diff options
authoreinhverfr <einhverfr@4979c152-3d1c-0410-bac9-87ea11338e46>2007-07-10 19:53:55 +0000
committereinhverfr <einhverfr@4979c152-3d1c-0410-bac9-87ea11338e46>2007-07-10 19:53:55 +0000
commit808f0dcec63a091085f6885f23a81de14d712bfb (patch)
parentedf62911e889cf7a6189aafd49f66b2aa396a0c8 (diff)
Removing old menufile tests since these are no longer required
git-svn-id: 4979c152-3d1c-0410-bac9-87ea11338e46
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/t/12-menufile.t b/t/12-menufile.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e03c2c81..00000000
--- a/t/12-menufile.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-$ENV{TMPDIR} = 't/var';
-use Test::More tests => 42;
-use Test::Trap qw(trap $trap);
-use LedgerSMB::Form;
-use LedgerSMB::Menufile;
-my $ini;
-my @r;
-my $form;
-my $myconfig;
-# general new and add_file checks
-$ini = new LedgerSMB::Menufile;
-ok(defined $ini, 'new: File not provided');
-isa_ok($ini, 'LedgerSMB::Menufile', 'new: File not provided gives correct type');
-is_deeply($ini->{'AR--Add Transaction'},
- {'action' => 'add', 'module' => ''},
- 'add_file: First file added, leaf correct');
- ['AR', 'AR--Add Transaction'],
- 'add_file: First file added, order correct');
-is_deeply($ini->{'AR--Add Transaction'},
- {'action' => 'add', 'module' => ''},
- 'add_file: Second file added, old leaf correct');
- {'module' => ''},
- 'add_file: Second file added, new leaf correct');
- ['AR', 'AR--Add Transaction', 'section', 'AR--foo'],
- 'add_file: Second file added, order correct');
-$ini = LedgerSMB::Menufile->new('t/data/12-menu2.ini');
-ok(defined $ini, 'new: File provided');
-isa_ok($ini, 'LedgerSMB::Menufile', 'new: File provided gives correct type');
- {'module' => ''},
- 'new: File provided, leaf correct');
- ['section', 'AR--foo'],
- 'new: File provided, order correct');
- {'module' => ''},
- 'add_file: Data re-added, leaf correct, not duplicated');
- ['section', 'AR--foo'],
- 'add_file: Data re-added, order correct, not duplicated');
-# menuitem checks
-$form = new Form;
-$form->{script} = '';
-$form->{tag} = '1';
-$myconfig = {'login' => 'testuser', 'numberformat' => '1000.00'};
-$ini = new LedgerSMB::Menufile('t/data/12-menu4.ini');
- {'module' => '', 'action' => 'add', 'type' => 'foo'},
- 'new: Data for menu item test 1 correct');
-is_deeply($ini->{'New Window'}, {'target' => '_blank'},
- 'new: Data for menu item test 2 correct');
-is_deeply($ini->{'Website'}, {'href' => ''},
- 'new: Data for menu item test 3 correct');
- {'module' => 'test', 'apples' => 'login=', 'pears' => 'numberformat=2'},
- 'new: Data for menu item test 4 correct');
-is_deeply($ini->{'AR'}, {'target' => 'acc_menu', 'type' => 'test'},
- 'new: Data for menu item test 5 correct');
-is($ini->menuitem($myconfig, $form, 'AR--foo'), '<a style="display:block;"href=";action=add&amp;level=AR--foo&amp;login=&amp;timeout=&amp;sessionid=&amp;js=&amp;type=foo">',
- 'menuitem: Menu item test 1, base');
-ok(!defined $ini->{'AR--foo'}->{'module'}, 'menuitem: Deleted module');
-ok(!defined $ini->{'AR--foo'}->{'action'}, 'menuitem: Deleted action');
-is($ini->menuitem($myconfig, $form, 'New Window'), '<a style="display:block;"href=";action=section_menu&amp;level=New%20Window&amp;login=&amp;timeout=&amp;sessionid=&amp;js=" target="_blank">',
- 'menuitem: Menu item test 2, target');
-is($ini->menuitem($myconfig, $form, 'Website'), '<a href="">',
- 'menuitem: Menu item test 3, href');
-ok(!defined $ini->{'Website'}->{'href'}, 'menuitem: Deleted href');
-$form->{menubar} = 1;
-is($ini->menuitem($myconfig, $form, 'AR--test'), '<a style=""href="test?path=bin/mozilla&amp;action=section_menu&amp;level=AR--test&amp;login=&amp;timeout=&amp;sessionid=&amp;js=&amp;apples=testuser&amp;pears=1000.002">',
- 'menuitem: Menu item test 4, myconfig substitutions');
