- LedgerSMB 1.3 (svn trunk) INSTALL
- =================================
- This document aims to provide a detailed step by step process to configure a
- working instance of LedgerSMB 1.3 from subversion repository or pre-alpha
- release tarball.
- Subsitute your own values for file paths and definitions shown in ALL_CAPS.
- Install LedgerSMB 1.3 Source
- ------------------------------------
- LedgerSMB 1.3 is still in pre-beta, with no tarball release files. Check out
- LedgerSMB 1.3 from svn trunk:
- $ svn co https://ledger-smb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ledger-smb/trunk /path/to/ledgersmb13
- Change working directory to WORKING_DIR:
- ----------------------------------------
- WORKING_DIR is the location you have manually installed the LedgerSMB 1.3 source
- or checkout. LedgerSMB 1.3 in pre-alpha form is not currently packaged for any
- distribution.
- $ cd /path/to/ledgersmb13/
- /path/to/ledgersmb13 $
- All commands from this point forward are executed from WORKING_DIR unless
- otherwise noted.
- Automating Installation
- -----------------------
- You can extract the commands in this document with: $ grep -e '^\$' INSTALL
- This provides a decent approximation of what would be required for a scripted
- install as of this writing.
- Apache Configuration
- ====================
- LedgerSMB uses Apache-2.x, with mod_rewrite.
- Create up an Apache conf file for the WORKING_DIR location
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Configure ledgersmb-httpd.conf for apache, subsituting WORKING_DIR with the
- absolute path of your LedgerSMB installation (e.g. /path/to/ledgersmb13):
- The following sed command applies the repetitive substitution automatically.
- $ cat ledgersmb-httpd.conf | sed "s|WORKING_DIR|$(pwd)|" > ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf
- You can also apply the substitution manually in your preferred text editor.
- Install the Apache conf file
- ----------------------------
- Move the apache conf file ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf to a location where it will be
- picked up on apache restart:
- $ sudo mv ledgersmb-httpd-13.conf /etc/apache2/app/ledgersmb13.conf
- Restart apache:
- $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- * Stopping apache2 ... [ ok ]
- * Starting apache2 ... [ ok ]
- Verify that RewriteRule is working
- ----------------------------------
- LedgerSMB 1.3 depends on mod_rewrite's ReWriteRule. Make sure that your Apache
- has module or built-in support for mod_rewrite. You can test this if you are
- unsure. Use an .htaccess file to check that mod_rewrite is working and that our
- directory alias has been loaded by apache:
- $ echo -e 'RewriteEngine on\nRewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.google.com [R]' > /path/to/ledgersmb13/.htaccess
- $ wget -qO /dev/stdout http://localhost/ledgersmb | grep -c '<title>Google</title>'
- 1
- If you saw the grep output "1" above, RewriteRule is working. Remove your
- temporary .htaccess file:
- $ rm .htaccess
- Apache must be able to read and write WORKING_DIR
- -------------------------------------------------
- Make sure the WORKING_DIR directory is read-writable by user:group
- apache:apache, or as appropriate for your distribution's Apache conventions.
- Check And Satisfy Perl Dependencies
- ===================================
- LedgerSMB depends on Perl-5.8, and several CPAN packages, which may or may not
- be available as system packages for your linux distribution:
- $ perl -v | grep v5.
- This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i686-linux
- Run Makefile.PL to check for LedgerSMB's Perl dependencies. The output should be
- similar to the following:
- $ perl Makefile.PL
- include /path/to/ledgersmb13/inc/Module/Install.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
- include inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
- *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
- *** Checking for Perl dependencies...
