usage: make -f ../../revealjs/Makefile
title: Sustainable ICT
subtitle: English draft
author: Jonas Smedegaard
date: 2023-02-21
mainfont: Alegreya Sans
lang: en-US
defaultTiming: 120
Concrete efforts
Sustainable ICT
Jonas Smedegaard { timing=60 }
Almost a student
Macværk → IT-guide dr. Jones
Debian developer
System critic
Study: tried to finish for 5 years
Do it mac-like, not crappy ("Makværk" means crap work in danish) → hard to sell
Indiana Jones → misunderstood in Asia
Debian: linux system, voluntary, used everywhere
will avoid irrelevant criticism here
The polar ice is melting
→ Reduce fossil fuel
→ public/shared transport
To endure a sustained pressure?
To pressure sustainably?
[Endurance]: sand → mortar → concrete
Economy: self sufficient (not finance)
- 1972: UN Environment Programme + Jonas
- 1987: Brundtland report
- 1989: WWW + Jonas' first ICT purchase
- 1992: UN climate convention
- 1997: Kyoto agreement
- 2015: UN Sustainable Development Goals
- 2018: Greta Thunberg strikes
Programme: ethical principles
Brundtland: ecology and growth are linked
Convention: 3 dimensions
Kyoto: agreement on carbon reduction
Goals: #12 covers sustainable ICT
Efforts { timing=60 }
Computers in all sizes
How many computers in the picture?
1/2 machine: 4 panels total
1 human computer: Kathleen Booth
Machine waste
Busy fan
Excess stuff
(GPS, wifi, camera, battery...)
Too many
or beyond control
A laptop also charges battery when always plugged in
Too many: Provider wifi + own + neighbors
Control: Provider wifi + smartphone is locked
→ Dangerous when provider loose interest
Healthy machines
Boring and practical standard models
→ Bulky boxes
→ Replaceable battery
(Re)usable with Free software
→ avoid Apple and Nvidia
Boxes: Excess space, not computing power
Car battery does not fit smartphones
Reuse: Provider never care about reuse
Information { timing=60 }
Info: Programs + documents
The bible fits (maybe) one 3½" floppy
Margaret Hamilton, NASA team leader
All code on board "the eagle" at moon landing
3.2 MB code in the language Assembly
→ Assembly was developed by Kathleen Booth
Document waste
Smileys in sms :smile:
Fat letters in email
Pictures consume more than 1000 words
Smiley or emoji: x2
Email with styling: x3 (or up to x20)
Discretion/surveillance: blocks reuse
→ a newspaper in a bank box / with commentator
Healthy information
Use local and exact programs
Gem dokumenter i åbne og præcise formater
Email program ← webmail
Office programs ← Google docs
Plain text ← [tekst w/ styling] ← Layout ← Movies
Markdown ← ODF ← PDF ← AV1
Opte Project: <30% of Internet in 2005
16% in the World, 68% in the USA, 82% in Danmark
Line length is response time
Colors: blue=North Amerika, yellow=Latin Amerika, green=Europe+Africa+Middle East
Traffic waste
Too much
Too long distance
Again and again
Healthy traffic
Use fysical cables
Buy no-bullshit internet access
...and share with your neighbor
Say no to cookies
Save documents locally
Share documents non-cloudy on in ewn "cloud"
Non-cloudy: git-annex, Seafile
Own cloud: Freedombox
Share internet: OpenNDS, LibreMesh
no-bullshit internet access: Kviknet, Unotel
Social media
What is healthiest - MacDonalds or Burger King?
Healthy social media
Public statements: Mastodon
Discussion forums: Matrix
Mastodon: Try first as web service
Matrix: Try first the client Element
Do what thou wilt
What you will, not what you want
→ Will you really say more than 1000 words?
The amulet Auryn in The Neverending Story
Creativity is essential (not pastime)
→ Bible - "Momo and the time thieves" is shorter
Sustainable? { timing=60 }
Can the ice sustain better with more in the car?
Politics 1989
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Copyright is normalised
free competition "won"
Copyright: USA joins the Berne Convention
Politics 2023
Information trade
Echo chambers
Sustainable ecology?
trade: 197 bln. pers. measures/day
→ each 4. minute your position+screen is tracked
→ 19.6 times/minute your data is resold
Energy 2010 { timing=60 }
Emails release 1% of pers. carbon
→ 4/5 is spam
email: 1% carbon for average "green" citizen
→ 80% is spam - 33 mia. KWh/year
→ 1/60 of carbon for snail mail per message
Energy 2015 { timing=60 }
Internet release 2% of global carbon
data centres: 2% af al CO~2~ i 2015
→ same as flight traffic
Energi 2015 (take 2)
Data centres release 2% of global carbon
→ Total ICT operations release 18%
→ doubles every 10. year
data centres: 11% of total ICT use
Where is the fan located?
Penge doesn't smell - Internet does not blow
Greta Thunberg: 14 days sailing trip to the USA
→ 14 days in super boat at [2.7 mio. EUR]
→ 20 days return with catamaran
Green thoughts { timing=60 }
Fair trade
Shop organic in malls as a sport
## "Green ICT"
Green energy
Turn off the cellphone at night
Use old-fashioned smiley :-)
[Murena]: sustainable smartphone
→ uset Fairphone
→ The Free system [/e/os]
[Murena]: <>
[/e/os]: <>
"/e/os - freely licensed and surveillance free version of Android"
## "ICT permaculture"
Buy and use thoughtfully and respectfully
Cirkular economy
→ cirkulær gift economy
Subsidiarity (=nærhed)
→ simplest mulige kredsløb
[cirkular] - Cradle-to-cradle
→ [gif economy] - Knowledge sharing as goal
[nearness] - Solve issues at lowest level
[cirkulær]: <>
"Wikipedia article on cirkular economy"
[gift economy]: <>
"Universitety theses on gift economy for ICT"
[nearness]: <>
"Wikipedia article on subsidiary"
## Sustainable ICT
Collective machines, documents, and network
→ Keep it comprehensive
→ Respect anyone
→ Share with everyone
Local economy
(not shared economy)
Comprehensive - encourage involvement
Not communism nor socialism
(but maybe social anarchism)
## Bæredygtige Jonas { timing=60 }
* Lightweight school support, incl. Kaospilots
* Reuse of ICT trash in co-living and highschools
* SMS robot and live video for experimental theater
* Digital self defence in the European Parliament
* Tailored systems for laptops and smartphones
Everything public property, shared through Debian
# Sustainable attitude
Conscious ICT use as a functional sport
Talk about ICT as a social sport
Share your contributions proactively
→ publish your thoughts
→ License for Free use
Points: ICT is tangible (not magical)
→ Simply machines, information, and traffic
# Tak og værs'go { timing=60 }
This presentation: <>
Released under the license CC BY-SA 4.0
(press "s" for notes and references)
This presentation is built using [Pandoc](
and presented using [reveal.js](
Released incl. [source](
by [Jonas Smedegaard](, <>
under the license [CC BY-SA 4.0].
The image
was released under [en liberal licens](
The image
was released under the license [CC BY-SA 4.0],
under [CC BY 2.0],
and [net](
under [CC BY 2.5].
The image
is under the [public domain].
The image
is owned by Centre for Computing History of Cambridge
and will enter the [public domain] in 2025.
[CC BY 2.0]: <>
"The license Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic"
[CC BY 2.5]: <>
"The license Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic"
[CC BY-SA 4.0]: <>
"The license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
[public domain]: <>
"Wikipedia article about the concept public domain"