-is($ini->menuitem($myconfig, $form, 'AR'), '<a style=""href=";action=section_menu&amp;level=AR&amp;login=&amp;timeout=&amp;sessionid=&amp;js=&amp;type=test#id1" target="acc_menu">',
- 'menuitem: Menu item test 5, acc_menu');
-ok(!defined $ini->{'AR'}->{'target'}, 'menuitem: Deleted target');
-# access_control check
-$myconfig = {'acs' => 'AR--test'};
-$ini = new LedgerSMB::Menufile('t/data/12-menu4.ini');
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig)], ['AR', 'New Window', 'Website'],
- 'access_control: Single item, not top exclusion, top');
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig, 'AR')], ['AR--foo'],
- 'access_control: Single item, not top exclusion, submenu');
-$myconfig = {'acs' => 'Website'};
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig)], ['AR', 'New Window'],
- 'access_control: Single item, top exclusion, top');
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig, 'AR')], ['AR--foo', 'AR--test'],
- 'access_control: Single item, top exclusion, sub menu');
-$myconfig = {'acs' => 'AR--test;AR--foo;New Window'};
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig)], ['AR', 'Website'],
- 'access_control: Multiple items, top');
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig, 'AR')], [],
- 'access_control: Multiple items, sub menu');
-$myconfig = {'acs' => 'AR'};
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig)], ['New Window', 'Website'],
- 'access_control: Top menu exclusion, top');
-is_deeply([$ini->access_control($myconfig, 'AR')], ['AR--foo', 'AR--test'],
- 'access_control: Top menu exclusion, sub menu');
-# file not found check
-$ini = new LedgerSMB::Menufile;
-@r = trap{$ini->add_file('t/data/12-not-a-file')};
-is_deeply($ini->{'ORDER'}, [],
- 'add_file: Non-existent file added, order correct');
-like($trap->die, qr|12-not-a-file :|,
- 'add_file: Non-existent file causes error display');
-# Gratuitous testing to increase coverage rating
-$ini = undef;
-@r = trap{$ini = LedgerSMB::Menufile::new};
-isa_ok($ini, 'main', 'new: No type passed gives main type');
-my $pkg = 'foo';
-$ini = undef;
-@r = trap{$ini = LedgerSMB::Menufile::new(\$pkg)};
-like($trap->{warn}[0], qr|has no copy constructor! creating a new object|,
- 'new: Type passed scalar reference');
-isa_ok($ini, 'SCALAR', 'new: Type passed scalar reference gives SCALAR type');
-LedgerSMB::Menufile::add_file($ini, 't/data/12-menu1.ini');
-is_deeply($ini->{'AR--Add Transaction'},
- {'action' => 'add', 'module' => ''},
- 'add_file: File added to SCALAR, leaf correct');
- ['AR', 'AR--Add Transaction'],
- 'add_file: File added to SCALAR, order correct');
diff --git a/t/data/12-menu1.ini b/t/data/12-menu1.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad5b3fb..00000000
--- a/t/data/12-menu1.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-[AR--Add Transaction]
diff --git a/t/data/12-menu2.ini b/t/data/12-menu2.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 0064ff6b..00000000
--- a/t/data/12-menu2.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Second test inifile
-[section] ; New section
-[AR--foo] ; But appending now to an old one
-No more content... Time to go home
-Yes, really.
-[This is not a real section]
diff --git a/t/data/12-menu3.ini b/t/data/12-menu3.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 858fddf2..00000000
--- a/t/data/12-menu3.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Third test inifile
-[AR--foo] ; But appending now to an old one
-[section] ; New section
-No more content... Time to go home
-Yes, really.
-[This is not a real section]
diff --git a/t/data/12-menu4.ini b/t/data/12-menu4.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 1233af84..00000000
--- a/t/data/12-menu4.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Fourth test menu file
-apples=login= ; becomes apples=$myconfig->{login}
-pears=numberformat=2 ; becomes pears=$myconfig->{numberformat}2
-[New Window]