- =head1 NAME
- LedgerSMB::Payment: Payment Handling Back-end Routines for LedgerSMB
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- Provides the functions for generating the data structures payments made in
- LedgerSMB. This module currently handles only basic payment logic, and does
- handle overpayment logic, though these features will be moved into this module
- in the near future.
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (c) 2007 The LedgerSMB Core Team. Licensed under the GNU General
- Public License version 2 or at your option any later version. Please see the
- included COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more information.
- =cut
- package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Payment;
- use base qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject);
- use strict;
- use Math::BigFloat lib => 'GMP';
- our $VERSION = '0.1.0';
- =head1 METHODS
- =over
- =item LedgerSMB::DBObject::Payment->new()
- Inherited from LedgerSMB::DBObject. Please see that documnetation for details.
- =item $payment->get_open_accounts()
- This function returns a list of open accounts depending on the
- $payment->{account_class} property. If this property is 1, it returns a list
- of vendor accounts, for 2, a list of customer accounts are returned.
- The returned list of hashrefs is stored in the $payment->{accounts} property.
- Each hashref has the following keys: id (entity id), name, and entity_class.
- An account is considered open if there are outstanding, unpaid invoices
- attached to it. Customer/vendor payment threshold is not considered for this
- calculation.
- =back
- =cut
- sub __validate__ {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- # If the account class is not set, we don't know if it is a payment or a
- # receipt. --CT
- if (!$self->{account_class}) {
- $self->error("account_class must be set")
- };
- # We should try to re-engineer this so that we don't have to include SQL in
- # this file. --CT
- ($self->{current_date}) = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array('select current_date');
- }
- sub text_amount {
- use LedgerSMB::Num2text;
- print STDERR "num2text\n";
- my ($self, $value) = @_;
- $self->{locale} = $self->{_locale};
- $self->init();
- return $self->num2text($value);
- }
- sub get_metadata {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->list_open_projects();
- @{$self->{departments}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'department_list');
- $self->get_open_currencies();
- $self->{currencies} = [];
- for my $c (@{$self->{openCurrencies}}){
- push @{$self->{currencies}}, $c->{payments_get_open_currencies};
- }
- @{$self->{businesses}} = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'business_type__list'
- );
- @{$self->{debt_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'chart_get_ar_ap');
- @{$self->{cash_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'chart_list_cash');
- for my $ref(@{$self->{cash_accounts}}){
- $ref->{text} = "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}";
- }
- }
- sub search {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if ($self->{meta_number} && !$self->{credit_id}){
- my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'entity_credit_get_id_by_meta_number'
- );
- my @keys = keys %$ref;
- my $key = shift @keys;
- $self->{credit_id} = $ref->{$key};
- }
- @{$self->{search_results}} = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'payment__search'
- );
- return @{$self->{search_results}};
- }
- sub get_open_accounts {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{accounts}} =
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_open_accounts');
- return @{$self->{accounts}};
- }
- sub get_entity_credit_account{
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{entity_accounts}} =
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_entity_accounts');
- return @{$self->{entity_accounts}};
- }
- =over
- =item $payment->get_all_accounts()
- This function returns a list of open or closed accounts depending on the
- $payment->{account_class} property. If this property is 1, it returns a list
- of vendor accounts, for 2, a list of customer accounts are returned.
- The returned list of hashrefs is stored in the $payment->{accounts} property.
- Each hashref has the following keys: id (entity id), name, and entity_class.
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_all_accounts {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{accounts}} =
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_all_accounts');
- return @{$self->{accounts}};
- }
- =over
- =item $payment->reverse()
- This function reverses a payment. A payment is defined as one source
- ($payment->{source}) to one cash account ($payment->{cash_accno}) to one date
- ($payment->{date_paid}) to one vendor/customer ($payment->{credit_id},
- $payment->{account_class}). This reverses the entries with that source.
- =back
- =cut
- sub reverse {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment__reverse');
- return $self->{dbh}->commit;
- }
- =over
- =item $payment->get_open_invoices()
- This function returns a list of open invoices depending on the
- $payment->{account_class}, $payment->{entity_id}, and $payment->{curr}
- properties. Account classes follow the conventions above. This list is hence
- specific to a customer or vendor and currency as well.
- The returned list of hashrefs is stored in the $payment->{open_invoices}
- property. Each hashref has the following keys: id (entity id), name, and
- entity_class.
