path: root/doc/todo/allow_plugins_to_add_sorting_methods.mdwn
blob: 8c6e1df3bed14f01adc9eb56d8bfee09b29f27e3 (plain)

[[!tag patch]]

The available [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] methods are currently hard-coded in, making it difficult to add any extra sorting mechanisms. I've prepared a branch which adds 'sort' as a hook type and uses it to implement a new meta_title sort type.

Someone could use this hook to make \[[!inline sort=title]] prefer the meta title over the page name, but for compatibility, I'm not going to (I do wonder whether it would be worth making sort=name an alias for the current sort=title, and changing the meaning of sort=title in 4.0, though).

[sort-hooks branch now withdrawn in favour of sort-package --s]

I briefly tried to turn all the current sort types into hook functions, and have some of them pre-registered, but decided that probably wasn't a good idea. That earlier version of the branch is also available for comparison:

[also withdrawn in favour of sort-package --s]

I wonder if IkiWiki would benefit from the concept of a "sortspec", like a [[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] but dedicated to sorting lists of pages rather than defining lists of pages? Rather than defining a sort-hook, define a SortSpec class, and enable people to add their own sort methods as functions defined inside that class, similarly to the way they can add their own pagespec definitions. --[[KathrynAndersen]]

[[!template id=gitbranch branch=smcv/sort-package author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]] I'd be inclined to think that's overkill, but it wasn't very hard to implement, and in a way is more elegant. I set it up so sort mechanisms share the IkiWiki::PageSpec package, but with a cmp_ prefix. Gitweb:;h=refs/heads/sort-package

I agree it seems more elegant, so I have focused on it.

I don't know about reusing IkiWiki::PageSpec for this. --[[Joey]]

Fair enough, IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_foo would be just as easy, or IkiWiki::Sorting::cmp_foo if you don't like introducing "sort spec" in the API. I took a cue from [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] being a subpage of [[ikiwiki/pagespec]], and decided that yes, sorting is a bit like a pagespec :-) Which name would you prefer? --s

SortSpec --[[Joey]]

Done. --s

I would be inclined to drop the check_ stuff. --[[Joey]]

It basically exists to support title_natural, to avoid firing up the whole import mechanism on every cmp (although I suppose that could just be a call to a memoized helper function). It also lets sort specs that must have a parameter, like [[field|plugins/contrib/field/discussion]], fail early (again, not so valuable).

AFAIK, use foo has very low overhead when the module is already loaded. There could be some evalation overhead in eval q{use foo}, if so it would be worth addressing across the whole codebase. --[[Joey]]

check_cmp_foo now dropped. --s

The former function could be achieved at a small compatibility cost by putting title_natural in a new sortnatural plugin (that fails to load if you don't have title_natural), if you'd prefer - that's what would have happened if title_natural was written after this code had been merged, I suspect. Would you prefer this? --s

Yes! (Assuming it does not make sense to support natural order sort of other keys than the title, at least..) --[[Joey]]

Done. I added some NEWS.Debian for it, too. --s

Wouldn't it make sense to have meta(title) instead of meta_title? --[[Joey]]

Yes, you're right. I added parameters to support field, and didn't think about making meta use them too. However, title does need a special case to make it default to the basename instead of the empty string.

Another special case for title is to use titlesort first (the name titlesort is derived from Ogg/FLAC tags, which can have titlesort and artistsort). I could easily extend that to other metas, though; in fact, for e.g. book lists it would be nice for field(bookauthor) to behave similarly, so you can display "Douglas Adams" but sort by "Adams, Douglas".

meta_title is also meant to be a prototype of how sort=title could behave in 4.0 or something - sorting by page name (which usually sorts in approximately the same place as the meta-title, but occasionally not), while displaying meta-titles, does look quite odd. --s

Agreed. --[[Joey]]

I've implemented meta(title). meta(author) also has the sortas special case; meta(updated) and meta(date) should also work how you'd expect them to (but they're earliest-first, unlike age). --s

As I read the regexp in cmpspec_translate, the "command" is required to have params. They should be optional, to match the documentation and because most sort methods do not need parameters. --[[Joey]]

No, $2 is either \w+\([^\)]*\) or [^\s]+ (with the latter causing an error later if it doesn't also match \w+). This branch doesn't add any parameterized sort methods, in fact, although I did provide one on [[field's_discussion_page|plugins/contrib/report/discussion]]. --s

I wonder if it would make sense to add some combining keywords, so a sortspec reads like sort="age then ascending title" In a way, this reduces the amount of syntax that needs to be learned. I like the "then" (and it could allow other operations than simple combination, if any others make sense). Not so sure about the "ascending", which could be "reverse" instead, but "descending age" and "ascending age" both seem useful to be able to explicitly specify. --[[Joey]]

Perhaps. I do like the simplicity of [[KathrynAndersen]]'s syntax from [[plugins/contrib/report]] (which I copied verbatim, except for turning sort-by-field into a parameterized spec).

