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  10. <title>FreedomBox and Edge - Privacy in the European Parliament</title>
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  18. <h1 class="title">FreedomBox and Edge - Privacy in the European Parliament</h1>
  19. <p class="author">
  20. Jonas Smedegaard
  21. </p>
  22. <p class="date">Brussels, Belgium, November 7th, 2012</p>
  23. </div>
  24. <div class="section slide level1" id="overview">
  25. <h1>Overview</h1>
  26. <ul>
  27. <li>State of the net</li>
  28. <li>FreedomBox can change the game</li>
  29. <li>Edge-in-a-box is FreedomBox?</li>
  30. <li>Where to go from here - and how...</li>
  31. </ul>
  32. </div>
  33. <div class="section slide level1" id="background-big-business-stole-our-birth-right">
  34. <h1>Background: Big business stole our birth right</h1>
  35. <ul>
  36. <li>Internet was designed for equal peers</li>
  37. <li>Microsoft applied client-server logic on top</li>
  38. <li>Big corporates now control your data</li>
  39. </ul>
  40. </div>
  41. <div class="section slide level1" id="background-alternate-privacy-getting-out-of-fashion">
  42. <h1>Background alternate: Privacy getting out of fashion</h1>
  43. <ul>
  44. <li>Equality → society makes &quot;privacy&quot; as human right</li>
  45. <li>Individuality at least cost → mass customization</li>
  46. </ul>
  47. </div>
  48. <div class="section slide level1" id="problem-selling-your-sole-and-being-a-snitch">
  49. <h1>Problem: selling your sole and being a snitch</h1>
  50. <p>There is no such thing as a free lunch: <strong>You</strong> are the product!</p>
  51. <ul>
  52. <li>Phone calls, friendships, photos</li>
  53. <li>Opinions, interests, activities</li>
  54. </ul>
  55. </div>
  56. <div class="section slide level1" id="bigger-problem-data-mining-becomes-minefields">
  57. <h1>Bigger problem: data mining becomes minefields</h1>
  58. <ul>
  59. <li>big data → knowledge → power</li>
  60. <li>Power corrupts!</li>
  61. </ul>
  62. </div>
  63. <div class="section slide level1" id="solution-freedombox---your-personal-agent">
  64. <h1>Solution: FreedomBox - your personal agent</h1>
  65. <ul>
  66. <li>spies on yourself (to improve user experience)</li>
  67. <li>masquerades as you towards central services (to limit exposure)</li>
  68. <li>obeys only you (or else simply unplug and reset)</li>
  69. </ul>
  70. </div>
  71. <div class="section slide level1" id="freedombox-developers-hackers-in-different-fields">
  72. <h1>FreedomBox developers: hackers in different fields</h1>
  73. </div>
  74. <div class="section slide level1" id="freedombox-concept-a-small-cheap-simple-to-use-box">
  75. <h1>FreedomBox concept: a small cheap simple-to-use box</h1>
  76. </div>
  77. <div class="section slide level1" id="freedombox-use-a-boring-server">
  78. <h1>FreedomBox use: a boring server</h1>
  79. <ul>
  80. <li>machine operated by other machines</li>
  81. </ul>
  82. </div>
  83. <div class="section slide level1" id="edge-in-the-european-parliament">
  84. <h1>Edge in the European Parliament</h1>
  85. <ul>
  86. <li>machine operated by its human owner (and other machines)</li>
  87. </ul>
  88. </div>
  89. <div class="section slide level1" id="freedombox-in-the-european-parliament">
  90. <h1>FreedomBox in the European Parliament</h1>
  91. <ul>
  92. <li>safety box for backups and exchange of private data</li>
  93. <li>translator for odd data resources (e.g. email and calendaring)</li>
  94. <li>host for publishing own data</li>
  95. <li>--escape route for censored chinese and syrians--</li>
  96. </ul>
  97. </div>
  98. <div class="section slide level1" id="european-parliament-freedombox-meets-edge">
  99. <h1>European Parliament: FreedomBox meets Edge</h1>
  100. </div>
  101. <div class="section slide level1" id="use-the-source-luke">
  102. <h1>Use the source, Luke</h1>
  103. <ul>
  104. <li>Me: <script type="text/javascript">
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  110. <li>This talk: <a href=""><code class="url"></code></a></li>
  111. </ul>
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