path: root/doc/todo/allow_plugins_to_add_sorting_methods.mdwn
blob: 8edc95fb9a2120339a5175403cd4f341923b429b (plain)

[[!template id=gitbranch branch=smcv/sort-hooks author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]] [[!tag patch]]

The available [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] methods are currently hard-coded in, making it difficult to add any extra sorting mechanisms. I've prepared a branch which adds 'sort' as a hook type and uses it to implement a new meta_title sort type.

Someone could use this hook to make \[[!inline sort=title]] prefer the meta title over the page name, but for compatibility, I'm not going to (I do wonder whether it would be worth making sort=name an alias for the current sort=title, and changing the meaning of sort=title in 4.0, though).


I briefly tried to turn all the current sort types into hook functions, and have some of them pre-registered, but decided that probably wasn't a good idea. That earlier version of the branch is also available for comparison:;h=refs/heads/sort-hooks-excessive

(The older version is untested, and probably doesn't really work as-is - I misunderstood the details of how the built-in function sort works when using $a and $b. The newer version has been tested, and has a regression test for its core functionality.)

This hook isn't (yet) sufficient to implement [[plugins/contrib/report]]'s NIH'd sorting mechanisms:

  • report can sort by any [[plugins/contrib/field]], whereas this one has a finite number of hooks: if the field plugin's functionality is desirable, perhaps parameterized sort mechanisms similar to pagespec match functions would be useful? Then the field plugin could register hook(type => "sort", id => "field") and you could have \[[!inline ... sort="field(Mood)"]] or something?

  • report can sort by multiple criteria, with independent direction-changing: if this is desirable, perhaps pagespec_match_list could be enhanced to interpret sort="x -y z(w)" as sorting by (pseudocode) { $cmp_x->($a, $b) || (-$cmp_y->($a, $b)) || $cmp_z->($a, $b, "w") }?

I've now added both of these features to the sort-hooks branch. --[[smcv]]

I wonder if IkiWiki would benefit from the concept of a "sortspec", like a [[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] but dedicated to sorting lists of pages rather than defining lists of pages? Rather than defining a sort-hook, define a SortSpec class, and enable people to add their own sort methods as functions defined inside that class, similarly to the way they can add their own pagespec definitions. --[[KathrynAndersen]]

[[!template id=gitbranch branch=smcv/sort-package author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]] I'd be inclined to think that's overkill, but it wasn't very hard to implement, and in a way is more elegant. I set it up so sort mechanisms share the IkiWiki::PageSpec package, but with a cmp_ prefix. Gitweb:;h=refs/heads/sort-package

Documentation from sort-hooks branch

sort hook (added to [[plugins/write]])

   hook(type => "sort", id => "foo", call => \&sort_by_foo);

This hook adds an additional [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] order or overrides an existing one.

The callback is given two page names followed by the parameter as arguments, and returns negative, zero or positive if the first page should come before, close to (i.e. undefined order), or after the second page.

For instance, the built-in title sort order could be reimplemented as

   sub sort_by_title {
           pagetitle(basename($_[0])) cmp pagetitle(basename($_[1]));

and to sort by an arbitrary meta value, you could use:

   # usage: sort="meta(description)"
   sub sort_by_meta {
           my $param = $_[2];
           error "sort=meta requires a parameter" unless defined $param;
           my $left = $pagestate{$_[0]}{meta}{$param};
           $left = "" unless defined $left;
           my $right = $pagestate{$_[1]}{meta}{$param};
           $right = "" unless defined $right;
           return $left cmp $right;

meta_title sort order (conditionally added to [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]])

  • meta_title - Order according to the \[[!meta title="foo" sort="bar"]] or \[[!meta title="foo"]] [[ikiwiki/directive]], or the page name if no full title was set.

Multiple sort orders (added to [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]])

In addition, you can combine several sort orders and/or reverse the order of sorting, with a string like age -title (which would sort by age, then by title in reverse order if two pages have the same age).

meta title sort parameter (added to [[ikiwiki/directive/meta]])

An optional sort parameter will be used preferentially when [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] by meta_title:

   \[[!meta title="The Beatles" sort="Beatles, The"]]

   \[[!meta title="David Bowie" sort="Bowie, David"]]

Documentation from sort-package branch

The changes to [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] are the same. The changes to [[plugins/write]] are replaced by:

Sorting plugins

Similarly, it's possible to write plugins that add new functions as [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] methods. To achieve this, add a function to the IkiWiki::PageSpec package named cmp_foo, which will be used when sorting by foo or foo(...) is requested.

The function will be passed three or more parameters. The first two are page names, and the third is undef if invoked as foo, or the parameter "bar" if invoked as foo(bar). It may also be passed additional, named parameters.

It should return the same thing as Perl's cmp and <=> operators: negative if the first argument is less than the second, positive if the first argument is greater, or zero if they are considered equal. It may also raise an error using error, for instance if it needs a parameter but one isn't provided.

You can also define a function called check_cmp_foo in the same package. If you do, it will be called while preparing to sort by foo or foo(bar), with argument undef or "bar" respectively; it may raise an error using error, if sorting like that isn't going to work.