BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
allinoneMerge branch 'master' into allinoneJonas Smedegaard14 years
couchdesign/bullseyesync module sharedJonas Smedegaard14 months
couchdesign/bullseye-dasync module sharedJonas Smedegaard14 months
couchdesign/bullseye-h1titlesync module sharedJonas Smedegaard14 months
couchdesign/bullseye-h1title-dasync module sharedJonas Smedegaard14 months
ikiwikiInclude shared and config extensions to IKIWIKI_OPTIONS.Jonas Smedegaard14 years
masterImprove forms handling.Jonas Smedegaard8 years
master-daMerge branch 'master' into master-daJonas Smedegaard8 years
plaintitleMerge branch 'master' into plaintitleJonas Smedegaard8 years
plaintitle-daMerge branches 'master-da' and 'plaintitle' into plaintitle-daJonas Smedegaard8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2011-01-30Merge branch 'master' into allinoneallinoneJonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Include shared and config extensions to IKIWIKI_OPTIONS.ikiwikiJonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Switch submodule shared to head of allinone branch.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Switch submodule to submodule bundle shared.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Fix avoid init (create config) in default targets).Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Add brief README.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Avoid invoking init target by default, and have it fully bootstrap, optionall...Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Simplify target naming and dependencies.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Register phony targets.Jonas Smedegaard
2011-01-30Add old ikiwiki master branch as submodule shared.Jonas Smedegaard