path: root/doc/tips/convert_mediawiki_to_ikiwiki/discussion.mdwn
blob: e2eb56d478d9269b07d6d6061081be3b88076ff2 (plain)

The u32 page is excellent, but I wonder if documenting the procedure here would be worthwhile. Who knows, the remote site might disappear. But also there are some variations on the approach that might be useful:

Also, some detail on converting mediawiki transclusion to ikiwiki inlines...

-- [[users/Jon]]

"Who knows, the remote site might disappear.". Right now, it appears to have done just that. -- [[users/Jon]]

The iki-fast-load ruby script from the u32 page is given below:

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby

    # This script is called on the final sorted, de-spammed revision
    # XML file.
    # It doesn't currently check for no-op revisions...  I believe
    # that git-fast-load will dutifully load them even though nothing
    # happened.  I don't care to solve this by adding a file cache
    # to this script.  You can run iki-diff-next.rb to highlight any
    # empty revisions that need to be removed.
    # This turns each node into an equivalent file.
    #    It does not convert spaces to underscores in file names.
    #       This would break wikilinks.
    #       I suppose you could fix this with mod_speling or mod_rewrite.
    # It replaces nodes in the Image: namespace with the files themselves.

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'node-callback'
    require 'time'
    require 'ostruct'

    # pipe is the stream to receive the git-fast-import commands
    # putfrom is true if this branch has existing commits on it, false if not.
    def format_git_commit(pipe, f)
       # Need to escape backslashes and double-quotes for git?
       # No, git breaks when I do this. 
       # For the filename "path with \\", git sez: bad default revision 'HEAD'
       # filename = '"' + filename.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\\"') + '"'

       # In the calls below, length must be the size in bytes!!
       # TODO: I haven't figured out how this works in the land of UTF8 and Ruby 1.9.
       pipe.puts "commit #{f.branch}"
       pipe.puts "committer #{f.username} <#{}> #{f.timestamp.rfc2822}"
       pipe.puts "data #{f.message.length}\n#{f.message}\n"
       pipe.puts "from #{f.branch}^0" if f.putfrom
       pipe.puts "M 644 inline #{f.filename}"
       pipe.puts "data #{f.content.length}\n#{f.content}\n"

Would be nice to know where you could get "node-callbacks"... this thing is useless without it. --[[users/simonraven]] - A plugin which supports mediawiki format.

# By Scott Bronson.  Licensed under the GPLv2+ License.
# Extends Ikiwiki to be able to handle Mediawiki markup.
# To use the Mediawiki Plugin:
# - Install Text::MediawikiFormat
# - Turn of prefix_directives in your setup file.
#     (TODO: we probably don't need to do this anymore?)
#        prefix_directives => 1,
# - Add this plugin on Ikiwiki's path (perl -V, look for @INC)
#       cp something/IkiWiki/Plugin
# - And enable it in your setup file
#        add_plugins => [qw{mediawiki}],
# - Finally, turn off the link plugin in setup (this is important)
#        disable_plugins => [qw{link}],
# - Rebuild everything (actually, this should be automatic right?)
# - Now all files with a .mediawiki extension should be rendered properly.

package IkiWiki::Plugin::mediawiki;

use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki 2.00;
use URI;

# This is a gross hack...  We disable the link plugin so that our
# linkify routine is always called.  Then we call the link plugin
# directly for all non-mediawiki pages.  Ouch...  Hopefully Ikiwiki
# will be updated soon to support multiple link plugins.
require IkiWiki::Plugin::link;

# Even if T:MwF is not installed, we can still handle all the linking.
# The user will just see Mediawiki markup rather than formatted markup.
eval q{use Text::MediawikiFormat ()};
my $markup_disabled = $@;

# Work around a UTF8 bug in Text::MediawikiFormat
unless($markup_disabled) {
   no strict 'refs';
   no warnings;
   *{'Text::MediawikiFormat::uri_escape'} = \&URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8;

my %metaheaders;    # keeps track of redirects for pagetemplate.
my %tags;      # keeps track of tags for pagetemplate.

sub import { #{{{
   hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "mediawiki", call => \&checkconfig);
   hook(type => "scan", id => "mediawiki", call => \&scan);
   hook(type => "linkify", id => "mediawiki", call => \&linkify);
   hook(type => "htmlize", id => "mediawiki", call => \&htmlize);
   hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "mediawiki", call => \&pagetemplate);
} # }}}

sub checkconfig
   return IkiWiki::Plugin::link::checkconfig(@_);

my $link_regexp = qr{
    \[\[(?=[^!])        # beginning of link
    ([^\n\r\]#|<>]+)      # 1: page to link to
        \#              # '#', beginning of anchor
        ([^|\]]+)       # 2: anchor text
    )?                  # optional