- [Core Features]
- - Test::More ...loaded. (0.8)
- - Test::Trap ...loaded. (0.0.23)
- - Test::Exception ...loaded. (0.27)
- - Data::Dumper ...loaded. (2.121)
- - Locale::Maketext ...loaded. (1.13)
- - Locale::Maketext::Lexicon ...loaded. (0.64 >= 0.56)
- - DBI ...loaded. (1.601 >= 1.00)
- - MIME::Base64 ...loaded. (3.07)
- - Digest::MD5 ...loaded. (2.36)
- - HTML::Entities ...loaded. (1.35)
- - DBD::Pg ...loaded. (1.49)
- - Math::BigFloat ...loaded. (1.51)
- - IO::File ...loaded. (1.13)
- - Encode ...loaded. (2.12)
- - Locale::Country ...loaded. (2.07)
- - Locale::Language ...loaded. (2.07)
- - Time::Local ...loaded. (1.18)
- - Cwd ...loaded. (3.2701)
- - Config::Std ...loaded. (0.0.4)
- - MIME::Lite ...loaded. (3.01)
- - Template ...loaded. (2.19 >= 2.14)
- - Error ...loaded. (0.17012)
- - CGI::Simple ...loaded. (1.0)
- [POS module credit card processing support]
- - Net::TCLink ...loaded. (3.4)
- [Experimental scripting engine]
- - Parse::RecDescent ...loaded. (1.94)
- [Developer tool dependencies]
- - Getopt::Long ...loaded. (2.35)
- - FileHandle ...loaded. (2.01)
- [PDF and Postscript output]
- - Template::Latex ...loaded. (2.17)
- [OpenOffice.org output]
- - XML::Twig ...loaded. (3.32)
- - OpenOffice::OODoc ...loaded. (2.035)
- [Excel output]
- - Excel::Template::Plus ...loaded. (0.03)
- *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
- include inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
- Writing META.yml
- include inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
- include inc/Module/Install/Build.pm
- Writing Makefile for LedgerSMB
- Use your distribution's CPAN or packaging tools to satisfy the dependencies
- shown above.
- =========================
- PostgreSQL Configuration
- =========================
- LedgerSMB 1.3 is tightly integrated with PostgreSQL. In the current pre-alpha
- state, it is necessary to run several PostgreSQL commands and SQL statements
- exactly as shown below. Automated installers will ease this process in future
- releases.
- TODO: Securing PostgreSQL with LedgerSMB
- ========================================
- An experienced PostgreSQL expert should author a section which describes how to
- properly modify the typical default pg_hba.conf etc., such that LedgerSMB 1.3
- works, but without opening up the database to unneccessary network access.
- Installing PostgreSQL Contrib Function Libraries (Not Optional)
- ===============================================================
- LedgerSMB 1.3 depends on several function libraries distributed with PostgreSQL,
- but typically not installed by default in most distributions.
- Identify the system package containing the files tsearch2.sql, tablefunc.sql,
- and pg_trgm.sql. Install that package, and locate the files on the filesystem.
- You only need to install these function libraries once per postgresql cluster.
- For the remainder of this INSTALL procedure, you will need to become user
- postgres, or have the ability to log in to psql as your current user, or issue
- the commands with: sudo -u postgres [cmd].
- Install Tsearch2 Full Text indexing engine for PostgreSQL
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/tsearch2.sql
- Install tablefunc.sql for PostgreSQL
- ------------------------------------
- $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/tablefunc.sql
- Install pg_trgm.sql for PostgreSQL
- ----------------------------------
- $ psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/postgresql-8.3/contrib/pg_trgm.sql
- TODO: Test install of tsearch2, tablefunc, pg_trgm
- --------------------------------------------------
- Create test functions for user to verify proper contrib library
- loading. Instruct the user how to run them.
- Configure a LedgerSMB PostgreSQL role
- =====================================
- Create the ledgersmb PostgreSQL role (optional):
- $ createuser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole -U postgres --pwprompt --encrypted ledgersmb
- Make a note of the password you enter, we'll refer to it as LSMB_PASSWORD.
- Configure a LedgerSMB Company Database
- ======================================
- Create a LedgerSMB company database. The user and configuration information
- are stored alongside the accounting data as of this writing:
- $ createdb -U postgres -O ledgersmb mycompany
- Install the plpgsql procedural language to the company database:
- $ createlang plpgsql mycompany
- Apply the SQL statements in /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/Pg-database.sql to
- the company database:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/Pg-database.sql
- Apply the in-development SQL statements in the files WORKING_DIR/sql/modules/ to
- the company database, in exactly the following order:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Drafts.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/chart.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Account.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Session.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Business_type.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Location.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Company.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Customer.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Date.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Defaults.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Settings.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Employee.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Entity.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Payment.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Person.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Report.sql
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Voucher.sql
- At the time of this writing, the following files are in an earlier state of development and not ready to be
- loaded:
- admin.sql
- security.sql
- Reconciliaton.sql
- Generate A Custom Roles SQL Statement File
- ------------------------------------------
- Preprocess the sql/modules/Roles.sql file with sed, generating a custom SQL file in WORKING_DIR:
- $ sed -e 's/<?lsmb dbname ?>/mycompany/g' /path/to/ledgersmb13/sql/modules/Roles.sql > /path/to/ledgersmb13/mycompany_roles.sql
- Apply the SQL statements in the sed-generated file mycompany_roles.sql to the
- company database:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -f /path/to/ledgersmb13/mycompany_roles.sql
- Create A PostgreSQL Role
- ------------------------
- Create a postgresql role which you will use to log into the company
- database:
- $ createuser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole -U postgres --pwprompt --encrypted myuser
- Note the password entered at the prompt as MYUSER_PASSWORD. You will use this to login to the
- LedgerSMB 1.3 instance.
