blob: 0739c211507c9e32003b60018a3403b297e621bf (
I'm using Ikiwiki on a box where I don't have root access, so I install all of my Perl modules in ~/lib . The script is ran in Taint mode, which means that it ignores the contents of $ENV{PERL5LIB} . The result is that the current versions of the pre-requisite modules I've installed in ~/lib are ignored by ./make , which uses the outdated, and therefore incompatible versions, from the system-wide @INC ... ;-)
I imagine that there's a clean and elegant solution to this, but the hack I'm currently using is to have ./make alter before it's run, by inserting use lib ... lines for each of the directories in $ENV{PERL5LIB} . Again, this is clearly ugly, but it allows me to run ./make , so I'm submitting it FWIW.