- <?lsmb
- default_keys = ['id', 'class', 'title'] # Defaults for all attributes
- input_keys = ['type', 'name', 'disabled', 'size', 'value'] # Defaults for input attributes
- #checkbox
- checkbox_defaults = {
- value = '1'
- }
- #file
- file_defaults = {
- size => '60'
- }
- #password
- password_defaults = {
- size = '60'
- }
- # text
- text_defaults = {
- size = '60',
- maxlength = '255'
- }
- # textarea
- textarea_defaults = {
- rows = '5',
- cols = '60'
- }
- #button
- button_defaults = {
- type = 'submit'
- }
- ?>
- <?lsmb # INPUT ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK input ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data # Only process element if one exists. ?>
- <?lsmb
- input_defaults = {} # Some inputs have no defaults, so make sure everything is empty to start with.
- element_type = 'input';
- PROCESS auto_id;
- ?>
- <?lsmb SWITCH element_data.type; # Merge in type-specific attributes.
- CASE 'file';
- input_type_keys = input_keys.merge(['accept']);
- input_defaults = file_defaults;
- CASE 'image';
- input_type_keys = input_keys.merge(['alt', 'src']);
- CASE ['checkbox'];
- input_type_keys = input_keys.merge(['checked']);
- input_defaults = checkbox_defaults;
- CASE ['radio'];
- input_type_keys = input_keys.merge(['checked']);
- CASE ['password'];
- input_defaults = password_defaults;
- CASE 'text';
- input_type_keys = input_keys.merge(['maxlength', 'readonly']);
- input_defaults = text_defaults;
- input_type_keys = input_keys;
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes # Process regular attributes.
- attribute_data = element_data
- attribute_defaults = input_defaults
- element_keys = input_type_keys
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes # Process custom attributes.
- custom_attribute_data=element_data.attributes
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS auto_label # Process element label. ?>
- <input<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?> />
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # TEXTAREA ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK textarea ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data # Only process element if one exists. ?>
- <?lsmb
- element_type = 'textarea';
- PROCESS auto_id;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes # Process regular attributes.
- attribute_data=element_data
- attribute_defaults = textarea_defaults
- element_keys = ['name', 'cols', 'rows', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'tabindex', 'accesskey', 'value'] # Attributes that apply to textareas.
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes # Process custom attributes.
- custom_attribute_data=element_data.attributes
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS auto_label # Process element label. ?>
- <textarea<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?>><?lsmb element_data.text ?></textarea>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # SELECT ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK select ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data # Only process element if one exists. ?>
- <?lsmb
- element_type = 'select';
- PROCESS auto_id;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes # Process regular attributes.
- attribute_data=element_data
- attribute_defaults = {} # Make sure old defaults are cleared out.
- element_keys=['name', 'size', 'multiple', 'disabled', 'accesskey', 'tabindex'] # Attributes that apply to selects.
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes # Process custom attributes.
- custom_attribute_data=element_data.attributes
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS auto_label # Process element label. ?>
- <select<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?>>
- <?lsmb # Build options.
- FOREACH option_data IN element_data.options;
- PROCESS option;
- END;
- ?>
- </select>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # OPTION ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK option ?>
- <?lsmb # Selected is a special case -- no attribute key, so it's handled here by looking for the option value in the default_values key.
- IF element_data.defined('default_values') AND element_data.default_values.grep("^${option_data.value}$").size;
- option_data.selected = " selected";
- option_data.selected = "";
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes # Process regular attributes.
- attribute_data=option_data
- element_keys=['tabindex', 'disabled', 'value'] # Attributes that apply to options.
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes # Process custom attributes.
- custom_attribute_data=option_data.attributes
- ?>
- <option<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?><?lsmb option_data.selected ?>><?lsmb option_data.text ?></option>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # BUTTON ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK button ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data # Only process element if one exists. ?>
- <?lsmb
- element_type = 'button';
- PROCESS auto_id;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes # Process regular attributes.
