diff options
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/IkiWiki/ b/IkiWiki/
index 599bb26e2..fe0b3138a 100644
--- a/IkiWiki/
+++ b/IkiWiki/
@@ -58,52 +58,6 @@ sub backlinks ($) {
return @links;
-sub find_changed_links (@_) {
- my %linkchanged;
- my %linkchangers;
- foreach my $file (@_) {
- my $page=pagename($file);
- if (exists $links{$page}) {
- foreach my $l (@{$links{$page}}) {
- my $link=bestlink($page, $l);
- if (length $link) {
- if (! exists $oldlinks{$page} ||
- ! grep { bestlink($page, $_) eq $link } @{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
- $linkchanged{$link}=1;
- $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (! grep { lc $_ eq lc $l } @{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
- $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (exists $oldlinks{$page}) {
- foreach my $l (@{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
- my $link=bestlink($page, $l);
- if (length $link) {
- if (! exists $links{$page} ||
- ! grep { bestlink($page, $_) eq $link } @{$links{$page}}) {
- $linkchanged{$link}=1;
- $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (! grep { lc $_ eq lc $l } @{$links{$page}}) {
- $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return \%linkchanged, \%linkchangers;
sub genpage ($$) {
my $page=shift;
my $content=shift;
@@ -389,6 +343,7 @@ sub refresh () {
my ($files, $exists)=find_src_files();
my (%rendered, @add, @del, @internal, @internal_change);
# check for added or removed pages
foreach my $file (@$files) {
my $page=pagename($file);
@@ -452,10 +407,11 @@ sub refresh () {
$stat[9] > $pagemtime{$page} ||
$forcerebuild{$page}) {
if (isinternal($page)) {
- push @internal_change, $file;
# Preprocess internal page in scan-only mode.
preprocess($page, $page, readfile($srcfile), 1);
+ push @internal_change, $file;
else {
push @needsbuild, $file;
@@ -464,7 +420,19 @@ sub refresh () {
run_hooks(needsbuild => sub { shift->(\@needsbuild) });
- # scan and render files
+ # before scanning, make a note of where pages'
+ # old links pointed
+ my %oldlink_targets;
+ foreach my $file (@needsbuild, @del) {
+ my $page=pagename($file);
+ if (exists $oldlinks{$page}) {
+ foreach my $l (@{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
+ $oldlink_targets{$page}{$l}=bestlink($page, $l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # scan and render changed files
foreach my $file (@needsbuild) {
debug(sprintf(gettext("scanning %s"), $file));
@@ -499,99 +467,121 @@ sub refresh () {
- if (%rendered || @del || @internal || @internal_change) {
+ # determine which links, on what pages, have changed
+ my %backlinkchanged;
+ my %linkchangers;
+ foreach my $file (@needsbuild, @del) {
+ my $page=pagename($file);
+ my %link_targets;
+ if (exists $links{$page}) {
+ foreach my $l (@{$links{$page}}) {
+ my $target=bestlink($page, $l);
+ if (! exists $oldlink_targets{$page}{$l} ||
+ $target ne $oldlink_targets{$page}{$l}) {
+ $backlinkchanged{$l}=1;
+ $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1;
+ }
+ delete $oldlink_targets{$page}{$l};
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $oldlink_targets{$page} &&
+ %{$oldlink_targets{$page}}) {
+ foreach my $target (keys %{$oldlink_targets{$page}}) {
+ $backlinkchanged{$target}=1;
+ }
+ $linkchangers{lc($page)}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ %oldlink_targets=();
+ # rebuild dependant pages, recursively
+ my $deps=(@needsbuild || @del || @internal || @internal_change);
+ do {
+ $deps=0;
my @changed=(keys %rendered, @del);
- my ($linkchanged, $linkchangers)=find_changed_links(@changed);
- my $unsettled;
- do {
- $unsettled=0;
- @changed=(keys %rendered, @del);
- my @exists_changed=(@add, @del);
+ my @exists_changed=(@add, @del);
- my %lc_changed = map { lc(pagename($_)) => 1 } @changed;
- my %lc_exists_changed = map { lc(pagename($_)) => 1 } @exists_changed;
+ my %lc_changed = map { lc(pagename($_)) => 1 } @changed;