        \|              # followed by '|'
        ([^\]\|]*)      # 3: link text
    )?                  # optional
    \]\]                # end of link
        ([a-zA-Z]*)   # optional trailing alphas

# Convert spaces in the passed-in string into underscores.
# If passed in undef, returns undef without throwing errors.
sub underscorize
   my $var = shift;
   $var =~ tr{ }{_} if $var;
   return $var;

# Underscorize, strip leading and trailing space, and scrunch
# multiple runs of spaces into one underscore.
sub scrunch
   my $var = shift;
   if($var) {
      $var =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;      # strip leading and trailing space
      $var =~ s/\s+/ /g;      # squash multiple spaces to one
   return $var;

# Translates Mediawiki paths into Ikiwiki paths.
# It needs to be pretty careful because Mediawiki and Ikiwiki handle
# relative vs. absolute exactly opposite from each other.
sub translate_path
   my $page = shift;
   my $path = scrunch(shift);

   # always start from root unless we're doing relative shenanigans.
   $page = "/" unless $path =~ /^(?:\/|\.\.)/;

   my @result = ();
   for(split(/\//, "$page/$path")) {
      if($_ eq '..') {
         pop @result;
      } else {
         push @result, $_ if $_ ne "";

   # temporary hack working around
   # put this back the way it was once this bug is fixed upstream.
   # This is actually a major problem because now Mediawiki pages can't link from /Git/git-svn to /git-svn.  And upstream appears to be uninterested in fixing this bug.  :(
   # return "/" . join("/", @result);
   return join("/", @result);

# Figures out the human-readable text for a wikilink
sub linktext
   my($page, $inlink, $anchor, $title, $trailing) = @_;
   my $link = translate_path($page,$inlink);

   # translate_path always produces an absolute link.
   # get rid of the leading slash before we display this link.
   $link =~ s#^/##;

   my $out = "";
   if($title) {
       $out = IkiWiki::pagetitle($title);
   } else {
      $link = $inlink if $inlink =~ /^\s*\//;
       $out = $anchor ? "$link#$anchor" : $link;
      if(defined $title && $title eq "") {
         # a bare pipe appeared in the link...
         # user wants to strip namespace and trailing parens.
         $out =~ s/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*://;
         $out =~ s/\s*\(.*\)\s*$//;
      # A trailing slash suppresses the leading slash
      $out =~ s#^/(.*)/$#$1#;
   $out .= $trailing if defined $trailing;
   return $out;

sub tagpage ($)
   my $tag=shift;

   if (exists $config{tagbase} && defined $config{tagbase}) {

   return $tag;

# Pass a URL and optional text associated with it.  This call turns
# it into fully-formatted HTML the same way Mediawiki would.
# Counter is used to number untitled links sequentially on the page.
# It should be set to 1 when you start parsing a new page.  This call
# increments it automatically.
sub generate_external_link
   my $url = shift;
   my $text = shift;
   my $counter = shift;

   # Mediawiki trims off trailing commas.
   # And apparently it does entity substitution first.
   # Since we can't, we'll fake it.

   # trim any leading and trailing whitespace
   $url =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

   # url properly terminates on > but must special-case &gt;
   my $trailer = "";
   $url =~ s{(\&(?:gt|lt)\;.*)$}{ $trailer = $1, ''; }eg;

   # Trim some potential trailing chars, put them outside the link.
   my $tmptrail = "";
   $url =~ s{([,)]+)$}{ $tmptrail .= $1, ''; }eg;
   $trailer = $tmptrail . $trailer;

   my $title = $url;
   if(defined $text) {
      if($text eq "") {
         $text = "[$$counter]";
         $$counter += 1;
      $text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
      $text =~ s/^\|//;
   } else {
      $text = $url;

   return "<a href='$url' title='$title'>$text</a>$trailer";

# Called to handle bookmarks like \[[#heading]] or <span class="createlink"><a href=";from=Mediawiki_Plugin%2Fmediawiki&amp;do=create" rel="nofollow">?</a>#a</span>
sub generate_fragment_link
   my $url = shift;
   my $text = shift;

   my $inurl = $url;
   my $intext = $text;
   $url = scrunch($url);

   if(defined($text) && $text ne "") {
      $text = scrunch($text);
   } else {
      $text = $url;

