<?lsmb INCLUDE 'ui-header.html' titlebar = 'Payments' include_stylesheet = [ 'css/global.css' 'UI/payments/payments.css' ] ?> <?lsmb PROCESS elements.html # Include form elements helper. ?> <?lsmb contact_type = (account_class == 1) ? text('Vendor') : text('Customer') ?> <?lsmb payment_type = (account_class == 1) ? text('Payments') : text('Receipts') ?> <body id="payment_2_body"> <div class="listtop"><?lsmb payment_type ?></div> <form name="pay_dues" method="post" action="payment.pl"> <!-- Moving all hidden variables to the top. -CT --> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "project_id" value = project_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "department_id" value = department_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "approved" value = approved } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "currency" value = currency } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "payable_id" value = payable_id } ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = { type = "hidden" name = "batch_id" value = batch_id } ?> <table width=100% id="info_table"> <tr valign=top id="info_row"> <td width=50% id="info_data"> <table> <!-- the department will be shown if it was selected in the first step --> <?lsmb IF department.value # Only process element if one exists. As in project above ?> <tr id="department-row"> <th align="right" nowrap id="department_label_column"><?lsmb text('Department') ?>:</th> <td colspan="2" id="department_column"> <?lsmb department ?> </td> </tr> <?lsmb END ?> <tr id="account_row"> <th align="right" nowrap id="account_label_column"><?lsmb text('Account') ?></th> <td colspan="2" id="account_column"><?lsmb payable_accno ?>--<?lsmb payable_description ?></td> </tr> <tr id="date_row"> <th align="right" nowrap id="date_label_column"><?lsmb text('Date') ?></th> <td colspan="2" id="date_column"> <?lsmb IF batch_id ?> <?lsmb date_paid ?> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data= { value = datepaid name = "datepaid" size = 20 class = (batch_id) ? "hidden" : "date" type = (batch_id) ? "hidden" : "text" } ?> </td> </tr> <?lsmb IF defaultcurrency != curr ?> <tr id="exrate_row"> <th valig="top" align="right" id="exrate_label_column"><?lsmb text('Exchange Rate') ?>:</th> <td id="exrate_column"> <?lsmb PROCESS input element_data= { label = text('Exchange Rate') type = text class = "numeric" name = 'exchange_rate' value = exchange_rate size = 20 } # ' ?> </td> </tr> <?lsmb END ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="1"> <tr class="listheading"> <?lsmb FOREACH column IN column_headers # Loop through columns ?> <th class="listheading"><?lsmb column.text ?></th> <?lsmb END ?> </tr> <?lsmb # We have to clear i for later usage :) ?> <?lsmb i = '0' ?> <?lsmb FOREACH row IN rows ?> <?lsmb i = i + 1; j = i % 2; alterning_style = "listrow$j" # TODO: Refactor -- CT ?> <tr class="<?lsmb alterning_style ?>"=> <td><a href="<?lsmb row.invoice.href ?>"><?lsmb row.invoice.number ?></a> <input type="hidden" value="<?lsmb row.invoice.id ?>" /> </td> <!-- we can use an href to link this invoice number to the invoice - DM --> <td><?lsmb row.invoice_date ?></td> <td><?lsmb row.amount ?></td> <td><?lsmb row.paid ?></td> <td><?lsmb row.due ?></td> <?lsmb IF defaultcurrency.text != curr.text ?> <td><?lsmb row.exchange_rate ?></td> <td><?lsmb row.due_fx ?></td> <td><div id="<?lsmb "div_topay_invoice_$i" ?>"><?lsmb row.topay ?></div></td> <?lsmb END ?> <!-- DM: This should be computed and updated to the div using --> <td><?lsmb PROCESS input element_data=row.topay_fx ?><div id="<?lsmb "div_topay_$i" ?>"> <hr /> <table> <!-- Row for payment cash accounts --> <tr id="<?lsmb "account-row$i"?>"> <th align="right" nowrap id="<?lsmb "account_label_column$i" ?>"><?lsmb text('Account') ?></th> <td colspan="2" id="<?lsmb "account_column$i" ?>"><?lsmb PROCESS select element_data=account ?></td> </tr> <tr id="<?lsmb "source_row$i" ?>"> <?lsmb # here goes all the posible sources wich we can used ?> <th align="right" nowrap id="<?lsmb "source_label_column$i" ?>"><?lsmb text('Source') ?></th> <td width="28%" id="<?lsmb "source_column$i" ?>"><?lsmb PROCESS select element_data=source ?></td> <td><?lsmb PROCESS input element_data=source_text ?></td> <td nowrap align="left"><input name="<?lsmb "optionalpay_$i" ?>" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?lsmb END ?> </table> <hr /> <?lsmb PROCESS button element_data=post ?> <?lsmb PROCESS button element_data=post_and_print ?> <?lsmb PROCESS select element_data=format ?> <?lsmb PROCESS select element_data=media ?> </form> </body> </html>