path: root/doc/todo/automatic_use_of_syntax_plugin_on_source_code_files/discussion.mdwn
blob: 8bc75420dff06992cd02304574e5c5747084142f (plain)

Here is another [[patch]] for this. It is more up to date than either of the patches linked on the previous page. It is most similar to [[plugins/contrib/sourcehighlight]].

Updated to use fix noted in [[bugs/multiple_pages_with_same_name]].

-- [[Will]]

I was trying to replace sourcehighlight with sourcecode. I had to modify the htmlize call slightly so that it would work in a format directive. (modified version)

I haven't tested them, but those changes look sensible to me. -- [[Will]]

I hit a wall the following example (the last commit in the above repo).

\[[!meta title="Solutions to assignment 1"]]

- [[!format cc """

I haven't actually tested this to see what the problem is. How does this fail? Does source-highlight barf on the non-c++ content? Is there a wiki URL that shows the failure? -- [[Will]]

Here is the content div from the output page [[DavidBremner]]

 <div id="content">
 <li><div id="sourcecode"></li>



That is quite strange. I tested your version of the plugin. I had to revert one your changes to get it to work: the linenumber argument should not have a space at the end of it. Once I made that change, everything worked as expected. The output I get for your example is below:

<div id="content">
<li><div id="sourcecode"></li>

<pre><tt><span class="linenum">00001:</span> <span class="normal">test</span></tt></pre>



I don't know what is going wrong for you... source-highlight, Markdown or something else. I do find it interesting the way the sourcecode div and the list get interleaved. That just looks like a Markdown thing though. In any case, I've updated the patch below to include most of your changes. -- [[Will]]

# markup source files
# Originally by Will Uther
# With modifications by David Bremner
package IkiWiki::Plugin::sourcecode;

use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki 2.00;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};

my %metaheaders;

sub import {
    hook(type => "getsetup", id => "sourcecode", call => \&getsetup);
    hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "sourcecode", call => \&checkconfig);
    hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "sourcecode", call => \&pagetemplate);

sub getsetup () {
        plugin => {
            safe => 1,
            rebuild => 1, # format plugin
        sourcecode_command => {
            type => "string",
            example => "/usr/bin/source-highlight",
            description => "The command to execute to run source-highlight",
            safe => 0,
            rebuild => 1,
        sourcecode_lang => {
            type => "string",
            example => "c,cpp,h,java",
            description => "Comma separated list of suffixes to recognise as source code",
            safe => 1,
            rebuild => 1,
        sourcecode_linenumbers => {
            type => "boolean",
            example => 1,
            description => "Should we add line numbers to the source code",
            safe => 1,
            rebuild => 1,
        sourcecode_css => {
            type => "string",
            example => "sourcecode_style",
            description => "page to use as css file for source",
            safe => 1,
            rebuild => 1,

sub checkconfig () {
    if (! $config{sourcecode_lang}) {
        error("The sourcecode plugin requires a list of suffixes in the 'sourcecode_lang' config option");

    if (! $config{sourcecode_command}) {
        $config{sourcecode_command} = "source-highlight";

    if (! length `which $config{sourcecode_command} 2>/dev/null`) {
        error("The sourcecode plugin is unable to find the $config{sourcecode_command} command");

    if (! $config{sourcecode_css}) {
        $config{sourcecode_css} = "sourcecode_style";

    if (! defined $config{sourcecode_linenumbers}) {
        $config{sourcecode_linenumbers} = 1;

    my %langs = ();

    open(LANGS, "$config{sourcecode_command} --lang-list|");
    while (<LANGS>) {
        if ($_ =~ /(\w+) = .+\.lang/) {
            $langs{$1} = 1;

    foreach my $lang (split(/[, ]+/, $config{sourcecode_lang})) {
        if ($langs{$lang}) {
            hook(type => "htmlize", id => $lang, no_override=>1,
		 call => sub { htmlize(lang=>$lang, @_) }, 
		 keepextension => 1);
        } else {
            error("Your installation of source-highlight cannot handle sourcecode language $lang!");

sub htmlize (@) {
    my %params=@_;

    my $page = $params{page};

    eval q{use FileHandle};
    error($@) if $@;
    eval q{use IPC::Open2};
    error($@) if $@;

    local(*SPS_IN, *SPS_OUT);  # Create local handles

    my @args;

    if ($config{sourcecode_linenumbers}) {
        push @args, '--line-number';

    my $pid = open2(*SPS_IN, *SPS_OUT, $config{sourcecode_command},
                    '-s', $params{lang},
                    '-c', $config{sourcecode_css}, '--no-doc',
                    '-f', 'xhtml',

    error("Unable to open $config{sourcecode_command}") unless $pid;

    print SPS_OUT $params{content};
    close SPS_OUT;

    my @html = <SPS_IN>;
    close SPS_IN;

    waitpid $pid, 0;

    my $stylesheet=bestlink($page, $config{sourcecode_css}.".css");
    if (length $stylesheet) {
        push @{$metaheaders{$page}}, '<link href="'.urlto($stylesheet, $page).'"'.
            ' rel="stylesheet"'.
            ' type="text/css" />';

    return '<div id="sourcecode">'."\r\n".join("",@html)."\r\n</div>\r\n";

sub pagetemplate (@) {
    my %params=@_;

    my $page=$params{page};
    my $template=$params{template};

    if (exists $metaheaders{$page} && $template->query(name => "meta")) {
        # avoid duplicate meta lines
        my %seen;
        $template->param(meta => join("\n", grep { (! $seen{$_}) && ($seen{$_}=1) } @{$metaheaders{$page}}));