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_open_invoices {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{open_invoices}} =
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_open_invoices');
- return @{$self->{open_invoices}};
- }
- =over
- =item $payment->get_all_contact_invoices()
- This function returns a list of open accounts depending on the
- $payment->{account_class} property. If this property is 1, it returns a list
- of vendor accounts, for 2, a list of customer accounts are returned. Attached
- to each account is a list of open invoices. The data structure is somewhat
- complex.
- Each item in the list has the following keys: contact_id, contact_name, \
- account_number, total_due, and invoices.
- The invoices entry is a reference to an array of hashrefs. Each of these
- hashrefs has the following keys: invoice_id, invnumber, invoice_date, amount,
- discount, and due.
- These are filtered based on the (required) properties:
- $payment->{account_class}, $payment->{business_type}, $payment->{date_from},
- $payment->{date_to}, and $payment->{ar_ap_accno}.
- The $payment->{ar_ap_accno} property is used to filter out by AR or AP account.
- The following can also be optionally passed: $payment->{batch_id}. If this is
- patched, vouchers in the current batch will be picked up as well.
- The returned list of hashrefs is stored in the $payment->{contact} property.
- Each hashref has the following keys: id (entity id), name, and entity_class.
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_all_contact_invoices {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{contacts}} =
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_all_contact_invoices');
- # When arrays of complex types are supported by all versions of Postgres
- # that this application supports, we should look at doing type conversions
- # in DBObject so this sort of logic is unncessary. -- CT
- for my $contact (@{$self->{contacts}}){
- my @invoices = $self->parse_array($contact->{invoices});
- my $processed_invoices = [];
- for my $invoice (@invoices){
- my $new_invoice = {};
- for (qw(invoice_id invnumber invoice_date amount discount due)){
- $new_invoice->{$_} = shift @$invoice;
- if ($_ =~ /^(amount|discount|due)$/){
- $new_invoice->{$_} =
- Math::BigFloat->new($new_invoice->{$_});
- }
- }
- push(@$processed_invoices, $new_invoice);
- }
- $contact->{invoice} = $processed_invoices;
- }
- return @{$self->{contacts}};
- }
- =over
- =item list_open_projects
- This method gets the current date attribute, and provides a list of open
- projects. The list is attached to $self->{projects} and returned.
- =back
- =cut
- sub list_open_projects {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{projects}} = $self->call_procedure(
- procname => 'project_list_open', args => [$self->{current_date}]
- );
- return @{$self->{projects}};
- }
- =over
- =item list_departments
- This method gets the type of document as a parameter, and provides a list of departments
- of the required type.
- The list is attached to $self->{departments} and returned.
- =back
- =cut
- sub list_departments {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- my @args = @_;
- @{$self->{departments}} = $self->call_procedure(
- procname => 'department_list',
- args => \@args
- );
- return @{$self->{departments}};
- }
- =item list_open_vc
- This method gets the type of vc (vendor or customer) as a parameter, and provides a list of departments
- of the required type.
- The list is attached to $self->{departments} and returned.
- =back
- =cut
- sub list_departments {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- my @args = @_;
- @{$self->{departments}} = $self->call_procedure(
- procname => 'department_list',
- args => \@args
- );
- return @{$self->{departments}};
- }
- =item get_open_currencies
- This method gets a list of the open currencies inside the database, it requires that
- $self->{account_class} (must be 1 or 2) exist to work.
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_open_currencies {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- @{$self->{openCurrencies}} = $self->exec_method( funcname => 'payments_get_open_currencies');
- return @{$self->{openCurrencies}};
- }
- =item list_accounting
- This method lists all accounts that match the role specified in account_class property and
- are availible to store the payment or receipts.
- =back
- =cut
- sub list_accounting {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{pay_accounts}} = $self->exec_method( funcname => 'chart_list_cash');
- return @{$self->{pay_accounts}};
- }
- =item list_overpayment_accounting
- This method lists all accounts that match the role specified in account_class property and
- are availible to store an overpayment / advanced payment / pre-payment.
- =back
- =cut
- sub list_overpayment_accounting {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{overpayment_accounts}} = $self->exec_method( funcname => 'chart_list_overpayment');
- return @{$self->{overpayment_accounts}};
- }
- =item get_sources
- This method builds all the possible sources of money,
- in the future it will look inside the DB.
