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number= r.contact_total ?> </span><span class="currency"> <?lsmb currency ?></span> </td> </tr> </table> </tr> <?lsmb END # foreach r ?> <tr class="subtotal"> <td> </td> <td class="total_label"><?lsmb text('Grand Total') ?></td> <td> <span id="grand_total"> <?lsmb INCLUDE format_money number = grand_total ?> </span> <span class="currency"> <?lsmb currency ?> </span> </td> </tr> </table> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "contact_count" value = count } ?> <?lsmb PROCESS input element_data = { name = "multiple" type = "hidden" value = '1' } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = { text = text('Update'), value = 'update_payments' class = "submit" name = 'action' } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = { text = text((batch_id) ? 'Save' : 'Post'), value = 'post_payments_bulk' class = "submit" name = 'action' } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = { text = text('Add Payment Fees') # ' value = 'paycom_add_fees' class = 'submit' name = 'action' } ?> <?lsmb IF can_print ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = { name = "media" class = "select" options = media_options value = media } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = { name = "format" class = "select" options = format_options value = format } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = { text = text('Print') value = 'print' class = 'submit' name = 'action' } ?> <?lsmb END # IF can_print ?> </form> </body> </html>