If we're getting into English-like (or at least SQL-like) queries, it might make sense to change the signature of the hook function so it's a function to return a key, e.g. sub key_age { return -%pagemtime{$_[0]) }. Then we could sort like this:

field(artistsort) or field(artist) or constant(Various Artists) then meta(titlesort) or meta(title) or title

with "or" binding more closely than "then". Does this seem valuable? I think the implementation would be somewhat more difficult. and it's probably getting too complicated to be worthwhile, though? (The keys that actually benefit from this could just have smarter cmp functions, I think.)

If the hooks return keys rather than cmp results, then we could even have "lowercase" as an adjective used like "ascending"... maybe. However, there are two types of adjective here: "lowercase" really applies to the keys, whereas "ascending" applies to the "cmp" result. Again, I think this is getting too complex, and could just be solved with smarter cmp functions.

I agree. (Also, I think returning keys may make it harder to write smarter cmp functions.) --[[Joey]]

Unfortunately, sort="ascending mtime" actually sorts by descending timestamp (butsort=age is fine, because age could be defined as now minus ctime). sort=freshness isn't right either, because "sort by freshness" seems as though it ought to mean freshest first, but "sort by ascending freshness" means put the least fresh first. If we have ascending and descending keywords which are optional, I don't think we really want different sort types to have different default directions - it seems clearer to have ascending always be a no-op, and descending always negate.

I think you've convinced me that ascending/descending impose too much semantics on it, so "-" is better. --[[Joey]]

I've kept the semantics from report as-is, then: e.g. sort="age -title". --s

Perhaps we could borrow from meta updated and use update_age? updateage would perhaps be a more normal IkiWiki style - but that makes me think that updateage is a quantity analagous to tonnage or voltage, with more or less recently updated pages being said to have more or less updateage. I don't know whether that's good or bad :-)

I'm sure there's a much better word, but I can't see it. Do you have a better idea? --s

[Regarding the meta title=foo sort=bar special case]

I feel it sould be clearer to call that "sortas", since "sort=" is used to specify a sort method in other directives. --[[Joey]]

Done. --[[smcv]]

Documentation from sort-package branch

advanced sort orders (conditionally added to [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]])

  • title_natural - Orders by title, but numbers in the title are treated as such, ("1 2 9 10 20" instead of "1 10 2 20 9")
  • meta(title) - Order according to the \[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]] or \[[!meta title="foo"]] [[ikiwiki/directive]], or the page name if no full title was set. meta(author), meta(date), meta(updated), etc. also work.

Multiple sort orders (added to [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]])

In addition, you can combine several sort orders and/or reverse the order of sorting, with a string like age -title (which would sort by age, then by title in reverse order if two pages have the same age).

meta sortas parameter (added to [[ikiwiki/directive/meta]])

[in title]

An optional sort parameter will be used preferentially when [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] by meta(title):

   \[[!meta title="The Beatles" sort="Beatles, The"]]

   \[[!meta title="David Bowie" sort="Bowie, David"]]

[in author]

An optional sortas parameter will be used preferentially when [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] by meta(author):

    \[[!meta author="Joey Hess" sortas="Hess, Joey"]]

Sorting plugins (added to [[plugins/write]])

Similarly, it's possible to write plugins that add new functions as [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] methods. To achieve this, add a function to the IkiWiki::SortSpec package named cmp_foo, which will be used when sorting by foo or foo(...) is requested.

The function will be passed three or more parameters. The first two are page names, and the third is undef if invoked as foo, or the parameter "bar" if invoked as foo(bar). It may also be passed additional, named parameters.

It should return the same thing as Perl's cmp and <=> operators: negative if the first argument is less than the second, positive if the first argument is greater, or zero if they are considered equal. It may also raise an error using error, for instance if it needs a parameter but one isn't provided.