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1 files changed, 164 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/LedgerSMB/ b/LedgerSMB/
index 3a4787fe..5b89a64a 100644
--- a/LedgerSMB/
+++ b/LedgerSMB/
@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ Returns the URI-encoded $str. $beenthere is a boolean that when true forces a
single encoding run. When false, it escapes the string twice if it detects
that it is running on a version of Apache 2.0 earlier than 2.0.44.
+Note that recurring transaction support depends on this function escaping ','.
sub escape {
@@ -185,6 +187,7 @@ sub escape {
+ # SC: Adding commas to the ignore list will break recurring transactions
$str =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge;
@@ -764,7 +767,7 @@ sub parse_amount {
return ( $amount * 1 );
-=item rount_amount($amount, $places);
+=item $form->round_amount($amount, $places);
Rounds the provided $amount to $places decimal places.
@@ -840,7 +843,7 @@ sub callproc {
-=item $form->get_my_emp_num($myconfig, \%$form);
+=item $form->get_my_emp_num($myconfig);
Function to get the employee number of the user $form->{login}. $myconfig is
only used to create %myconfig. $form->{emp_num} is set to the retrieved value.
@@ -1122,6 +1125,15 @@ sub db_init {
+=item $form->run_custom_queries($tablename, $query_type[, $linenum]);
+Runs queries against custom fields for the specified $query_type against
+Valid values for $query_type are any casing of 'SELECT', 'INSERT', and 'UPDATE'.
sub run_custom_queries {
my ( $self, $tablename, $query_type, $linenum ) = @_;
my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
@@ -1465,6 +1477,17 @@ sub check_exchangerate {
+=item $form->add_shipto($dbh, $id);
+Inserts a new address into the table shipto if the value of any of the shipto
+address components in $form differs to the regular attribute in $form. The
+inserted value of trans_id is $id, the other fields correspond with the shipto
+address components of $form.
+$dbh is unused.
sub add_shipto {
my ( $self, $dbh, $id ) = @_;
@@ -1504,6 +1527,15 @@ sub add_shipto {
+=item $form->get_employee($dbh);
+Returns a list containing the name and id of the employee $form->{login}. Any
+portion of $form->{login} including and past '@' are ignored.
+$dbh is unused.
sub get_employee {
my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_;
@@ -1710,6 +1742,17 @@ sub all_taxaccounts {
+=item $form->all_employees($myconfig, $dbh2, $transdate, $sales);
+Sets $form->{all_employee} to be a reference to an array referencing hashes of
+employee information. The hashes are of the form {'id' => id, 'name' => name}.
+If $transdate is set, the query is limited to employees who are active on that
+day. If $sales is true, only employees with the sales flag set are added.
+$dbh2 is unused.
sub all_employees {
my ( $self, $myconfig, $dbh2, $transdate, $sales ) = @_;
@@ -1796,6 +1839,19 @@ sub all_projects {
+=item $form->all_departments($myconfig, $dbh2, $vc);
+Set $form->{all_department} to be a reference to a list of hashrefs describing
+departments of the form {'id' => id, 'description' => description}. If $vc
+is 'customer', further limit the results to those whose role is 'P' (Profit
+This procedure is internally followed by a call to $form->all_years($myconfig).
+$dbh2 is not used.
sub all_departments {
my ( $self, $myconfig, $dbh2, $vc ) = @_;
@@ -1828,6 +1884,17 @@ sub all_departments {
+=item $form->all_years($myconfig[, $dbh2]);
+Populates the hash $form->{all_month} with a mapping between a two-digit month
+number and the English month name. Populates the list $form->{all_years} with
+the years between the year of the oldest transaction date in acc_trans and the
+newest, inclusive.
