path: root/doc/todo/__42__forward__42__ing_functionality_for_the_meta_plugin.mdwn
blob: 30bcbd58ff92e953fd548518844e33d97c3ef546 (plain)

Here is a patch [[tag patch]] to add a forwarding functionality to the [[meta_plugin|plugins/meta]].

Find the most recent version at

I can't use scrub(...), as that will strip out the forwarding HTML command. How to deal with that?

I can also submit a Git patch, if desired.


URL = http://some.nice/place/ (etc.)

WHITHER = [[[[wikilink]]]] | URL

D = natural number (meaning seconds)

OPT_DELAY = delay=D | empty (immediatelly)

[[meta forward="WHITHER" OPT_DELAY]]
