path: root/sql/Pg-database.sql
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Diffstat (limited to 'sql/Pg-database.sql')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/sql/Pg-database.sql b/sql/Pg-database.sql
index cc4b77dd..85c8df74 100644
--- a/sql/Pg-database.sql
+++ b/sql/Pg-database.sql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE id;
id serial UNIQUE,
name text check (name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'),
- entity_class integer not null,
+ entity_class integer references entity_class(id) not null ,
created date not null default current_date,
PRIMARY KEY(name,entity_class));
@@ -58,70 +58,6 @@ CREATE TABLE users (
COMMENT ON TABLE users IS $$username is the actual primary key here because we do not want duplicate users$$;
-create table user_connection (
- user_id int not null references users(id) on delete cascade,
- dbname text not null,
- host text not null default 'localhost',
- port int not null default '5432'
-CREATE VIEW users_conf as
- select
- loc.address1 || '\n'|| loc.address2 ||'\n' || loc.address3,
- em.employeenumber,
- company,
- currency,
- dateformat,
- 'Pg',
- u_cx.dbname,
- u_cx.dbport,
- users.username,
- p.fax,
- 50,
- p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name,
- p.number_format,
- '', -- password
-CREATE TABLE users_conf(id integer primary key references users(id) deferrable initially deferred,
- acs text,
- address text,
- businessnumber text,
- company text,
- countrycode text,
- currency text,
- dateformat text,
- dbdriver text default 'Pg',
- dbhost text default 'localhost',
- dbname text,
- dboptions text,
- dbpasswd text,
- dbport text,
- dbuser text,
- email text,
- fax text,
- menuwidth text,
- name text,
- numberformat text,
- password varchar(32) check(length(password) = 32),
- crypted_password text,
- print text,
- printer text,
- role text,
- sid text,
- signature text,
- stylesheet text,
- tel text,
- templates text,
- timeout numeric,
- vclimit numeric);
COMMENT ON TABLE users_conf IS 'This is a completely dumb table that is a place holder to get usersconf into the database. Next major release will have a much more sane implementation';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Yes primary key with a FOREIGN KEY to users(id) is correct';
COMMENT ON COLUMN users_conf.password IS 'This means we have to get rid of the current password stuff and move to presumably md5()';
@@ -255,17 +191,56 @@ INSERT INTO salutation (id,salutation) VALUES ('6','Sir.');
SELECT SETVAL('salutation_id_seq',7);
- id serial PRIMARY KEY,
- entity_id integer references entity(id) not null,
- salutation_id integer references salutation(id),
- first_name text check (first_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]') NOT NULL,
- middle_name text,
- last_name text check (last_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]') NOT NULL,
- created date not null default current_date
+ id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+ entity_id integer references entity(id) not null,
+ salutation_id integer references salutation(id),
+ first_name text check (first_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]') NOT NULL,
+ middle_name text,
+ last_name text check (last_name ~ '[[:alnum:]_]') NOT NULL,
+ created date not null default current_date
COMMENT ON TABLE person IS $$ Every person, must have an entity to derive a common or display name. The correct way to get class information on a person would be person.entity_id->entity_class_to_entity.entity_id. $$;
+create table entity_employee (
+ person_id integer references person(id) not null,
+ entity_id integer references entity(id) not null,
+ startdate date not null default current_date,
+ enddate date,
+ role varchar(20),
+ sales bool default 'f',
+ manager_id integer references entity(id),
+ employeenumber varchar(32),
+ dob date
+ PRIMARY KEY (person_id, entity_id)
+-- notes are from entity_note
+-- ssn, iban and bic are from entity_credit_account
+create view employee as
+ ente.entity_id,
+ 3,
+ u.username,
+ ente.startdate,
+ ente.enddate,
+ en.note,
+ eca.ssn,
+ eca.iban,
+ eca.bic,
+ ente.manager_id,
+ ente.employeenumber,
+ ente.dob
+ entity_employee ente
+ entity_credit_account eca on eca.entity_id = ente.entity_id,
+ entity_note en on en.entity_id = ente.entity_id,
+ user u on u.entity_id = ente.entity_id;
CREATE TABLE person_to_location (
location_id integer not null references location(id),
person_id integer not null references person(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
@@ -473,25 +448,25 @@ CREATE TABLE pricegroup (
CREATE TABLE entity_credit_account (
- id serial not null unique,
- entity_id int not null references entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
- entity_class int not null references entity_class(id) check ( entity_class in (1,2) ),
- discount numeric,
- discount_terms int default 0,
- taxincluded bool default 'f',
- creditlimit NUMERIC default 0,
- terms int2 default 0,
- meta_number varchar(32),
- cc text,
- bcc text,
- business_id int,
- language_code varchar(6),
- pricegroup_id int references pricegroup(id),
- curr char(3),
- startdate date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE,
- enddate date,
- threshold numeric default 0,
- PRIMARY KEY(entity_id, meta_number)
+ id serial not null unique,
+ entity_id int not null references entity(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ entity_class int not null references entity_class(id) check ( entity_class in (1,2) ),
+ discount numeric,
+ discount_terms int default 0,
+ taxincluded bool default 'f',
+ creditlimit NUMERIC default 0,
+ terms int2 default 0,
+ meta_number varchar(32),
+ cc text,
+ bcc text,
+ business_id int,
+ language_code varchar(6),
+ pricegroup_id int references pricegroup(id),
+ curr char(3),
+ startdate date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE,
+ enddate date,
+ threshold numeric default 0,
+ PRIMARY KEY(entity_id, meta_number)
@@ -568,24 +543,13 @@ ALTER TABLE company ADD COLUMN sic_code varchar;
-create table employee (
- entity_id integer not null references entity(id) on delete cascade primary key,
- entity_class_id integer references entity_class(id) not null check (entity_class_id = 3),
- login text,
- startdate date default current_date,
- enddate date,
- notes text,
- role varchar(20),
- sales bool default 'f',
- ssn varchar(20),
- iban varchar(34),
- bic varchar(11),
- managerid int,
- employeenumber varchar(32),
- dob date
COMMENT ON TABLE employee IS $$ Is a metadata table specific to employees $$;
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
partnumber text,