+$dbh2 is unused.
sub all_years {
my ( $self, $myconfig, $dbh2 ) = @_;
@@ -2249,6 +2316,17 @@ sub get_partsgroup {
+=item $form->update_status($myconfig);
+DELETEs all status rows which have a formname of $form->{formname} and a
+trans_id of $form->{id}. INSERTs a new row into status where trans_id is
+$form->{id}, formname is $form->{formname}, printed and emailed are true if
+their respective $form attributes match /$form->{formname}/,,and spoolfile is
+the file extracted from the string $form->{queued} or NULL if there is no entry
+for $form->{formname}.
sub update_status {
my ( $self, $myconfig ) = @_;
@@ -2408,6 +2486,70 @@ sub get_recurring {
+=item $form->save_recurring($dbh2, $myconfig);
+Saves or deletes recurring transaction scheduling. $form->{id} is used to
+determine the id used in the various recurring tables. A recurring transaction
+schedule is deleted by having $form->{recurring} be false. For adding or
+updating a schedule, $form->{recurring} is a comma seperated field with partial
+subfield quoting of the form:
+ reference,startdate,repeat,unit,howmany,payment,print,email,message
+ text date int text int int text text text
+=item reference
+A URI-encoded reference string for the recurrence set.
+=item startdate
+The index date for the recurrence.
+=item repeat
+The unitless repetition frequency.
+=item unit
+The interval unit used. Can be 'days', 'weeks', 'months', or 'years',
+capitalisation and pluralisation ignored.
+=item howmany
+The number of recurrences for the transaction.
+=item payment
+Flag to indicate if a payment is included in the transaction.
+=item print
+A colon seperated list of formname:format:printer triplets.
+=item email
+A colon seperated list of formname:format pairs.
+=item message
+A URI-encoded message for the emails to be sent.
+Values for the nextdate and enddate columns of the recurring table are
+calculated using startdate, repeat, unit, howmany, and the current database
+date. All other fields of the recurring, recurringemail, and recurringprint are
+obtained directly from $form->{recurring}.
+B<WARNING>: This function does not check the validity of most subfields of
+$dbh2 is not used.
sub save_recurring {
my ( $self, $dbh2, $myconfig ) = @_;
@@ -2443,6 +2585,10 @@ sub save_recurring {
$s{print}, $s{email}, $s{message}
) = split /,/, $self->{recurring};
+ if ($s{unit} !~ /^(day|week|month|year)s?$/i){
+ $dbh->rollback;
+ $self->error("Invalid recurrence unit");
+ }
if ($s{howmany} == 0){
$self->error("Cannot set to recur 0 times");
@@ -2454,11 +2600,11 @@ sub save_recurring {
my $advance = $s{repeat} * ( $s{howmany} - 1 );
my %interval;
$interval{'Pg'} =
- "(date '$s{startdate}' + interval '$advance $s{unit}')";
+ "(?::date + interval '$advance $s{unit}')";
$query = qq|SELECT $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}|;
- my ($enddate) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
+ my ($enddate) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $s{startdate});
# calculate nextdate
$query = qq|
@@ -2482,9 +2628,9 @@ sub save_recurring {
if ( $advance > 0 ) {
if ( $advance < ( $s{repeat} * $s{howmany} ) ) {
- $query = qq|SELECT (date '$s{startdate}' + interval '$advance $s{unit}')|;
+ $query = qq|SELECT (?::date + interval '$advance $s{unit}')|;
- ($nextdate) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
+ ($nextdate) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $s{startdate});
@@ -2496,9 +2642,9 @@ sub save_recurring {
$nextdate = $self->{recurringnextdate};
- $query = qq|SELECT '$enddate' - date '$nextdate'|;
+ $query = qq|SELECT ?::date - ?::date|;
- if ( $dbh->selectrow_array($query) < 0 ) {
+ if ( $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $enddate, $nextdate) < 0 ) {
undef $nextdate;
@@ -2564,6 +2710,15 @@ sub save_recurring {
+=item $form->save_intnotes($myconfig, $vc);
+Sets the intnotes field of the entry in the table $vc that has the id
+$form->{id} to the value of $form->{intnotes}.
+Does nothing if $form->{id} is not set.
sub save_intnotes {
my ( $self, $myconfig, $vc ) = @_;
@@ -3092,3 +3247,4 @@ sub audittrail {