   $url = underscorize($url);

   # For some reason Mediawiki puts blank titles on all its fragment links.
   # I don't see why we would duplicate that behavior here.
   return "<a href='$url'>$text</a>";

sub generate_internal_link
   my($page, $inlink, $anchor, $title, $trailing, $proc) = @_;

   # Ikiwiki's link link plugin wrecks this line when displaying on the site.
   # Until the code highlighter plugin can turn off link finding,
   # always escape double brackets in double quotes: \[[
   if($inlink eq '..') {
      # Mediawiki doesn't touch links like \[[..#hi|ho]].
      return "\[[" . $inlink . ($anchor?"#$anchor":"") .
         ($title?"|$title":"") . "]]" . $trailing;

   my($linkpage, $linktext);
   if($inlink =~ /^ (:?) \s* Category (\s* \: \s*) ([^\]]*) $/x) {
      # Handle category links
      my $sep = $2;
      $inlink = $3;
      $linkpage = IkiWiki::linkpage(translate_path($page, $inlink));
      if($1) {
         # Produce a link but don't add this page to the given category.
         $linkpage = tagpage($linkpage);
         $linktext = ($title ? '' : "Category$sep") .
            linktext($page, $inlink, $anchor, $title, $trailing);
         $tags{$page}{$linkpage} = 1;
      } else {
         # Add this page to the given category but don't produce a link.
         $tags{$page}{$linkpage} = 1;
         &$proc(tagpage($linkpage), $linktext, $anchor);
         return "";
   } else {
      # It's just a regular link
      $linkpage = IkiWiki::linkpage(translate_path($page, $inlink));
      $linktext = linktext($page, $inlink, $anchor, $title, $trailing);

   return &$proc($linkpage, $linktext, $anchor);

sub check_redirect
   my %params=@_;

   my $page=$params{page};
   my $destpage=$params{destpage};
   my $content=$params{content};

   return "" if $page ne $destpage;

   if($content !~ /^ \s* \#REDIRECT \s* \[\[ ( [^\]]+ ) \]\]/x) {
      # this page isn't a redirect, render it normally.
      return undef;

   # The rest of this function is copied from the redir clause
   # in meta::preprocess and actually handles the redirect.

   my $value = $1;
   $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

   my $safe=0;
   if ($value !~ /^\w+:\/\//) {
      # it's a local link
      my ($redir_page, $redir_anchor) = split /\#/, $value;

      add_depends($page, $redir_page);
      my $link=bestlink($page, underscorize(translate_path($page,$redir_page)));
      if (! length $link) {
         return "<b>Redirect Error:</b> <nowiki>\[[$redir_page]] not found.</nowiki>";

      $value=urlto($link, $page);
      $value.='#'.$redir_anchor if defined $redir_anchor;

      # redir cycle detection
      my $at=$page;
      my %seen;
      while (exists $pagestate{$at}{mediawiki}{redir}) {
         if ($seen{$at}) {
            return "<b>Redirect Error:</b> cycle found on <nowiki>\[[$at]]</nowiki>";
   } else {
      # it's an external link
      $value = encode_entities($value);

   my $redir="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=$value\" />";
   $redir=scrub($redir) if !$safe;
   push @{$metaheaders{$page}}, $redir;

   return "Redirecting to $value ...";

# Feed this routine a string containing <nowiki>...</nowiki> sections,
# this routine calls your callback for every section not within nowikis,
# collecting its return values and returning the rewritten string.
sub skip_nowiki
   my $content = shift;
   my $proc = shift;

   my $result = "";
   my $state = 0;

   for(split(/(<nowiki[^>]*>.*?<\/nowiki\s*>)/s, $content)) {
      $result .= ($state ? $_ : &$proc($_));
      $state = !$state;

   return $result;

# Converts all links in the page, wiki and otherwise.
sub linkify (@)
   my %params=@_;

   my $page=$params{page};
   my $destpage=$params{destpage};
   my $content=$params{content};

   my $file=$pagesources{$page};
   my $type=pagetype($file);
   my $counter = 1;

   if($type ne 'mediawiki') {
      return IkiWiki::Plugin::link::linkify(@_);

   my $redir = check_redirect(%params);
   return $redir if defined $redir;