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_sources {
- my ($self, $locale) = @_;
- @{$self->{cash_sources}} = ($locale->text('cash'),
- $locale->text('check'),
- $locale->text('deposit'),
- $locale->text('other'));
- return @{$self->{cash_sources}};
- }
- =item get_exchange_rate(currency, date)
- This method gets the exchange rate for the specified currency and date
- =cut
- sub get_exchange_rate {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- ($self->{currency}, $self->{date}) = @_;
- ($self->{exchangerate}) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'currency_get_exchangerate');
- return $self->{exchangerate}->{currency_get_exchangerate};
- }
- =item get_default_currency
- This method gets the default currency
- =back
- =cut
- sub get_default_currency {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- ($self->{default_currency}) = $self->call_procedure(procname => 'defaults_get_defaultcurrency');
- return $self->{default_currency}->{defaults_get_defaultcurrency};
- }
- =item get_current_date
- This method returns the system's current date
- =cut
- sub get_current_date {
- my ($self) = shift @_;
- return $self->{current_date};
- }
- =item get_vc_info
- This method returns the contact informatino for a customer or vendor according to
- $self->{account_class}
- =cut
- sub get_vc_info {
- my ($self) = @_;
- @{$self->{vendor_customer_info}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_get_vc_info');
- return @{$self->{vendor_customer_info}};
- }
- =item get_payment_detail_data
- This method sets appropriate project, department, etc. fields.
- =cut
- sub get_payment_detail_data {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->get_metadata();
- my $source_inc;
- my $source_src;
- if (defined ($self->{source_start})){
- $self->{source_start} =~ /(\d*)\D*$/;
- $source_src = $1;
- if ($source_src) {
- $source_inc = $source_src;
- } else {
- $source_inc = 0;
- }
- }
- my $source_length = length($source_inc);
- @{$self->{contact_invoices}} = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'payment_get_all_contact_invoices');
- for my $inv (@{$self->{contact_invoices}}){
- if (defined $self->{source_start}){
- my $source = $self->{source_start};
- if (length($source_inc) < $source_length){
- $source_inc = sprintf('%0*s', $source_length, $source_inc);
- }
- $source =~ s/$source_src(\D*)$/$source_inc$1/;
- ++ $source_inc;
- $inv->{source} = $source;
- }
- my $tmp_invoices = $inv->{invoices};
- $inv->{invoices} = [];
- @{$inv->{invoices}} = $self->_parse_array($tmp_invoices);
- }
- $self->{dbh}->commit; # Commit locks
- }
- sub post_bulk {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $total_count = 0;
- my ($ref) = $self->call_procedure(
- procname => 'setting_get',
- args => ['queue_payments'],
- );
- my $queue_payments = $ref->{setting_get};
- if ($queue_payments){
- my ($job_ref) = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'job__create'
- );
- $self->{job_id} = $job_ref->{job__create};
- ($self->{job}) = $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'job__status'
- );
- }
- $self->{payment_date} = $self->{datepaid};
- for my $contact_row (1 .. $self->{contact_count}){
- my $contact_id = $self->{"contact_$contact_row"};
- next if (!$self->{"id_$contact_id"});
- my $invoice_array = "{}"; # Pg Array
- for my $invoice_row (1 .. $self->{"invoice_count_$contact_id"}){
- my $invoice_id = $self->{"invoice_${contact_id}_${invoice_row}"};
- my $pay_amount = ($self->{"paid_$contact_id"} eq 'all' )
- ? $self->{"net_$invoice_id"}
- : $self->{"payment_$invoice_id"};
- next if ! $pay_amount;
- $pay_amount = $pay_amount * 1;
- my $invoice_subarray = "{$invoice_id,$pay_amount}";
- if ($invoice_subarray !~ /^\{\d+\,\-?\d*\.?\d+\}$/){
- $self->error("Invalid subarray: $invoice_subarray");
- }
- $invoice_subarray =~ s/[^0123456789{},.-]//;
- if ($invoice_array eq '{}'){ # Omit comma
- $invoice_array = "{$invoice_subarray}";
- } else {
- $invoice_array =~ s/\}$/,$invoice_subarray\}/;
- }
- }
- $self->{transactions} = $invoice_array;
- $self->{source} = $self->{"source_$contact_id"};
- if ($queue_payments){
- $self->{batch_class} = 3;
- $self->exec_method(
- funcname => 'payment_bulk_queue'
- );
- } else {
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_bulk_post');
- }
- }
- $self->{queue_payments} = $queue_payments;
- return $self->{dbh}->commit;
- }
- sub check_job {
- my ($self) = @_;
- ($self->{job}) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'job__status');
- }
- =item post_payment
- This method uses payment_post to store a payment (not a bulk payment) on the database.
- =cut
- sub post_payment {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->exec_method(funcname => 'payment_post');
- $self->{dbh}->commit();
- }
- 1;