diff options
authorHector <>2009-07-24 20:22:48 +0200
committerHector <>2009-07-24 20:22:48 +0200
commit66701e342c5f2671f15ea251ac057e852d243c54 (patch)
First import
Signed-off-by: Hector <>
3 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9fcfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+SRCDIR ?= .
+DESTDIR ?= /home/zumbi/public_html/docs
+remotehost ?=
+# Pull title, author and creationdate from this Markdown file
+metahintfile = $(SRCDIR)/chap0.mdwn)
+# source docs
+s5file = $(SRCDIR)/emdebian.mdwn
+#reportfiles = $(filter-out $(s5file), $(mdwnfiles))
+#reportfiles = $(patsubst %,$(SRCDIR)/chap%.mdwn,0 1 2 2a 2b 3 4 5)
+s5 = $(BUILDDIR)/index.html
+#htmlreports = $(BUILDDIR)/report.html
+#pdfreports = $(BUILDDIR)/report.pdf
+#extrafiles += $(BUILDDIR)/db-now.pdf
+#htmlcopyfiles = $(BUILDDIR)/map.png
+#pdfcopyfiles = $(BUILDDIR)/map.pdf
+#javacopyfiles = $(patsubst %,$(BUILDDIR)/map/%,freemindbrowser.jar index.html
+all: $(s5) $(htmlreports) $(pdfreports) $(javacopyfiles)
+install: all
+ for f in $(installfiles:$(BUILDDIR)/%=%); do \
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)/`dirname $$f`; \
+ install -p -m u=rw,go=r,a-s -t $(DESTDIR)/`dirname $$f` $(BUILDDIR)/$$f; \
+ done
+ rm -f $(installfiles:$(BUILDDIR)/%=$(DESTDIR)/%)
+ rm -f $(copyfiles) $(genfiles) $(filter-out $(maybecopyfiles),$(installfiles) $(noinstallfiles))
+ rm -f $(pdfreports:=~)
+sync: install
+ rsync -avH $(DESTDIR)/ $(remotehost):$(DESTDIR)/
+include make/
diff --git a/emdebian.mdwn b/emdebian.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..806d318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emdebian.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% uClibc & BusyBox - quick review and discussion
+% Simon Richter & Héctor Orón
+% DebConf9, July 2009
+# Objective
+Debian providing tools to build uClibc (mmu/non-mmu)
+embedded based systems.
+# Contents
+ * Definitions
+ * Library vs New Architecture
+ * uClibc Debian Naming
+ * BusyBox
+ * Discussion
+# Multi-Arch:
+# Definitions
+ * uClibc:
+ * BusyBox:
+# Library vs New Architecture
+# uClibc Debian Naming
+# BusyBox
+# Disscussion
diff --git a/make/ b/make/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2336dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+title ?= $(shell sed -ne '1s/^% *//p' < $(metahintfile))
+author ?= $(shell sed -ne '2s/^% *//p' < $(metahintfile))
+creationdate ?= $(shell sed -ne '3s/^% *//p' < $(metahintfile))
+mdwnfiles = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.mdwn)
+dotfiles = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.dot)
+gvprfiles = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.g)
+pngdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.png)
+gifdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.gif)
+jpgdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.jpg)
+svgdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.svg)
+epsdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.eps)
+pdfdotfiles = $(dotfiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%.pdf)
+pnggvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.png)
+gifgvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.gif)
+jpggvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.jpg)
+svggvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.svg)
+epsgvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.eps)
+pdfgvprfiles = $(gvprfiles:$(SRCDIR)/%.g=$(BUILDDIR)/%.pdf)
+htmlimgfiles += $(gifgvprfiles) $(gifdotfiles)
+pdfimgfiles += $(pdfgvprfiles) $(pdfdotfiles)
+infiles = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.in)
+genfiles = $(infiles:$(SRCDIR)/$(BUILDDIR)/%)
+maybecopyfiles = $(htmlcopyfiles) $(pdfcopyfiles) $(javacopyfiles)
+streq = $(if $(filter-out xx,x$(subst $1,,$2)$(subst $2,,$1)x),,yes)
+copyfiles = $(if $(call streq,$(STATICSRCDIR),$(BUILDDIR)),,$(maybecopyfiles))
+installfiles += $(s5) $(htmlreports) $(htmlimgfiles) $(htmlcopyfiles)
+installfiles += $(pdfreports)
+installfiles += $(javacopyfiles)
+installfiles += $(extrafiles)
+noinstallfiles = $(filter-out $(extrafiles),$(pdfimgfiles))
+$(htmlreports):: $(reportfiles) $(htmlimgfiles) $(htmlcopyfiles)
+ pandoc --to=html --smart --standalone --toc --output=$@ $(reportfiles)
+$(pdfreports):: $(BUILDDIR)/header.tex $(reportfiles) $(pdfimgfiles) $(pdfcopyfiles)
+ for f in $(reportfiles); do cat $$f; echo; done \
+ | sed 's,\([a-z0-9-]*\.\)\(gif\|png\),$(BUILDDIR)\/\1pdf,g;s,\./,,g' \
+ | xmarkdown2pdf --toc -C $(BUILDDIR)/header.tex --output=$@
+$(s5):: $(s5file) $(htmlimgfiles) $(htmlcopyfiles)
+ pandoc --to=s5 --smart --standalone --output=$@ $(s5file)
+$(pngdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.png: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tpng:cairo -o $@
+ optipng -q $@
+$(gifdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.gif: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tgif:cairo -o $@
+$(jpgdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.jpg: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tjpg:cairo -o $@
+$(svgdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.svg: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tsvg:cairo -o $@
+$(epsdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.eps: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Teps:lasi -o $@
+$(pdfdotfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.pdf: $(SRCDIR)/
+ dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tpdf -o $@
+# dot -Tdot $< | gvpr -c '' | dot -Tpdf -Gsize=3.8,3.8 -o $@
+# FIXME: depend on gvprdotfile (not all dotfiles)
+gvprdotfile = $(SRCDIR)/$(filter-out -%,$(subst -, -,$*)).dot
+$(pnggvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.png: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tpng:cairo -o $@
+ optipng -q $@
+$(gifgvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.gif: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tgif:cairo -o $@
+$(jpggvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.jpg: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tjpg:cairo -o $@
+$(svggvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.svg: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tsvg:cairo -o $@
+$(epsgvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.eps: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Teps:ps -o $@
+$(pdfgvprfiles):: $(BUILDDIR)/%.pdf: $(SRCDIR)/%.g $(dotfiles)
+ dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tpdf -o $@
+# dot -Tdot $(gvprdotfile) | gvpr -c -f $< | dot -Tpdf -Gsize=3.8,3.8 -o $@
+$(genfiles): $(BUILDDIR)/%: $(STATICSRCDIR)/
+ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ sed -e 's/@title@/$(title)/g;s/@author@/$(author)/g;s/@subject@/$(subject)/g;s/@keywords@/$(keywords)/g;s/@creationdate@/$(creationdate)/g;' < $< > $@
+$(copyfiles): $(BUILDDIR)/%: $(STATICSRCDIR)/%
+ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ cp -af $< $@