blob: ea75978d691a805eef04c536499abaa71f0d45a4 (
% Debian and a healthy Free Software eco system
% Jonas Smedegaard
% SWECHA, Hyderabad, October 25th, 2011
- FLOSS - Freedoms and Open for use
- FLOSS eco system
- Debian - distro & community
- Customizing Debian
- Power & World Peace
FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software
FLOSS - Free Software
Free/Libre: Freedom Fighters wanting to share
- Liberate commons from bounds of competition
- Bind inventions from being used for competition
FLOSS - Open Source
Open Source: Business folks wanting to trade
FLOSS == Free/Libre Open Source Software
Floss: Friendly cooperation between liberators and liberals
FLOSS - more twists of words
- Free from some limits
- Choice → Control → Power
- (Lack of choice → Simplicity → Usability)
Free is costly and challenging
FLOSS parts
- Hardware
- Firmware
- Kernel (like "Linux")
- System tools
- Desktop elements
- Applications
- Translations
- Documentation
- Beautification
FLOSS people
- Hardcore technicians
- Simple technicians
- Data organizers
- Designers
- Politicians / Business folks
- Patient users
- Impatient users
- Testers (very patient users)
- Cheerleeders
FLOSS parts and people

FLOSS eco system

Debian - distro & community
- Distribution
- Community
- Free!
Debian - Universal Operating System
- Generic - choices are exposed to the user
- Mother of other distros
- Social and political project, not only technical - e.g. DFSG
- Strong structure, preferrably flat
Debian packages
- Packages = components
- Mozilla Iceweasel (Firefox): ~3 packages (+ ~70 lang packages)
- ~30 packages (+ ~90 lang packages)
- Debian: ~30.000 packages
Debian - Mentors + sponsoring
- Peer review - many eyes see more bugs
- Education - Debian quality standards
- Ideals transfer - get help on packaging
- debian-mentors mailinglist
- #debian-mentors IRC channel
- site
Debian - derivatives
- Knoppix
- Ubuntu
- ...
Debian - blends
- Debian Jr
- Debian Med
- Debian Edu
- Debian Science
- Debian EzGo
- BrDesktop
- Debian Accessibility
- Debian Lex
- DebiChem
- Debian GIS
- Debian Multimedia
Debian - future blends
- FreedomBox
- Debian LAN
Power & World Peace
- Evil is an abstract - no person, organization or thing is evil
- Doing nothing → supporting → blindly amplifying
- Power corrupts
- Concentrated/centralized power == bigger risk of abuse
Avoid corruption of power: Engage and Share!
My trip to Asia

The End