path: root/LedgerSMB/DBObject/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-06-25Correcting issue on Vendor screen. Displaying wrong account info when select...einhverfr
2008-06-10Adding UI support for multiple vendor/customer accounts per company.einhverfr
2008-02-27Minor modification to the, so companies are properly saved from th...aurynn_cmd
2007-12-21Adding some rudamentary POD to Company.pmeinhverfr
2007-12-20More contact, payment, voucher fixes/enhancementseinhverfr
2007-12-11Minor Customer/Vendor fixes regarding account dropdownseinhverfr
2007-12-10Minor Customer/Vendor fixeseinhverfr
2007-11-27AR/AP Breakage Fixedeinhverfr
2007-11-25Employee creation/management is now on new system. May need some additional ...einhverfr
2007-11-25More postfactoringeinhverfr
2007-11-25Contact management postfactoringeinhverfr