- =head1 NAME
- LedgerSMB::Template - Template support module for LedgerSMB
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- This module renders templates.
- =head1 METHODS
- =over
- =item new(user => \%myconfig, template => $string, format => $string, [locale => $locale] [language => $string], [include_path => $path], [no_auto_output => $bool], [method => $string], [no_escape => $bool], [debug => $bool], [output_file => $string] );
- This command instantiates a new template:
- =over
- =item template
- The template to be processed. This can either be a reference to the template
- in string form or the name of the file that is the template to be processed.
- =item format
- The format to be used. Currently HTML, PS, PDF, TXT and CSV are supported.
- =item format_options (optional)
- A hash of format-specific options. See the appropriate LSMB::T::foo for
- details.
- =item output_options (optional)
- A hash of output-specific options. See the appropriate output method for
- details.
- =item locale (optional)
- The locale object to use for regular gettext lookups. Having this option adds
- the text function to the usable list for the templates. Has no effect on the
- gettext function.
- =item language (optional)
- The language for template selection.
- =item include_path (optional)
- Overrides the template directory. Used with user interface templates.
- =item no_auto_output (optional)
- Disables the automatic output of rendered templates.
- =item no_escape (optional)
- Disables escaping on the template variables.
- =item debug (optional)
- Enables template debugging.
- With the TT-based renderers, HTML, PS, PDF, TXT, and CSV, the portion of the
- template to get debugging messages is to be surrounded by
- <?lsmb DEBUG format 'foo' ?> statements. Example:
- <tr><td colspan="<?lsmb columns.size ?>"></td></tr>
- <tr class="listheading">
- <?lsmb FOREACH column IN columns ?>
- <?lsmb DEBUG format '$file line $line : [% $text %]' ?>
- <th class="listtop"><?lsmb heading.$column ?></th>
- <?lsmb DEBUG format '' ?>
- <?lsmb END ?>
- </tr>
- =item method/media (optional)
- The output method to use, defaults to HTTP. Media is a synonym for method
- =item output_file (optional)
- The base name of the file for output.
- =back
- =item new_UI(user => \%myconfig, locale => $locale, template => $file, ...)
- Wrapper around the constructor that sets the path to 'UI', format to 'HTML',
- and leaves auto-output enabled.
- =item render($hashref)
- This command renders the template. If no_auto_output was not specified during
- instantiation, this also writes the result to standard output and exits.
- Otherwise it returns the name of the output file if a file was created. When
- no output file is created, the output is held in $self->{output}.
- Currently email and server-side printing are not supported.
- =item output
- This function outputs the rendered file in an appropriate manner.
- =item my $bool = _valid_language()
- This command checks for valid langages. Returns 1 if the language is valid,
- 0 if it is not.
- =back
- =head1 Copyright 2007, The LedgerSMB Core Team
- This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2, or at your
- option any later version. A copy of the license should have been included with
- your software.
- =cut
- package LedgerSMB::Template;
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use Error qw(:try);
- use LedgerSMB::Sysconfig;
- use LedgerSMB::Mailer;
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {};
- my %args = @_;
- $self->{myconfig} = $args{user};
- $self->{template} = $args{template};
- $self->{format} = $args{format};
- $self->{language} = $args{language};
- $self->{no_escape} = $args{no_escape};
- $self->{debug} = $args{debug};
- $self->{outputfile} =
- "${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::tempdir}/$args{output_file}" if
- $args{output_file};
- $self->{include_path} = $args{path};
- $self->{locale} = $args{locale};
- $self->{noauto} = $args{no_auto_output};
- $self->{method} = $args{method};
- $self->{method} ||= $args{media};
- $self->{format_args} = $args{format_options};
- $self->{output_args} = $args{output_options};
- # SC: Muxing pre-format_args LaTeX format specifications. Now with
- # DVI support.
