- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Licensed under GPL v2 or greater
- # (c) 2007 Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz@skolelinux.org>
- package IkiWiki::Plugin::teximg;
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
- use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
- use HTML::Entities;
- use IkiWiki 3.00;
- my $default_prefix = <<EOPREFIX;
- \\documentclass{article}
- \\usepackage{amsmath}
- \\usepackage{amsfonts}
- \\usepackage{amssymb}
- \\pagestyle{empty}
- \\begin{document}
- my $default_postfix = '\\end{document}';
- sub import {
- hook(type => "getsetup", id => "teximg", call => \&getsetup);
- hook(type => "preprocess", id => "teximg", call => \&preprocess);
- }
- sub getsetup () {
- return
- plugin => {
- safe => 1,
- rebuild => undef,
- section => "widget",
- },
- teximg_dvipng => {
- type => "boolean",
- description => "Should teximg use dvipng to render, or dvips and convert?",
- safe => 0,
- rebuild => undef,
- },
- teximg_prefix => {
- type => "string",
- example => $default_prefix,
- description => "LaTeX prefix for teximg plugin",
- safe => 0, # Not sure how secure LaTeX is...
- rebuild => 1,
- },
- teximg_postfix => {
- type => "string",
- example => $default_postfix,
- description => "LaTeX postfix for teximg plugin",
- safe => 0, # Not sure how secure LaTeX is...
- rebuild => 1,
- },
- }
- sub preprocess (@) {
- my %params = @_;
- my $height = $params{height};
- if (! defined $height || ! length $height) {
- $height = 12;
- }
- else {
- $height =~ s#(\d+)#$1#;
- }
- my $code = $params{code};
- if (! defined $code && ! length $code) {
- error gettext("missing tex code");
- }
- return create($code, check_height($height), \%params);
- }
- sub check_height ($) {
- # Since latex doesn't support unlimited scaling this function
- # returns the closest supported size.
- my $height =shift;
- my @allowed=(8,9,10,11,12,14,17,20);
- my $ret;
- my $fit;
- foreach my $val (@allowed) {
- my $f = abs($val - $height);
- if (! defined($fit) || $f < $fit ) {
- $ret=$val;
- $fit=$f;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- sub create ($$$) {
- # This function calls the image generating function and returns
- # the <img .. /> for the generated image.
- my $code = shift;
- my $height = shift;
- my $params = shift;
- if (! defined($height) and not length($height) ) {
- $height = 12;
- }
- my $digest = md5_hex($code, $height);
- my $imglink= $params->{page} . "/$digest.png";
- my $imglog = $params->{page} . "/$digest.log";
- will_render($params->{page}, $imglink);
- will_render($params->{page}, $imglog);
- my $imgurl=urlto($imglink, $params->{destpage});
- my $logurl=urlto($imglog, $params->{destpage});
- if (-e "$config{destdir}/$imglink" ||
- gen_image($code, $height, $digest, $params->{page})) {
- return qq{<img src="$imgurl" alt="}
- .(exists $params->{alt} ? $params->{alt} : encode_entities($code))
- .qq{" class="teximg" />};
- }
- else {
- error qq{<a href="$logurl">}.gettext("failed to generate image from code")."</a>";
- }
- }
- sub gen_image ($$$$) {
- # Actually creates the image.
- my $code = shift;
- my $height = shift;
- my $digest = shift;
- my $imagedir = shift;
- if (!defined $config{teximg_prefix}) {
- $config{teximg_prefix} = $default_prefix;
- }
- if (!defined $config{teximg_postfix}) {
- $config{teximg_postfix} = $default_postfix;
- }
- if (!defined $config{teximg_dvipng}) {
- $config{teximg_dvipng} = length `which dvipng 2>/dev/null`;
- }
- my $tex = $config{teximg_prefix};
- $tex .= '$$'.$code.'$$';
- $tex .= $config{teximg_postfix};
- $tex =~ s!\\documentclass{article}!\\documentclass[${height}pt]{article}!g;
- $tex =~ s!\\documentclass{scrartcl}!\\documentclass[${height}pt]{scrartcl}!g;
- my $tmp = eval { create_tmp_dir($digest) };
- if (! $@ &&
- writefile("$digest.tex", $tmp, $tex) &&
- system("cd $tmp; shell_escape=f openout_any=p openin_any=p latex --interaction=nonstopmode $digest.tex < /dev/null > /dev/null") == 0 &&
- # ensure destination directory exists
- writefile("$imagedir/$digest.png", $config{destdir}, "") &&
- (($config{teximg_dvipng} &&
- system("dvipng -D 120 -bg Transparent -T tight -o $config{destdir}/$imagedir/$digest.png $tmp/$digest.dvi > $tmp/$digest.log") == 0
- ) || (!$config{teximg_dvipng} &&
- system("dvips -E $tmp/$digest.dvi -o $tmp/$digest.ps 2> $tmp/$digest.log") == 0 &&
- system("convert -density 120 -trim -transparent \"#FFFFFF\" $tmp/$digest.ps $config{destdir}/$imagedir/$digest.png > $tmp/$digest.log") == 0
- ))) {
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- # store failure log
- my $log="";
- {
- if (open(my $f, '<', "$tmp/$digest.log")) {
- local $/=undef;
- $log = <$f>;
- close($f);
- }
- }
- writefile("$digest.log", "$config{destdir}/$imagedir", $log);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- sub create_tmp_dir ($) {
- # Create a temp directory, it will be removed when ikiwiki exits.
- my $base = shift;
- my $template = $base.".XXXXXXXXXX";
- my $tmpdir = tempdir($template, TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
- return $tmpdir;
- }
- 1