path: root/TODO
blob: aeffb4a5a8a4710890ff3d94586abee1ebe7fbfc (plain)
  1. Processing:
  2.   * Optionally cap over-long titles in headers.
  3. * Mark bad links (not only warn at build) in flightcheck+draft mode.
  4. * Warn about possible HTML escapes in content (e.g. &#\d+; or %{HEX}).
  5. * Maybe comply with PDF/A-1b (or newer).
  6. + Include to preflight online test against e.g.
  7. <>
  8. * Generalize pandoc-memoir filter.
  9. + Enable matter injection conditional to environment variable.
  10. + Define Headline regexes via environment variable.
  11. * Verify that pandoc-citeproc is applied only once.
  12. Content modelling:
  13. * Consider use typographic enhancement tunings:
  14. + icomma - avoid automagic space after comma (e.g. money amount).
  15. + ellipsis - ensure balanced space around ellipsis.
  16. + xspace - ensure space after superscript/subscript characters.
  17. + numprint - space/comma separated enumeration.
  18. + cite - enhanced citation handling.
  19. * Support numbered lists with complex starting point.
  20. + "Mandatory Characteristics" list ideally should be 4.1.1-4.1.6.
  21. * Redirect bibtex parsing warnings/errors to STDERR.
  22. + Example: Title section containing doublequote.
  23. + ideally switch to Biber.
  24. Styling:
  25. * Use standardized layout for bibliography.
  26. + Obey csquotes in citations.
  27. * no quoting around origin link string.
  28. * Use A or B form factor (not Letter) for ebook page size.
  29. * Conditionally set narrow margins for mainmatter of ebook target.
  30. + \setlrmarginsandblock{1cm}{*}{*}
  31. * Maybe visually wrap URLs in <> to distinguish trailing punctuation.
  32. * Adapt colophon for each target (type measure vary).
  33. * Penalize pagebreak between single line and list.
  34. Repository:
  35. * Add README
  36. * Add proper copyright and licensing
  37. + Code: AGPL-3+.
  38. + Design: CC-by-sa-4.0.
  39. Release:
  40. * Repository stuff.
  41. * No orange or yellow markup!