path: root/doc/todo/__42__forward__42__ing_functionality_for_the_meta_plugin.mdwn
blob: c87fa69309a9683d7478a54574d60b18682b9529 (plain)

Here is a patch [[tag patch]] to add a forwarding functionality to the [[meta_plugin|plugins/meta]].

Find the most recent version at

I can't use scrub(...), as that will strip out the forwarding HTML command. How to deal with that?

I can also submit a Git patch, if desired.


URL = http://some.nice/place/ (etc.)

WHITHER = [[[[wikilink]]]] | URL

D = natural number (meaning seconds)

OPT_DELAY = delay=D | empty (immediatelly)

[[meta forward="WHITHER" OPT_DELAY]]


The html scrubber cannot scrub meta headers. So if you emit one containing user-supplied data, it's up to you to scrub it to avoid all possible XSS attacks. Two attacks I'd worry about are cyclic meta refresh loops, which some, but not all web browsers detect and break, and any way to insert javascript via the user-supplied parameters. (Ie, putting something in the delay value that closes the tag can probably insert javascript ATM; and are there ways to embed javascript in the url?) --[[Joey]]

OK. I can add code to make sure that $delay D indeed is a natural number and that the passed target address WHITHER is nothing but a valid target address. (How to qualify a valid target address?) What is a cyclic meta refresh loop? Two pages in turn forwarding to each other? I think it would be possible to implement such a guard when only in-wiki links ([[wikilink]]s) are being used, but how to do so for external links? --[[tschwinge]]