- attribute_data=element_data
- attribute_defaults = button_defaults
- element_keys=['name', 'value', 'accesskey', 'type', 'disabled', 'tabindex'] # Attributes that apply to buttons.
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes # Process custom attributes.
- custom_attribute_data=element_data.attributes
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS auto_label # Process element label. ?>
- <button<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?>><?lsmb element_data.text ?></button>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # LABEL ELEMENT ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK label ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data # Only process element if one exists. ?>
- <?lsmb
- element_type = 'label';
- PROCESS auto_id;
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS attributes
- attribute_data=element_data
- attribute_defaults = {} # Make sure old defaults are cleared out.
- element_keys=['for'] # Attributes that apply to labels.
- ?>
- <?lsmb PROCESS custom_attributes
- custom_attribute_data=element_data.attributes
- ?>
- <label<?lsmb all_attributes ?><?lsmb all_custom_attributes ?>><?lsmb element_data.text ?></label>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # REGULAR ATTRIBUTE PROCESSING -- all explicitly allowed attributes are processed here. ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK attributes ?>
- <?lsmb
- all_attributes = ""
- all_keys = default_keys.merge(element_keys) # Merge in attributes that apply to this element.
- ?>
- <?lsmb FOREACH element_attribute IN all_keys # Loop through each allowed attribute. ?>
- <?lsmb
- IF attribute_data.defined(element_attribute); # Add the attribute to the element if it's been set.
- all_attributes = all_attributes _ " " _ element_attribute _ '="' _ attribute_data.${element_attribute} _ '"';
- ELSIF attribute_defaults.defined(element_attribute); # Fall back to default value if one is supplied.
- all_attributes = all_attributes _ " " _ element_attribute _ '="' _ attribute_defaults.${element_attribute} _ '"';
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb # CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE PROCESSING -- any other attributes passed in the 'attributes' key are processed here. ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK custom_attributes ?>
- <?lsmb all_custom_attributes = "" ?>
- <?lsmb # Loop through each attribute and add it to the custom attribute string.
- FOREACH element_attribute IN custom_attribute_data;
- all_custom_attributes = all_custom_attributes _ " " _ element_attribute.key _ '="' _ element_attribute.value _ '"';
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK auto_id # Automatically builds the id tag for the element if possible. ?>
- <?lsmb UNLESS element_data.defined('id') # id attribute should always be set, so auto-set it if it's not defined. ?>
- <?lsmb element_id = "" ?>
- <?lsmb # Labal id's default to [for]-label.
- IF element_type == 'label' AND element_data.defined('for');
- element_id = element_data.for _ "-label";
- ELSIF ((element_type == 'input' AND element_data.type == 'radio') OR element_type == 'button') AND element_data.defined('name') AND element_data.defined('value');
- element_id = element_data.name _ "-" _ element_data.value; # radios and buttons get name-value for uniqueness.
- ELSIF (element_type == 'input' OR element_type == 'textarea' OR element_type == 'select') AND element_data.defined('name');
- element_id = element_data.name;
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb # Add the id if it's been generated. Replace all non alphanumeric characters with dashes -- nicer CSS.
- IF element_id;
- element_data.id = element_id.replace('[^\p{IsAlnum}]', '-');
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb BLOCK auto_label # Sets a label for a form element if the special 'label' key is passed. ?>
- <?lsmb IF element_data.defined('label') # Check for label. ?>
- <?lsmb # Add a for attribute for the label if possible.
- IF element_data.defined('id');
- label_id = ' id="' _ element_data.id _ '-label"';
- label_for = ' for="' _ element_data.id _ '"';
- label_id = "";
- label_for = "";
- END;
- ?>
- <?lsmb # Label inherits class of the related element if possible.
- IF element_data.defined('class');
- label_class = ' class="' _ element_data.class _ '"';
- label_class = "";
- END;
- ?>
- <label<?lsmb label_id ?><?lsmb label_for ?><?lsmb label_class ?>><?lsmb text(element_data.label) ?></label>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>