- #!/usr/bin/perl
- package IkiWiki::Plugin::filecheck;
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use IkiWiki 2.00;
- my %units=( #{{{ # size in bytes
- B => 1,
- byte => 1,
- KB => 2 ** 10,
- kilobyte => 2 ** 10,
- K => 2 ** 10,
- KB => 2 ** 10,
- kilobyte => 2 ** 10,
- M => 2 ** 20,
- MB => 2 ** 20,
- megabyte => 2 ** 20,
- G => 2 ** 30,
- GB => 2 ** 30,
- gigabyte => 2 ** 30,
- T => 2 ** 40,
- TB => 2 ** 40,
- terabyte => 2 ** 40,
- P => 2 ** 50,
- PB => 2 ** 50,
- petabyte => 2 ** 50,
- E => 2 ** 60,
- EB => 2 ** 60,
- exabyte => 2 ** 60,
- Z => 2 ** 70,
- ZB => 2 ** 70,
- zettabyte => 2 ** 70,
- Y => 2 ** 80,
- YB => 2 ** 80,
- yottabyte => 2 ** 80,
- # ikiwiki, if you find you need larger data quantities, either modify
- # yourself to add them, or travel back in time to 2008 and kill me.
- # -- Joey
- ); #}}}
- sub parsesize ($) { #{{{
- my $size=shift;
- no warnings;
- my $base=$size+0; # force to number
- use warnings;
- foreach my $unit (sort keys %units) {
- if ($size=~/[0-9\s]\Q$unit\E$/i) {
- return $base * $units{$unit};
- }
- }
- return $base;
- } #}}}
- # This is provided for other plugins that want to convert back the other way.
- sub humansize ($) { #{{{
- my $size=shift;
- foreach my $unit (reverse sort { $units{$a} <=> $units{$b} || $b cmp $a } keys %units) {
- if ($size / $units{$unit} > 0.25) {
- return (int($size / $units{$unit} * 10)/10).$unit;
- }
- }
- return $size; # near zero, or negative
- } #}}}
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
- sub match_maxsize ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $maxsize=eval{IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::parsesize(shift)};
- if ($@) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("unable to parse maxsize (or number too large)");
- }
- my %params=@_;
- my $file=exists $params{file} ? $params{file} : $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page};
- if (! defined $file) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no file specified");
- }
- if (-s $file > $maxsize) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file too large (".(-s $file)." > $maxsize)");
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file not too large");
- }
- } #}}}
- sub match_minsize ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $minsize=eval{IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::parsesize(shift)};
- if ($@) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("unable to parse minsize (or number too large)");
- }
- my %params=@_;
- my $file=exists $params{file} ? $params{file} : $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page};
- if (! defined $file) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no file specified");
- }
- if (-s $file < $minsize) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file too small");
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file not too small");
- }
- } #}}}
- sub match_mimetype ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $wanted=shift;
- my %params=@_;
- my $file=exists $params{file} ? $params{file} : $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page};
- if (! defined $file) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no file specified");
- }
- # Use ::magic to get the mime type, the idea is to only trust
- # data obtained by examining the actual file contents.
- eval q{use File::MimeInfo::Magic};
- if ($@) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("failed to load File::MimeInfo::Magic ($@); cannot check MIME type");
- }
- my $mimetype=File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($file);
- if (! defined $mimetype) {
- $mimetype="unknown";
- }
- my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($wanted);
- if ($mimetype!~/^$regexp$/i) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file MIME type is $mimetype, not $wanted");
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file MIME type is $mimetype");
- }
- } #}}}
- sub match_virusfree ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $wanted=shift;
- my %params=@_;
- my $file=exists $params{file} ? $params{file} : $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page};
- if (! defined $file) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no file specified");
- }
- if (! exists $IkiWiki::config{virus_checker} ||
- ! length $IkiWiki::config{virus_checker}) {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("no virus_checker configured");
- }
- # The file needs to be fed into the virus checker on stdin,
- # because the file is not world-readable, and if clamdscan is
- # used, clamd would fail to read it.
- eval q{use IPC::Open2};
- error($@) if $@;
- open (IN, "<", $file) || return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("failed to read file");
- binmode(IN);
- my $sigpipe=0;
- $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $sigpipe=1 };
- my $pid=open2(\*CHECKER_OUT, "<&IN", $IkiWiki::config{virus_checker});
- my $reason=<CHECKER_OUT>;
- chomp $reason;
- 1 while (<CHECKER_OUT>);
- close(CHECKER_OUT);
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- if ($sigpipe || $?) {
- if (! length $reason) {
- $reason="virus checker $IkiWiki::config{virus_checker}; failed with no output";
- }
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file seems to contain a virus ($reason)");
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file seems virusfree ($reason)");
- }
- } #}}}
- sub match_ispage ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $filename=shift;
- if (defined IkiWiki::pagetype($filename)) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file is a wiki page");
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file is not a wiki page");
- }
- } #}}}