+ my %lc_exists_changed = map { lc(pagename($_)) => 1 } @exists_changed;
- # rebuild dependant pages
- foreach my $f (@$files) {
- next if $rendered{$f};
- my $p=pagename($f);
- my $reason = undef;
+ foreach my $f (@$files) {
+ next if $rendered{$f};
+ my $p=pagename($f);
+ my $reason = undef;
- if (exists $depends_simple{$p}) {
- foreach my $d (keys %{$depends_simple{$p}}) {
- if (($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT &&
- $lc_changed{$d})
- ||
- ($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE &&
- $lc_exists_changed{$d})
- ||
- ($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS &&
- $linkchangers->{$d})
- ) {
- $reason = $d;
- last;
- }
+ if (exists $depends_simple{$p}) {
+ foreach my $d (keys %{$depends_simple{$p}}) {
+ if (($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT &&
+ $lc_changed{$d})
+ ||
+ ($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE &&
+ $lc_exists_changed{$d})
+ ||
+ ($depends_simple{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS &&
+ $linkchangers{$d})
+ ) {
+ $reason = $d;
+ last;
+ }
- if (exists $depends{$p} && ! defined $reason) {
- D: foreach my $d (keys %{$depends{$p}}) {
- my $sub=pagespec_translate($d);
- next if $@ || ! defined $sub;
- # only consider internal files
- # if the page explicitly depends
- # on such files
- my $internal_dep=$d =~ /internal\(/;
- my @candidates;
- if ($depends{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE) {
- @candidates=@exists_changed;
- push @candidates, @internal
- if $internal_dep;
- }
- if (($depends{$p}{$d} & ($IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT | $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS))) {
- @candidates=@changed;
- push @candidates, @internal, @internal_change
- if $internal_dep;
- }
+ if (exists $depends{$p} && ! defined $reason) {
+ D: foreach my $d (keys %{$depends{$p}}) {
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($d);
+ next if $@ || ! defined $sub;
+ # only consider internal files
+ # if the page explicitly depends
+ # on such files
+ my $internal_dep=$d =~ /internal\(/;
+ my @candidates;
+ if ($depends{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE) {
+ @candidates=@exists_changed;
+ push @candidates, @internal
+ if $internal_dep;
+ }
+ if (($depends{$p}{$d} & ($IkiWiki::DEPEND_CONTENT | $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS))) {
+ @candidates=@changed;
+ push @candidates, @internal, @internal_change
+ if $internal_dep;
+ }
- foreach my $file (@candidates) {
- next if $file eq $f;
- my $page=pagename($file);
- if ($sub->($page, location => $p)) {
- if ($depends{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS) {
- next unless $linkchangers->{lc($page)};
- }
- $reason = $page;
- last D;
+ foreach my $file (@candidates) {
+ next if $file eq $f;
+ my $page=pagename($file);
+ if ($sub->($page, location => $p)) {
+ if ($depends{$p}{$d} & $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS) {
+ next unless $linkchangers{lc($page)};
+ $reason = $page;
+ last D;
- if (defined $reason) {
- debug(sprintf(gettext("building %s, which depends on %s"), $f, $reason));
- render($f);
- $rendered{$f}=1;
- $unsettled=1;
- last;
- }
- } while $unsettled;
- # update backlinks at end
- foreach my $link (keys %{$linkchanged}) {
- my $linkfile=$pagesources{$link};
- if (defined $linkfile) {
- next if $rendered{$linkfile};
- debug(sprintf(gettext("building %s, to update its backlinks"), $linkfile));
- render($linkfile);
- $rendered{$linkfile}=1;
+ if (defined $reason) {
+ debug(sprintf(gettext("building %s, which depends on %s"), $f, $reason));
+ render($f);
+ $rendered{$f}=1;
+ $deps=1;
+ last;
+ } while $deps;
+ # update backlinks
+ foreach my $link (keys %backlinkchanged) {
+ my $linkfile=$pagesources{$link};
+ if (defined $linkfile) {
+ next if $rendered{$linkfile};
+ debug(sprintf(gettext("building %s, to update its backlinks"), $linkfile));
+ render($linkfile);
+ $rendered{$linkfile}=1;
+ }
# remove no longer rendered files