   # this code was copied from
   # Heavily changed because screws up escaping when it does
   # this awful hack: $uricCheat =~ tr/://d;
   my $schemas = [qw(http https ftp mailto gopher)];
   my $re = join "|", map {qr/\Q$_\E/} @$schemas;
   my $schemes = qr/(?:$re)/;
   # And this is copied from URI:
   my $reserved   = q(;/?@&=+$,);   # NOTE: no colon or [] !
   my $uric       = quotemeta($reserved) . $URI::unreserved . "%#";

   my $result = skip_nowiki($content, sub {
      $_ = shift;

      # Escape any anchors
      # Disabled because this appears to screw up the aggregate plugin.
      # I guess we'll rely on Iki to post-sanitize this sort of stuff.

      # Replace external links, http://blah or [http://blah]
         generate_external_link($1||$2, $3, \$counter)

      # Handle links that only contain fragments.
      s{ \[\[ \s* (\#[^|\]'"<>&;]+) (?:\| ([^\]'"<>&;]*))? \]\] }{
         generate_fragment_link($1, $2)

      # Match all internal links
         generate_internal_link($page, $1, $2, $3, $4, sub {
            my($linkpage, $linktext, $anchor) = @_;
            return htmllink($page, $destpage, $linkpage,
               linktext => $linktext,
               anchor => underscorize(scrunch($anchor)));
      return $_;

   return $result;

# Find all WikiLinks in the page.
sub scan (@)
   my %params = @_;
   my $page=$params{page};
   my $content=$params{content};

   my $file=$pagesources{$page};
   my $type=pagetype($file);

   if($type ne 'mediawiki') {
      return IkiWiki::Plugin::link::scan(@_);

   skip_nowiki($content, sub {
      $_ = shift;
      while(/$link_regexp/g) {
         generate_internal_link($page, $1, '', '', '', sub {
            my($linkpage, $linktext, $anchor) = @_;
            push @{$links{$page}}, $linkpage;
            return undef;
      return '';

# Convert the page to HTML.
sub htmlize (@)
   my %params=@_;
   my $page = $params{page};
   my $content = $params{content};

   return $content if $markup_disabled;

   # Do a little preprocessing to babysit Text::MediawikiFormat
   # If a line begins with tabs, T:MwF won't convert it into preformatted blocks.
   $content =~ s/^\t/    /mg;

   my $ret = Text::MediawikiFormat::format($content, {

       allowed_tags    => [#HTML
                # MediawikiFormat default
                qw(b big blockquote br caption center cite code dd
                   div dl dt em font h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr i li ol p
                   pre rb rp rt ruby s samp small strike strong sub
                   sup table td th tr tt u ul var),
                 # Mediawiki Specific
                 # Our additions
                 qw(del ins),   # These should have been added all along.
                 qw(span),   # Mediawiki allows span but that's rather scary...?
                 qw(a),      # this is unfortunate; should handle links after rendering the page.

       allowed_attrs   => [
                qw(title align lang dir width height bgcolor),
                qw(clear), # BR
                qw(noshade), # HR
                qw(cite), # BLOCKQUOTE, Q
                qw(size face color), # FONT
                # For various lists, mostly deprecated but safe
                qw(type start value compact),
                # Tables
                qw(summary width border frame rules cellspacing
                   cellpadding valign char charoff colgroup col
                   span abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan),
                qw(id class name style), # For CSS
                # Our additions

      }, {
      extended => 0,
      absolute_links => 0,
      implicit_links => 0

   return $ret;

# This is only needed to support the check_redirect call.
sub pagetemplate (@)
   my %params = @_;
   my $page = $params{page};
   my $destpage = $params{destpage};
   my $template = $params{template};

   # handle metaheaders for redirects
   if (exists $metaheaders{$page} && $template->query(name => "meta")) {
   # avoid duplicate meta lines
      my %seen;
      $template->param(meta => join("\n", grep { (! $seen{$_}) && ($seen{$_}=1) } @{$metaheaders{$page}}));

   $template->param(tags => [
      map {
         link => htmllink($page, $destpage, tagpage($_), rel => "tag")
      }, sort keys %{$tags{$page}}
   ]) if exists $tags{$page} && %{$tags{$page}} && $template->query(name => "tags");

   # It's an rss/atom template. Add any categories.
   if ($template->query(name => "categories")) {
      if (exists $tags{$page} && %{$tags{$page}}) {
         $template->param(categories => [map { category => $_ },
            sort keys %{$tags{$page}}]);