- if (lc $self->{format} eq 'dvi') {
- $self->{format} = 'LaTeX';
- $self->{format_args}{filetype} = 'dvi';
- } elsif (lc $self->{format} eq 'pdf') {
- $self->{format} = 'LaTeX';
- $self->{format_args}{filetype} = 'pdf';
- } elsif (lc $self->{format} eq 'ps' or lc $self->{format} eq 'postscript') {
- $self->{format} = 'LaTeX';
- $self->{format_args}{filetype} = 'ps';
- }
- bless $self, $class;
- if ($self->{format} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
- throw Error::Simple "Invalid format";
- }
- if (!$self->{include_path}){
- ## SC: XXX hardcoding due to config migration, will need adjustment
- $self->{include_path} = $self->{'myconfig'}->{'templates'};
- $self->{include_path} ||= 'templates/demo';
- if (defined $self->{language}){
- if (!$self->_valid_language){
- throw Error::Simple 'Invalid language';
- return undef;
- }
- $self->{include_path} = "$self->{'include_path'}"
- ."/$self->{language}"
- .";$self->{'include_path'}"
- }
- }
- print STDERR "include path: $self->{'include_path'} \n";
- return $self;
- }
- sub new_UI {
- my $class = shift;
- return $class->new(@_, no_auto_ouput => 0, format => 'HTML', path => 'UI');
- }
- sub _valid_language {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($self->{language} =~ m#(/|\\|:|\.\.|^\.)#){
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub _preprocess {
- my ($self, $vars) = @_;
- return unless $self->{myconfig};
- use LedgerSMB;
- if (UNIVERSAL::isa($vars, 'Math::BigFloat')){
- $vars =
- LedgerSMB::format_amount('LedgerSMB',
- amount => $vars,
- user => $self->{myconfig},
- precision => 2);
- }
- my $type = ref($vars);
- if ($type eq 'SCALAR' || !$type){
- return;
- }
- if ($type eq 'ARRAY'){
- for (@$vars){
- if (ref($_)){
- $self->_preprocess($_);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for my $key (keys %$vars){
- $self->_preprocess($vars->{$key});
- }
- }
- }
- sub render {
- my $self = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- if ($self->{format} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
- throw Error::Simple "Invalid format";
- }
- my $format = "LedgerSMB::Template::$self->{format}";
- # if ($self->{myconfig}){
- # $self->_preprocess($vars);
- # }
- eval "require $format";
- if ($@) {
- throw Error::Simple $@;
- }
- my $cleanvars;
- if ($self->{no_escape}) {
- carp 'no_escape mode enabled in rendering';
- $cleanvars = $vars;
- } else {
- $cleanvars = $format->can('preprocess')->($vars);
- }
- if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{locale}, 'LedgerSMB::Locale')){
- $cleanvars->{text} = sub { return $self->{locale}->text(@_)};
- }
- else {
- $cleanvars->{text} = sub { return shift @_ };
- }
- $format->can('process')->($self, $cleanvars);
- #return $format->can('postprocess')->($self);
- my $post = $format->can('postprocess')->($self);
- if (!$self->{'noauto'}) {
- # Clean up
- $self->output;
- if ($self->{rendered}) {
- unlink($self->{rendered}) or
- throw Error::Simple 'Unable to delete output file';
- }
- }
- return $post;
- }
- sub output {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- $self->{output_args} = \%args;
- my $method = $self->{method} || $args{method} || $args{media};
- if ('email' eq lc $method) {
- $self->_email_output;
- } elsif ('print' eq lc $method) {
- $self->_lpr_output;
- } elsif (defined $self->{output} or $method = 'Screen') {
- $self->_http_output;
- exit;
- } elsif (defined $method) {
- $self->_lpr_output;
- } else {
- $self->_http_output_file;
- }
- }
- sub _http_output {
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- $data ||= $self->{output};
- if ($self->{format} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
- throw Error::Simple "Invalid format";
- }
- if (!defined $data and defined $self->{rendered}){
- $data = "";
- open (DATA, '<', $self->{rendered});
- while (my $line = <DATA>){
- $data .= $line;
- }
- }
- my $format = "LedgerSMB::Template::$self->{format}";
- my $disposition = "";
- my $name = $format->can('postprocess')->($self);
- if ($name) {
- $name =~ s#^.*/##;
- $disposition .= qq|\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename="$name"|;
- }
- if ($self->{mimetype} =~ /^text/) {
- print "Content-Type: $self->{mimetype}; charset=utf-8$disposition\n\n";
- binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
- } else {
- print "Content-Type: $self->{mimetype}$disposition\n\n";
- binmode STDOUT, ':bytes';
- }
- print $data;
- binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
- }
- sub _http_output_file {
- my $self = shift;
- my $FH;
- open($FH, '<:bytes', $self->{rendered}) or
- throw Error::Simple 'Unable to open rendered file';
- my $data;
- {
- local $/;
- $data = <$FH>;
- }
- close($FH);
- $self->_http_output($data);
- unlink($self->{rendered}) or
- throw Error::Simple 'Unable to delete output file';
- exit;
- }
- sub _email_output {
- my $self = shift;
- my $args = $self->{output_args};
- my @mailmime;
- if (!$self->{rendered} and !$args->{attach}) {
- $args->{message} .= $self->{output};
- @mailmime = ('contenttype', $self->{mimeytype});
- }
- my $mail = new LedgerSMB::Mailer(
- from => $args->{from} || $self->{user}->{email},
- to => $args->{to},
- cc => $args->{cc},
- bcc => $args->{bcc},
- subject => $args->{subject},
- notify => $args->{notify},
- message => $args->{message},
- @mailmime,
- );
- if ($args->{attach} or $self->{mimetype} !~ m#^text/# or $self->{rendered}) {
- my @attachment;
- my $name = $args->{filename};
- if ($self->{rendered}) {
- @attachment = ('file', $self->{rendered});
- $name ||= $self->{rendered};
- } else {
- @attachment = ('data', $self->{output});
- }
- $mail->attach(
- mimetype => $self->{mimetype},
- filename => $name,
- strip => $$,
- @attachment,
- );
- }
- $mail->send;
- }
- sub _lpr_output {
- my ($self, $in_args) = shift;
- my $args = $self->{output_args};
- if ($self->{format} ne 'LaTeX') {
- throw Error::Simple "Invalid Format";
- }
- my $lpr = $LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer{$args->{media}};
- open(LPR, '|-', $lpr);
- # Output is not defined here. In the future we should consider
- # changing this to use the system command and hit the file as an arg.
- # -- CT
- open (FILE, '<', "$self->{rendered}");
- while (my $line = <FILE>){
- print LPR $line;
- }
- close(LPR);
- }
- 1;