- Create A Company User
- =====================
- The following section creates a company user 'myuser' and configures that user
- for use with 'mycompany'.
- Insert myuser Entity
- --------------------
- Using the psql console, insert myuser to the entity table.
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity (name, entity_class, created) VALUES ('myuser', 3, NOW()) RETURNING name, entity_class, created;"
- myuser | 3 | 2008-08-08
- INSERT 0 1
- Insert myuser Persion
- ---------------------
- Insert the myuser entity into the person table:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO person (entity_id, first_name, last_name, created) VALUES (2, 'Firstname', 'Lastname', NOW()) RETURNING entity_id, first_name, last_name, created;"
- 2 | Firstname | Lastname | 2008-08-08
- INSERT 0 1
- Insert myuser Employee
- ----------------------
- Insert the myuser person into the entity_employee table:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity_employee (person_id, entity_id, startdate, role) VALUES (1, 2, NOW(), 'myuser') RETURNING person_id, entity_id, startdate, role;"
- 1 | 2 | 2008-08-08 | myuser
- INSERT 0 1
- Insert myuser User
- ------------------
- Insert the myuser username and its entity id into the users table:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO users (username, entity_id) VALUES ('myuser', 2) RETURNING username, entity_id;"
- myuser | 2
- INSERT 0 1
- Insert myuser Preferences
- -------------------------
- Insert the myuser's person_id into user_preferences:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO user_preference (id) VALUES (1) RETURNING id;"
- 1
- Temporary Workaround: Grant All Roles To myuser
- -----------------------------------------------
- As of this writing, the following workaround is recommended to apply all
- LedgerSMB 1.3 roles (i.e. rolname LIKE 'lsmb%') to a company user. Create the
- following function:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION grant_all_roles(in_login varchar) RETURNS INT as \$\$ DECLARE role_info RECORD; BEGIN FOR role_info IN select * from pg_roles WHERE rolname LIKE 'lsmb%' LOOP EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || role_info.rolname || ' TO ' || in_login; END LOOP; RETURN 1; END; \$\$ language plpgsql;"
- And execute the function for myuser:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "SELECT grant_all_roles('myuser');"
- Login to LedgerSMB 1.3 Instance
- ===============================
- It should now be possible to log into your LedgerSMB 1.3 instance at:
- http://localhost/ledgersmb
- With cookies enabled for localhost.
- Name: myuser
- Company: mycompany
- Workarounds
- ===========
- In its pre-alpha state, when accessing certain parts of the LedgerSMB 1.3 system
- you may encounter permission errors. For example:
- DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: permission denied for relation warehouse
- Error!
- SELECT id, description
- FROM warehouse
- ERROR: permission denied for relation warehouse
- It is possible to grant the permissions directly, until a bug is filed, and the
- code and this INSTALL document is updated to fix the bug. As of this writing,
- the following SQL statements help avoid these types of errors:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON warehouse TO public;"
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON translation TO public;"
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON pricegroup TO public;"
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON taxmodule TO public;"
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON sic TO public;"
- How-To Section
- ==============
- Q: How do I remove the 90+ roles for mycompany created by the INSTALL process?
- A: First, since most objects in the mycompany database depend on these roles,
- you must drop the mycompany database first, obviously with loss of data.
- $ dropdb -U postgres mycompany
- After that, you must issue the droprole command for each rolname in the query
- embedded in the following command:
- $ for role in `psql -U postgres -t -c "SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname LIKE 'lsmb_mycompany%';"`; do dropuser -U postgres $role; done
- Q: The Admin UI isn't functional yet, how to I set my preferred CSS stylesheet?
- A: You might find another CSS stylesheet to your liking, but there is currently
- no UI to set it. Run the following command. If you know your users.id, you can
- modify the query:
- $ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -c "UPDATE user_preference SET stylesheet='ledgersmb-smallgray.css';"