blob: b675ef5711d68a5ce26a92aca37054debe29a7ae (
- <?lsmb INCLUDE "ui-header.html"
- include_stylesheet = [
- "css/global.css"
- stylesheet
- ]
- titlebar = text('Batch Selection') # '
- ?><?lsmb PROCESS "elements.html" ?>
- <body>
- <form action="" method="post">
- <div class="listtop" id="title_div"><?lsmb text('Search Unapproved Transactions') ?></div>
- <div class="input" id="batch_class_div">
- <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
- label = text('Transaction Type') # '
- options = class_types
- value_attr = "value"
- text_attr = "text"
- name = "type"
- default_values = [class_id]
- } ?>
- </div>
- <!--
- Commenting this section out. Does not seem to be used by API. -CT
- <div class="input" id="entered_by_div">
- <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
- label = text('Created By') # '
- options = users
- value_attr = "entity_id"
- text_attr = "username"
- name = "created_by_eid"
- default_values = [created_by]
- } ?></div> -->
- <div class="input" id="reference_div">
- <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
- label = text('Reference/Invoice Number') #'
- size = 20
- value = reference
- name = "reference"
- } ?>
- </div>
- <div class="input" id="amounts_div">
- <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
- label = "Minimum Value"
- name = "amount_gt"
- class = "numeric"
- size = 20
- value = amount_gt
- type = "text"
- } ?>
- <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
- label = "Maximum Value"
- name = "amount_lt"
- value = amount_lt
- size = 20
- class = "numeric"
- type = "text"
- } ?>
- </div>
- <div class="input" id="buttons_div">
- <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
- text = text('Search')
- name = "action"
- value = "list_drafts"
- class = "submit"
- type = "submit"
- } ?> </div>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>